Code of Massachusetts Regulations
935 CMR - Cannabis Control Commission
Title 935 CMR 500.000 - Adult Use of Marijuana
Section 500.146 - Additional Operational Requirements for Marijuana Delivery Operators

Universal Citation: 935 MA Code of Regs 935.500

Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024

(1) Warehousing.

(a) A Delivery Operator shall operate a Warehouse for the storage of Finished Marijuana Products and preparation of Individual Orders for Delivery.

(b) Warehouses shall comply with all applicable requirements of 935 CMR 500.105 and 935 CMR 500.110.

(c) Warehouses shall incorporate a sally port or loading area immediately adjacent to the Warehouse that enables the transfer of Finished Marijuana Products into a vehicle for delivery.

(2) Limitation on Sales.

(a) In accordance with M.G.L. c. 94G, § 7, a Delivery Operator may not knowingly sell more than one ounce or its combined dry weight equivalent in Finished Marijuana Products to Consumers per day.
1. One ounce of Marijuana flower shall be equivalent to five grams of active tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in Marijuana concentrate including, but not limited to, Tinctures.

2. One ounce of Marijuana flower shall be equivalent to five hundred milligrams of active tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in Edibles.

3. Topicals and ointments shall not be subject to a limitation on daily sales.

(b) A Delivery Operator may not sell Finished Marijuana Products in excess of the potency levels established by 935 CMR 500.150(4); and

(c) A Delivery Operator shall demonstrate that it has a point-of-sale system that does not allow for a transaction in excess of the limit established in 935 CMR 500.140(3) or the potency levels established in 935 CMR 500.150(4).

(3) Unauthorized Sales and Right to Refuse Sales or Delivery.

(a) A Delivery Operator shall refuse to sell or deliver Finished Marijuana Products to any Consumer who is unable to produce valid proof of government-issued identification.

(b) A Delivery Operator shall refuse to sell or deliver Finished Marijuana Products to a Consumer if, in the opinion of the Marijuana Establishment Agent based on the information available to the agent at that time, the Consumer or the public would be placed at risk. This includes, but is not limited to, the Consumer engaging in daily transactions that exceed the legal possession limits or that create a risk of diversion.

(c) A Delivery Operator shall provide the information required under 935 CMR 500.146(7)(a) for each Finished Marijuana Product it offers for sale and delivery prior to the product being made available for sale and shall update the information whenever a substantial change to packaging or label of the Finished Marijuana Product occurs. For purposes of 500.146(8)(c), a substantial change shall be a change to the physical attributes or content of the package or label.

(d) A Delivery Operator is prohibited from selling or delivering Finished Marijuana Products containing nicotine, if sales of tobacco or cigarettes would require licensure under state law.

(e) A Delivery Operator is prohibited from selling or delivering Finished Marijuana Products containing alcohol, if sales of such alcohol would require licensure pursuant to M.G.L. c. 138.

(4) Recording Sales.

(a) A Delivery Operator shall only utilize a point-of-sale system approved by the Commission, in consultation with the DOR.

(b) A Delivery Operator may utilize a sales recording module approved by the DOR.

(c) A Delivery Operator is prohibited from utilizing software or other methods to manipulate or alter sales data.

(d) A Delivery Operator shall conduct a monthly analysis of its equipment and sales data to determine that no software has been installed that could be utilized to manipulate or alter sales data and that no other methodology has been employed to manipulate or alter sales data. A Delivery Operator shall maintain records that it has performed the monthly analysis and produce it on request to the Commission. If a Delivery Operator determines that software has been installed for the purpose of manipulation or alteration of sales data or other methods have been utilized to manipulate or alter sales data:
1. It shall immediately disclose the information to the Commission and DOR;

2. It shall cooperate with the Commission in any investigation regarding manipulation or alteration of sales data; and

3. Take such other action directed by the Commission to comply with 935 CMR 500.105.

(e) A Delivery Operator shall comply with 830 CMR 62C.25.1: Record Retention and DOR Directive 16-1 regarding recordkeeping requirements.

(f) A Delivery Operator shall adopt separate accounting practices at the point of sale for Marijuana and Marijuana Product sales, and non-Marijuana sales.

(g) The Commission and the DOR may audit and examine the point-of-sale system used by a Delivery Operator in order to ensure compliance with Massachusetts tax laws and 935 CMR 500.140(5).

(5) Consumer Education. A Delivery Operator shall make available educational materials about Finished Marijuana Products to Consumers. A Delivery Operator shall have an adequate supply of current educational material available for distribution. Educational materials shall be available in commonly spoken languages designated by the Commission, which will include, but not be limited to, appropriate materials for the visually- and hearing-impaired. Such materials shall be made available for inspection by the Commission on request. If there is a failure to provide these materials, a licensee may be subject to disciplinary action under 935 CMR 500.000. The educational material shall include at least the following:

(a) A warning that Marijuana has not been analyzed or approved by the FDA, that there is limited information on side effects, that there may be health risks associated with using Marijuana, and that it should be kept away from children;

(b) A warning that when under the influence of Marijuana, driving is prohibited by M.G.L. c. 90, § 24, and machinery should not be operated;

(c) Information to assist in the selection of Finished Marijuana Products, describing the potential differing effects of various strains of Marijuana, as well as various forms and routes of administration;

(d) Materials offered to Consumers to enable them to track the strains used and their associated effects;

(e) Information describing proper dosage and titration for different routes of administration. Emphasis shall be on using the smallest amount possible to achieve the desired effect. The impact of potency shall also be explained;

(f) A discussion of tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal;

(g) Facts regarding substance use disorder signs and symptoms, as well as referral information for substance use disorder treatment program, and the telephone number for the Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline;

(h) A statement that Consumers may not sell Finished Marijuana Products to any other individual;

(i) Information regarding penalties for possession or distribution of Marijuana in violation of Massachusetts law; and

(j) Any other information required by the Commission.

(6) Testing. No Finished Marijuana Product may be sold or otherwise marketed for adult use that has not first been tested by Independent Testing Laboratories, except as allowed under 935 CMR 500.000. The product shall be deemed to comply with the standards required under 935 CMR 500.160. Potency levels derived from the Cannabinoid Profile, including the amount of delta-nine-tetrahydrocannabinol ([DELTA]9-THC)) and other Cannabinoids, contained within Finished Marijuana or Marijuana Product to be sold or otherwise marketed shall be recorded in the Seed-to-sale SOR.

(7) White Labeling. The Licensee engaged in the White Labeling of Finished Marijuana Products shall comply with the labeling and packaging requirements under 935 CMR 500.105(5) and (6) prior to delivery to Consumers.

(a) The Wholesale Agreement between a Delivery Operator and the Marijuana Establishment from which they are wholesaling shall clearly indicate whether the Delivery Operator or the Marijuana Establishment licensee from which the Finished Marijuana Product(s) are being wholesaled shall be responsible for White Labeling on behalf of the Delivery Operator.

(b) The Delivery Operator shall notify the Commission within 21 days of any Substantial Modification to a Wholesale Agreement that alters which Licensee has responsibility for White Labeling on behalf of the Delivery Operator. A Licensee shall obtain the written authorization of the Commission prior to commencing White Labeling.

(c) The Delivery Operator may submit the label to be used for White Labeling to the Commission in accordance with 935 CMR 500.105(7).

(8) Product Database. A Delivery Operator that purchases any Wholesale Finished Marijuana Products from a licensed Marijuana Cultivator, Microbusiness or Craft Marijuana Cooperative for the purpose of delivery to Consumers, whether White Labeled or not, shall provide the Commission with information to populate the Product Database. A Delivery Operator that purchases wholesale Finished Marijuana Products from a licensed Marijuana Product Manufacturer for the purpose of White Labeling and sale to Consumers shall provide the Commission with information to populate the Product Database. Product Database information for Finished Marijuana Products purchased at Wholesale from Product Manufacturers that are not White Labeled shall remain the responsibility of the Product Manufacturer under 935 CMR 500.130(6).

(a) The Delivery Operator shall provide the following:
1. A photograph of a Finished Marijuana Product outside of but next to the Marijuana Product's packaging; provided however that where single servings of a multi-serving product are unable to be easily identified because of its form, a description of what constitutes a single serving shall be provided (e.g., a single serving is a 1" x 1" square);

2. A photograph of the Marijuana Product inside packaging; and

3. The name of the Product Manufacturer that produced the Marijuana Product.

(b) Photographs submitted shall be electronic files in a JPEG format with a minimum photo resolution of 640 x 480 and print resolution of 300 DPI. Photographs shall be against a white background.

(c) A Delivery Operator shall provide the information required under 935 CMR 500.146(7)(a) for each Finished Marijuana Product it offers for sale and delivery prior to the product being made available for sale and shall update the information whenever a substantial change to packaging or label of the Finished Marijuana Product occurs. For purposes of 500.146(8)(c), a substantial change shall be a change to the physical attributes or content of the package or label.

(9) In addition to the written operating policies required under 935 CMR 500.105(1), a Delivery Operator shall maintain written policies and procedures which shall include:

(a) Policies and procedures for adequately tracking, recording, and documenting all Vendor Samples that the Delivery Operator receives from a Marijuana Cultivator, a Marijuana Product Manufacturer, a Microbusiness or a Craft Marijuana Cooperative; and

(b) Policies and procedures for adequately tracking, recording, and documenting all Vendor Samples that the Delivery Operator provides to employees for the purpose of assessing product quality and determining whether to make the product available to sell.

