Code of Massachusetts Regulations
322 CMR - Division of Marine Fisheries
Title 322 CMR 6.00 - Regulation of Catches
Section 6.12 - Fish Pot Fishery Restrictions
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) Definitions. For the purposes of 322 CMR 6.12 the following words shall have the following meanings.
Black Sea Bass means that species offish known as Centropristes striata.
Black Sea Bass Pot means any pot or trap that has six sides and at least two unobstructed escape vents or openings in the parlor section that are at least 21/2 inches in diameter, two inches square, or 1% inch by 5% inch, and is set on the bottom of the ocean and designed to capture black sea bass.
Black Sea Bass Pot Regulated Fishery Permit Endorsement means those limited entry regulated fisbery permit endorsements, issued and managed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 130, §§ 2 and 80 and 322 CMR 7.01(4)(a): Regulated Fishery and 7.06: Transfer of Limited Entry Permits, that authorize a named individual to use black sea bass pots for the taking of black sea bass for commercial purposes.
Coastal Commercial Lobster Permit means the commercial fisherman permit, issued and managed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 130, §§ 37 and 38 and 322 CMR 7.01(2): Commercial Fisherman Permits and 7.03: Coastal Lobster Permit and Trap Allocation Transfer Programs, that authorizes a named individual to: fish for, possess and land lobsters and finfish taken from the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth for commercial purposes.
Commercial Fisherman means any person fishing under the authority of a permit issued in accordance with M.G.L. c. 130, § 38 or 80 and 322 CMR 7.01(2): Commercial Fisherman Permits for the purpose of sale, barter or exchange, or to keep for personal or familial use any fish or shellfish taken under the authority of the commercial fisherman permit.
Conch Pot means any pot or trap, without side heads or horizontal laths and is set on the bottom of the ocean and designed to capture whelks.
Conch Pot Regulated Fishery Permit Endorsement means those limited entry regulated fishery permit endorsements, issued and managed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 130, §§ 2 and 80, and 322 CMR 7.01(4)(a): Regulated Fishery and 322 CMR 7.06: Transfer of Limited Entry Permits, that authorize a named individual to use conch pots for the taking of whelks for commercial purposes.
Director means the Director of the Division of Marine Fisheries or his or her designee.
Eel Pot means any wire pot, trap or other device designed to catch eels that is closed on two or three sides with an inverted funnel or throat on one or two sides that acts as an opening.
Fish or Fishing means to set pots on the ocean bottom.
Fish Pot means inclusively any black sea bass pot or scup pot
Fish Pot Regulated Fishery Permit Endorsement means those limited entry regulated fishery permit endorsements, issued and managed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 130, §§ 2 and 80, and 322 CMR 7.01(4)(a): Regulated Fishery and 322 CMR 7.06: Transfer of Limited Entry Permits, that authorize a named individual to use for commercial purposes black sea bass pots for the taking of black sea bass, scup pots for the taking of scup or conch pots for the taking of whelks.
Night Fishing means to set, haul or tend any trap between 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise.
Parlor Section of a Pot means that compartment of a pot that does not contain bait.
Scup means that species of fish known as Stenotomus chrysops.
Scup Pot means any pot or trap that has six sides and at least two unobstructed escape vents or openings in the parlor section that are at least 31/10 inches in diameter or 21/4 inch square, and is set on the bottom of the ocean and designed to capture scup.
Scup Pot Regulated Fishery Permit Endorsement means those regulated fishery permit endorsements, issued and managed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 130, §§ 2 and 80, and 322 CMR 7.01(4)(a): Regulated Fishery and 322 CMR 7.06: Transfer of Limited Entry Permits, that authorize a named individual to use scup pots for the taking of scup.
Tautog means that species offish known as Tautoga onitis.
Trap means any lobster trap, modified lobster trap, fish pot, conch pot, tautog pot, scup pot, or other device, other than weirs or nets, that placed on the ocean bottom and capable of catching black sea bass, scup, whelk, tautog, or other species.
Whelk means those species known as Busycon carica (knobbed whelk) and Busycotypus canaliculatus (channeled whelk).
(2) Closed Season.
(3) Fish Pot and Conch Pot Marking.
(4) Gear Restrictions.
(5) Degradable Hinges and Fasteners. It is unlawful for any person to take or attempt to take fish from waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth by use of pots without a panel or door meeting the following specifications:
(6) Escape Vents.
(7) Restrictions on the Use of Traps. It shall be unlawful for any person(s) fishing in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth to fish with pots, except when fishing for:
(8) Restrictions on the Possession and Landing of Fish and Whelks Taken by Traps . It shall be unlawful for any person(s), fishing with fish pots, in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth to possess and land:
(9) Fish and Conch Pot Limits. It shall be unlawful for any person(s), to set, haul or tend fish pots and conch pots, in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth, in excess of the following limits: