Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 330 CMR 25.00 - Agricultural Composting Program
Section 25.03 - Agricultural Composting Registration
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
Failure to satisfy any of the criteria in 330 CMR 25.03(1) through (13) shall be sufficient grounds for the Department to deny a Registration:
(1) The Agricultural Composting Operation is located on an Agricultural Unit;
(2) The Applicant has submitted a completed application on a form provided by the Department;
(3) The Agricultural Composting Operation does not prevent the Applicant or Owner's ability to maintain the Agricultural Unit as a commercial agricultural entity;
(4) The application includes practices to ensure the Agricultural Composting Operation does not result in an unpermitted discharge of pollutants to air, water, or other natural resources of the Commonwealth;
(5) The Agricultural Unit on which the Agricultural Composting Operation is proposed to be located in an application for Registration is capable of handling frequent heavy equipment, appropriately graded, and of adequate size to handle the projected volume of materials to be Composted;
(6) The area on the Agricultural Unit where the Agricultural Composting Operation is proposed to be located in an application for Registration is not located on excessively drained soils (e.g., sand) or highly impermeable soils (e.g., clay);
(7) The Application shall include a Compost Facility Plan including each of the following elements:
(8) The Agricultural Composting Operation shall be:
(9) In addition to meeting the requirements in 330 CMR 25.03(8), the Agricultural Composting Operation shall comply with the following:
(10) The Applicant and Owner, if not the Applicant, agree to allow site visit(s) by the Department, at all reasonable times and without prior notice, to assess the initial application and throughout the term of the Registration to determine compliance with the Registration;
(11) The Applicant successfully completes a Department-approved Compost training program. The Department shall maintain a list of approved Compost training programs. An application submitted prior to March 1, 2020 may be approved subject to the Applicant successfully completing such a training program within one year after such date;
(12) The Agricultural Unit shall receive no more than 75 tons per week of Group 2 Materials; and
(13) The granting of the Registration will be in the best interest of Massachusetts agriculture and there is no demonstrated history by the Applicant of non-compliance with environmental laws or regulations of the Commonwealth or poor Composting practices.