Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 330 CMR 11.00 - Swine
Section 11.04 - Importation of Swine into the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
Except when eligible for an exemption described in 330 CMR 11.04(10), anyone bringing Swine into the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must meet the following requirements:
(1) Notice: Notify the Department in advance of the approximate number of Swine, each animal's origin, and the date that the Swine will arrive in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
(2) Health Certificate. Ensure that the swine are accompanied throughout transport by the shipping copy of a Valid Health Certificate, and ensure that an official copy of the Valid Health Certificate is forwarded to the Department promptly following approval by the Chief Livestock official in the state of origin.
(3) Pseudorabies. No Swine vaccinated against pseudorabies virus are permitted in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. All breeding Swine shall enter directly from qualified pseudorabies-free herds and have been negative to a USDA-approved test for pseudorabies virus conducted within 30 days prior to entry. Feeder/Immediate Slaughter Swine shall originate from qualified pseudorabies-free herds or monitored herds in qualified pseudorabies-free states only.
(4) Brucellosis. All Swine entering the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must be blood test negative to brucellosis within 30 days prior to importation unless coming direct from a validated brucellosis-free herd or state.
(5) Retesting. The Department may require any animal to be retested after entry into the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for pseudorabies, brucellosis, and/or any other contagious disease as deemed necessary by the Department.
(6) Transport. In order to meet the import requirements of 330 CMR 11.04, Swine may not be transported in any vehicle containing Swine that do not meet these requirements. Swine intended for breeding purposes may not be brought into the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in any vehicle containing Swine intended for any other purpose.
(7) Quarantine. All Swine coming into the Commonwealth of Massachusetts without meeting the above requirements are hereby declared to be quarantined and must be held at the risk and expense of the owner until released in writing by the Department.
(8) Testing of Swine Imported in Violation of Health Certificate Requirements. Any animal brought into the Commonwealth of Massachusetts which is neither consigned for Immediate Slaughter nor accompanied by the shipping copy of a Valid Health Certificate must be held and tested by a federally-accredited veterinarian at the expense of the animal's owner or possessor. The Department shall determine which tests are required.
(9) Brucellosis Positive or Suspect Swine. Swine found to be brucellosis positive or suspect must be slaughtered, unless otherwise handled by special written instructions issued by the Director at the Director's sole discretion.
(10) Exemptions. Swine going to Immediate Slaughter are exempt from the notice, Health Certificate and testing requirements of 330 CMR 11.04(1) through (3) if they are accompanied by proof of origination from a qualified pseudorabies-free herd or a monitored herd in a qualified pseudorabies-free state and a USDA waybill, and have Official ID or backtag number or slap tattoo. Swine intended for exhibition purposes only are exempt from the notice requirements of 330 CMR 11.04.