(10) Vendor Samples .

(a) A Delivery Operator may receive a Vendor Sample of Marijuana flower from a Marijuana Cultivator pursuant to 935 CMR 500.120(13). A Delivery Operator may also receive a Vendor Sample of Marijuana Product from a Marijuana Product Manufacturer pursuant to 935 CMR 500.130(8). Receipt of a Vendor Sample under 935 CMR 500.146(10) shall not be considered a prohibited practice under 935 CMR 500.105(4)(b)20.

(b) Vendor Samples may not be sold to another licensee or Consumer.

(c) A Delivery Operator may provide the Vendor Samples it receives from a Marijuana Cultivator or a Marijuana Product Manufacturer to its Employees for the purpose of assessing product quality and determining whether to make the product available to sell the product. Vendor Samples may not be consumed on any licensed Premises.

(d) Vendor Sample limits. A Marijuana Delivery Operator is limited to providing the following aggregate amounts of Vendor Samples to all Employees in a calendar month period:
1. Four grams per strain of Marijuana flower and no more than seven strains of Marijuana flower;

2. Five grams of Marijuana concentrate or extract including, but not limited to, Tinctures;

3. Five hundred milligrams of Edibles whereby the serving size of each individual sample does not exceed five milligrams and otherwise satisfies the potency levels set forth in 935 CMR 500.150(4); and

4. Five units of sale per Cannabis product line and no more than six individual Cannabis product lines. For purposes of 935 CMR 500.146(10), a Cannabis product line shall mean items bearing the same Stock Keeping Unit Number.

(e) Upon providing a Vendor Sample to an employee, the Delivery Operator shall record:
1. The reduction in quantity of the total weight or item count under the unique alphanumeric identifier associated with the Vendor Sample;

2. The date and time the Vendor Sample was provided to the Employee;

3. The agent registration number of the employee receiving the Vendor Sample; and

4. The name of the Employee as it appears on their agent registration card.

(f) All Vendor Samples provided by a Delivery Operator to its employees shall also be entered into the point-of-sale system and shall count against the individual employee's daily purchase limit, if applicable, consistent with 935 CMR 500.146(2).

(11) Sale of Marijuana Vaporizer Devices.

(a) A Marijuana Delivery Operator offering Marijuana Vaporizer Devices for sale to Consumers shall include a conspicuous and prominently displayed statement on its website, that is legible and enlarged and contains the following statements:
1. "Marijuana Vaporizer Devices have been tested for Vitamin E Acetate and other contaminants, with no adverse findings. WARNING: Vaporizer Devices may contain ingredients harmful to health when inhaled."

2. "Consumers shall have access to the test results of Marijuana Vaporizer Devices including copies of any Certificates of Analysis provided by the device's manufacturer."

(b) A Delivery Operator shall provide a physical insert to Consumers that accompanies all purchased and delivered Marijuana Vaporizer Devices that states, including capitalization and emphasis, the following: "Marijuana Vaporizer Devices have been tested for Vitamin E Acetate and other contaminants, with no adverse findings. WARNING: Vaporizer Devices may contain ingredients harmful to health when inhaled."

(c) The sale of disposable and reusable vaporizer pens and devices shall be accompanied by a product insert identifying the materials used in the vaporizer device's atomizer coil (e.g., titanium, titanium alloy, quartz, copper, nichrome, kanthal, or other specified material), and manufacturer identification of the device hardware, cartridge, battery and other components;

(d) A Delivery Operator shall make available the information contained in 935 CMR 500.105(5)(c)6 in the product description as part of any product list posted on the Delivery Operator's website or Third-party Technology Platforms or applications employed for delivery.

(e) A Delivery Operator shall retain all records of purchases from any Product Manufacturer or supplier of any ingredient, additive, device, component part or other materials provided to the Delivery Operator about Marijuana Vaporizer Devices sold by licensees. Such records shall be made available to the Commission upon request.

(12) Prohibition on Monopolies.

(a) It shall be a violation of 935 CMR 500.000 for any Delivery Operator to monopolize or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or entity including, but not limited to, a Third-party Technology Platform Provider, to monopolize any part of licensed activities authorized under 935 CMR 500.000.

(b) It shall be a violation of, 935 CMR 500.000, for any Delivery Operator engaged in activities authorized under 935 CMR 500.000 to make a contract for services with a Third-party Technology Platform Provider for the listing of a Delivery Operator or a Delivery Operator's Finished Marijuana Products on the condition, agreement or understanding that the parties to the contract shall not deal in Marijuana or Marijuana Products, either generally or specific brands or categories of Finished Marijuana Products, of a competitor or competitors of the parties where the effect of such contract or such condition, agreement or understanding may be to lessen substantially competition or tend to create a monopoly in any activity engaged in under 935 CMR. 500.000.

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