Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 950 CMR 70.00 - Massachusetts Historical Commission
Section 70.04 - Definitions
Applicant means the person(s) or institutions(s) seeking a permit in accordance with M.G.L. c.9, § 27C.
Data Recovery means the systematic removal of the scientic, prehistoric, historic, and/or archeological data that provide an archeological site with its research or data value. Data Recovery means the extensive and intensive excavation of an archeological site for the purposes of the scientific understanding of past cultures.
Field Investigation means the study of traces of human culture or other remains of any land or water site by means of surveying, digging, sampling, excavating or removing surface or subsurface objects, or the entrance onto a site with that intent. Archeological field investigations can be either Destructive or Non-Destructive. Non-Destructive field investigations are studies which do not alter the physical structure, associations, setting, context or aspects of a site. Non-Destructive field investigation can involve a variety of investigative methods such as: archival and documentary research, photography, measured drawing, mapping, walking-over, visual inspection, magnetometer studies, subsurface radar studies, and other remote sensing studies. Destructive field investigations are studies which alter the physical structure, associations, setting, context or aspects of a site. There are four levels of Destructive field investigations which range from the least to the most destructive: Reconnaissance Survey, Intensive Survey, Site Examination, and Data Recovery (see individual definitions).
Intentive Survey means a systematic and detailed archeological field investigation for the purpose of locating and identifying the sites which exist in a given area.
Inventory means the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth which is kept by the Massachusetts Historical Commission and the State Archeologist as provided by M.G.L. c. 9, § 26A.
Inventory Form means Form D of the Massachusetts Historical Commission (see Appendix A).
MHC means the Massachusetts Historical Commission and the State Review Board (as provided by 36 CFR 61.5) .
National Register means the National Register of Historic Places which is maintained by the Secretary of the Interior under provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
Northeast means the area of continental North America which is east of the Mississippi River, and was glaciated.
Permittee means the members of a Research Team who receive permit to conduct a field investigation as provided by 950 CMR 70.00.
Permit Application means the form prepared by the State Archeologist to be used in order to request a permit as provided by 950 CMR 70.00 (see Appendix B).
Principal Investigator means the individual directly responsible for an archaeological field investigation.
Reconnaissance Survey means a field investigation which entails small-scale archival and field research relative to the overall complexity of the target area and its resources, designed to provide a general impression of the area's archeological properties.
Research Design means a plan out lining the proposed approach to a Reconnaissance Survey, Intensive Survey, Site Examination Project or Data Recovery Project. Minimally, the research design should specify research questions, research methods, and some anticipated results of the study.
Research Team means the group of individuals who are scheduled in the Permit Application to participate in the Field Investigation.
Site means any aboriginal mound, fort, earthwork, village, location, burial ground, historic or prehistoric ruin, quarry, cave or other location one hundred and fifty years old or more, which is or may be the source of valuable archeological data. Valuable archeological data means information that is significant to national, state or local historical or prehistorical research. An archeological site is the geographic locus of the material remains of human activity.
Site examination means an archeological field investigation at an archeological site which gives a preliminary definition of the size, data contents and spatial arrangement of artifacts and features for the purposes of assessing a site's integrity, research potential, and significance, and in order to make an opinion of the potential eligibility of the site for inclusion in the National Register.
Special Permit means a permit issued by the State Archeologist to excavate human skeletal remains.
Specimen means all relics, artifacts, remains, objects, or any other evidence of a historical, prehistorical, archeological, an thropological or paleontological nature 150 years old or more which may be found below or on the surface of the earth, and which have scientific, historical or archeological value, including but not limited to objects of antiquity, aboriginal, colonial or industrial relics, and archeological or paleontological samples.
Summary Report means a report required as part of completion of a field investigation.
U.S.G.S Quad means a 71/2' topographic quadrangle of the United States Geological Survey.