Purpose. 322 CMR 6.17 is promulgated to conserve river
herring and shad consistent with the Interstate Management Plan for Shad and
River Herring, established by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
The harvest of both shad and river herring is prohibited in Commonwealth
waters, except when the Director determines that harvest from a particular run
is sustainable. For river herring, a person may possess or land a batch of bait
fish that comprises up to 5% of river herring, by count, if the bait fish is
caught in federal waters.
Batch means all fish in any separate
Catch and Release means a method of
angling whereby all catch is released immediately following capture to ensure
Container means any box, tote, bag,
bucket or other receptacle containing loose fish which may be separated from
the entire load or shipment.
Land means to transfer or offload fish
from a vessel onto any dock, pier, wharf or other artificial structure used for
the purpose or receiving fish.
Managing Entity means the municipality
or other entity with the authority under with M.G.L. c. 130, § 94 to
control and regulate a river herring spawning run.
River Herring means those species of
fish known as alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus) and bluebacks
(Alosa aestivalis).
Shad means that species of fish known
as Alosa sapidissima.
Spawning Run means those coastal
rivers and streams that river herring migrate to for the purpose of
River Herring.
Taking and Possession of River Herring in Waters under the
Jurisdiction of the Commonwealth. It shall be unlawful for any
person to harvest, possess or sell river herring in the Commonwealth or in the
waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth.
Exception for Spawning Runs
with Sustainable Harvest Plans. The Director may authorize the
opening of particular spawning runs to the harvest of river herring, provided
such spawning runs have a sustainable harvest plan approved by the Atlantic
States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) pursuant to Amendment 2 to the Shad
and River Herring Fishery Management Plan. The managing entity shall be
responsible for the control and regulation of any spawning run authorized to be
open by the Director.
for Opening and Closing a Spawning Run. The Director shall open or
close a previously open spawning run in accordance with the following
a. a written notification is filed
with the Secretary of the Commonwealth for publication in the
Massachusetts Register;
b. a written notification is distributed
via the Division's e-mail list serve;
c. a written notification is posted on the
Division's Legal Notice webpage;
a written notification is provided to the spawning run's managing entity;
e. a list of open runs is
posted on DMF's website.
Annual Harvest Permit and
Daily Harvest Receipt. The harvest and possession of river herring
from an open spawning run shall be in accordance with the following annual
harvest permit and daily harvest card requirements:
Issuance of Annual Harvest
Permits. The managing entity shall issue an annual harvest permit
to a named individual, which shall expire on December
31st following the date of issuance. On an annual
basis, the managing entity shall provide the Division of Marine Fisheries with
a list of individuals who have obtained annual harvest permits for the open
spawning run.
Issuance of Daily Harvest Receipts. The managing
entity shall issue a daily harvest receipt to the named permit holder upon
completion of their harvesting of river herring from the open spawning run
during any calendar day. Upon transfer of the receipt from the managing entity
to the run to the permit holder, it shall bear an official stamp or mark of the
managing entity. The daily receipt shall include the following minimum
information: the date of harvest; the harvest limit for the open spawning run
established in the ASMFC-approved Sustainable Harvest Plan, and the amount of
river herring harvested by the permit holder; and the expiration date, which
shall be three weeks after the date of harvest.
Possession of Annual Harvest
Permits and Daily Harvest Cards. Except as provided in 322 CMR
6.17(3)(b)2.d., an individual in possession of river herring taken from an open
spawning run must hold a valid annual harvest permit and a daily harvest
receipt issued by the managing entity for the open spawning run. The daily
harvest receipt must be intact and legible. Individuals in possession of river
herring shall produce a valid annual harvest permit and daily harvest receipt
upon demand of any officer authorized to enforce river herring laws and
regulations of the Commonwealth.
Allowance for Possession of River Herring by Individuals Other than
the Annual Harvest Permit Holder. An individual that does not hold
a valid annual harvest permit and daily harvest receipt may lawfully possess
river herring or use it as bait, provided they are in the physical presence of
a valid annual harvester permit holder with a valid daily harvest receipt that
accounts for the river herring and all persons are in compliance with all of
the other requirements in 322 CMR 6.17(3)(b)2.
Except as authorized by 322 CMR 6.17(3)(b)2.d., it shall be
facie evidence of a violation of the river herring harvest moratorium
at 322 CMR 6.17(3)(a) if:
i. An individual is
harvesting or attempting to harvest river herring from an open spawning run
without a valid annual harvest permit issued to them by the managing entity for
that spawning run.
ii. An
individual is in possession of river herring and fails to produce or does not
hold a valid annual harvest permit.
iii. An individual is in possession of river
herring and fails to produce or does not hold a valid annual harvest permit and
daily harvest receipt issued by the same managing entity for the same open
spawning run.
iv. The annual
harvest permit holder is in possession of river herring after the three week
expiration date contained in the daily harvest receipt.
v. An individual is in possession of river
herring in a quantity that exceeds the harvest limit for an open spawning run
identified in the daily harvest receipt and established in accordance with the
ASMFC-approved Sustainable Harvest Plan for the spawning run. Individuals may
store or possess a quantity of river herring that exceeds the established
harvest limit provided that the number of river herring stored or possessed
does not exceed the aggregate harvest limit of river herring allowed by the
valid daily harvest receipts.
The daily harvest receipt has been rendered
By-catch Tolerance for Bait
Fisheries Conducted in Federal Waters. A person may possess or
land a batch of bait fish that comprises up to 5% of river herring, by count,
provided the bait fish is caught in federal waters. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the operator of a vessel, as defined by
322 CMR
Vessel, that lands sea herring, or a wholesale dealer, as
defined by
322 CMR
Wholesale Dealer, that processes sea herring, may possess a
batch of bait fish that exceeds 5% of river herring, by count, if said batch
has been sorted and graded after the bait fish has landed.
Shad Possession
and Connecticut Rivers. No fisherman may possess more than three
shad taken from the Connecticut or Merrimack River.
All Other Waters of the
Commonwealth. It shall be unlawful for any fishermen to possess
any American shad taken from any waters other than the Connecticut and
Merrimack Rivers. All fishing for American shad in these waters shall be
limited to catch and release only.