Definitions. For
the purposes of 322 CMR 6.13, the following words shall have the following
Effective Traps Fished means a value
used in:
the Outer
Cape Cod Trap Allocation Determination that was calculated in the
assessment of each eligible fisherman's annual performance for the years 2000,
2001 and 2002. For each year that traps and landings were reported, Effective
Traps Fished is the lower value of the maximum number of traps reported fished
for the year and the predicted number of traps that is associated with the
permit holder's reported poundage of lobsters for the year. The value for
predicted number of traps was calculated based on a DMF published analysis of
traps fished and pounds landed for the OCCLCMA, and that relationship is
depicted in 322 CMR 6.13:
Figure 1.
here to view image
Figure 1. Relationship between pounds
harvested and traps fished used to allocate Initial Trap Allocation. Data to
calculate the relationship was obtained from catch reports from fishermen
fishing primarily in Outer Cape Cod Lobster Conservation Management Area during
years (1997-2001).
the LCMA 2 Trap Allocation Determination that was
calculated in the assessment of each eligible fisherman's annual performance
for the years 2001, 2002, and 2003. For each year that traps and landings were
reported, Effective Traps Fished is the lower value of the maximum number of
traps reported fished for the year and the predicted number of traps that is
associated with the permit holder's reported poundage of lobsters for the year.
The value for predicted number of traps was calculated based on the Interstate
Lobster Management Plan Addendum VII published by the Atlantic States Marine
Fisheries Commission that relationship is depicted in Figure 2.
herevto view image
Figure 2. Relationship between pounds
harvested and traps fished used to allocate Initial Trap Allocation. Data to
calculate the relationship was obtained from catch reports from fishermen
fishing primarily in LCMA 2 during years (2001-2003).
Exception. For
coastal lobster permit holders who fished for lobster primarily by hand using
SCUBA gear in a LCMA under control of an effort control plan, Effective Traps
Fished means the annual predicted number of traps that is associated with the
permit holder's reported poundage of lobsters during the performance years
specified for a LCMA under control of an effort control plan as defined in 322
CMR 6.13(1)(a) and (b). The value for predicted number of traps was calculated
based on a DMF published analysis of traps fished and pounds landed for a LCMA
and that relationship is depicted in 322 CMR 6.13:
Figures 1
Fish means to set lobster traps on
the ocean bottom.
LCMA 2 Trap Allocation means the
number of traps assigned to a coastal permit holder endorsed for LCMA 2 plus or
minus any traps allocated through the trap transfer process outlined in
CMR 7.03: Coastal Lobster Permit and
Trap Allocation Transfer Programs.
Lobster means that species known as
Homarus americanus.
Eligibility for Trap
To be
Eligible for Trap Allocation in OCCLCMA, permit holders must have
documented lawful fishing of lobster traps primarily in OCCLCMA during years
1999, 2000, or 2001. Any permit holder who held a permit endorsed for OCCLCMA
during the years 1999, 2000, or 2001 but dropped OCCLCMA from their permit
during a subsequent year is not eligible. Any permit holder who received their
permit off the waiting list during 2001 and had no fishing performance in 2001
may appeal for an Initial Trap Allocation based on their 2002 fishing
performance in OCCLCMA.
To be Eligible for Trap Allocation in LCMA 2, permit
holders must have documented lawful fishing of lobster traps primarily in LCMA
2 during years 2001, 2002, and 2003. Any permit holder who held a permit
endorsed for LCMA 2 during the years 2001, 2002, and 2003 but dropped LCMA 2
from their permit during a subsequent year is not eligible. Any permit holder
who received their permit off the waiting list during 2003 and had no fishing
performance in 2003 may appeal for an Initial Trap Allocation based on their
2004 fishing performance in LCMA 2. Any permit holder who had no documented
fishing performance due to documented medically-based inability or military
service may appeal for an Initial Trap Allocation based on their 1999 and 2000
fishing performance in LCMA 2.
Exception. Coastal Lobster permit holders who fished
for lobster primarily by hand using SCUBA gear during the years of eligibility
for a LCMA under control of an effort control plan as defined in 322 CMR
6.13(2) may be eligible for Trap Allocation in a LCMA based on documented
lawful landings of lobster as provided for in 322 CMR 6.13(1)(c) and
Trap Allocation Determination.
Outer Cape Cod.
Initial Trap
Allocation shall be the highest value of Effective Traps Fished
for each permit holder during the period 2000 though 2002. The Director may
lower a permit holder's Initial Trap Allocation if the permit holder failed to
purchase and use valid trap tags for any year used in the allocation
determination or if after a DMF audit the values for traps fished or poundage
are determined to be incorrect.
Trap Allocation shall be adjusted annually based on
any Trap Allocation transfers approved by the Director pursuant to
CMR 7.03:
Coastal Lobster Permit and
Trap Allocation Transfer Programs.
Initial Trap
Allocation shall be the highest value of Effective Traps Fished
for each permit holder during the period 2001 though 2003. The Director may
lower a permit holder's Initial Trap Allocation if the permit holder failed to
purchase and use valid trap tags for any year used in the allocation
determination or if after a DMF audit the values for traps fished or poundage
are determined to be incorrect.
Trap Allocation shall be adjusted annually based on
any Trap Allocation transfers approved by the Director pursuant to
CMR 7.03:
Coastal Lobster Permit and
Trap Allocation Transfer Programs.
Trap Limitation.
It is unlawful for any person with a commercial lobster permit endorsed for:
LCMA 1 to fish
more than 800 lobster traps at any one time in LCMA 1;
LCMA 2 to fish
more than their trap allocation approved by the Director subject to trap
allocation regulations established by 322 CMR 6.13;
LCMA 3 to fish
more traps than their allocation approved by NOAA Fisheries and the Director
consistent with the interstate plan; or
OCCLCMA to fish
more than their trap allocation as approved by the Director subject to trap
allocation regulations established by 322 CMR 6.13.
Commercial Lobster Permits Endorsed for LCMA 1, 2 or the
OCCLCMA. It shall be unlawful to fish more than 800 traps aboard
any vessel involved in the offshore commercial lobster fishery in LCMA 1, 2, or
OCCLCMA or the coastal commercial lobster fishery, regardless of the number of
fishermen holding coastal or offshore commercial lobster permits on board said
Lobster Permits Endorsed for LCMA 3. It shall be unlawful to fish
more than the allocation approved by NOAA Fisheries and the Director consistent
with the interstate plan aboard any vessel involved in the offshore commercial
lobster fishery in LCMA 3, regardless of the number of fishermen holding
offshore commercial lobster permits on board said vessel.