for Advisory Ruling. Any person Owning an Interest in Real
Property may, by written request to the Division at the address posted on its
website by certified mail or hand delivery, request an Advisory Ruling as to:
1. whether such Person's property is located
within an area regulated by St. 1992, c. 36 or 313 CMR 11.00; or
2. whether existing or proposed Structures,
Uses or Activities on such Person's property are permitted under St. 1992, c.
36 or 313 CMR 11.00 by virtue of the exemptions set forth in 313 CMR
Information Required. Such written request shall
identify the property by street address and include:
1. a copy of the current Assessor's Map
showing the location of the property or reference to the applicable Assessor's
Map by sheet and parcel number;
a copy of (or reference to) the most recent edition of the Massachusetts
Geographic Information System (MassGIS) map based on the United States
Geological Survey (USGS), 1 to 25,000 scale, quadrangle maps, showing the
location of the property;
3. a copy
of such Owner's deed as recorded in the applicable registry of deeds;
4. copies of any plans,
mortgage inspection plans and tape surveys of the property which are
Issuance of Advisory Ruling. Within 30 days of the
Date of Submission of a Request for Advisory Ruling, the Division may issue a
written Advisory Ruling to the Person who submitted the request, or in its sole
discretion, the Division may notify such Person that a Request for Watershed
Determination of Applicability is required pursuant to 313 CMR
Remedy. The Person to whom an Advisory Ruling is
issued shall have no right to appeal such ruling, but may at such Person's
election, submit a request for Watershed Determination of Applicability or an
Application for Variance in accordance with 313 CMR 11.06. A Person who has not
been issued an Advisory Ruling within 30 days of the Date of Submission may, at
such Person's election, resubmit the request, or submit a request for Watershed
Determination of Applicability or an Application for Variance in accordance
with 313 CMR 11.06.
Authorization; limitations. Any Advisory Ruling
hereunder shall be issued by the Division pursuant to and subject to the
limitations of M.G.L. c. 30A, § 8.
Requests for Watershed
Determinations of Applicability.
Filing. Any
Person Owning an Interest in Real Property who desires a Determination as to
whether or not:
1. such Person's property is
located within an area regulated by St. 1992, c. 36 or 313 CMR 11.00;
2. proposed Structures, Uses or Activities on
such Person's property are permitted under St. 1992, c. 36 or 313 CMR
3. a reconstruction,
extension or structural change constitutes a substantial change or enlargement
or one which will degrade the quality of water under 313 CMR
4. Alterations within
areas described in 313 CMR 11.04(1)(a) and (b) in connection with construction
permitted under 313 CMR 11.05(3) are possible;
5. the maintenance, repair or replacement
activities described in 313 CMR 11.05(9), (10) or (11) will impair or
materially impair the quality of the water in the Watersheds; or
6. a new municipal Sewage Treatment Facility
or new municipal water system will have an adverse impact on water quality
under 313 CMR 11.05(16),
may submit a Request for Watershed Determination of
Applicability to the Regional Director of the watershed in which such property
is located. Submission for a Determination should be addressed to the
appropriate Reservoir office posted on the Division's website. Submissions are
accepted via certified mail or hand delivery.
Land Surveyor
Determination. Any request for determination under 313 CMR
11.06(2)(a)1. shall be accompanied by a written determination of a land
surveyor registered with the Board of Registration of Professional Engineers
and Land Surveyors of the Commonwealth as to whether such Person's real
property interests are located within areas regulated by St. 1992, c. 36 or 313
CMR 11.00.
Statement. Requests for Watershed Determinations other than those
in 313 CMR 11.06(2)(a)1. shall include a detailed description of the
Structures, Uses and Activities which are proposed.
Materials. All surveys and additional materials or studies
required to make a determination, whether or not requested by the Division,
shall be prepared and delivered at the sole cost of the Person desiring the
Issuance of Applicability Decision. Within 60 days of
the Date of Submission of such request for Watershed Determination of
Applicability, the Division shall issue a written Applicability Decision to the
Person who submitted such request, in form suitable for recording in the
registry of deeds or registration in the registry district of the land court
where the property is located ( 313 CMR 11.12), which shall contain a brief
statement of the reasons for the Decision. If the Division fails to issue the
Applicability Decision within such 60 day period, the Division shall be deemed
to have:
1. concurred with the land
surveyor's determination set forth in a request for Determination under 313 CMR
11.06(2)(a)1.; or
2. determined
that the proposed Structures, Uses and Activities on such Person's property
described in the request for Determination are permitted by St. 1992, c. 36 and
313 CMR 11.00; or
3. determined
that such Structures, Uses and Activities will not impair or materially impair
the quality of water in the Watersheds.
Appeal. A Person
to whom the Division's Applicability Decision has been issued, who seeks to
appeal such Decision, shall file a Notice of Claim for an Adjudicatory
Proceeding with the Commissioner at the address posted on its website within 21
days from the Date of Issuance of the Decision by the Division. The procedures
for appeal before the Commissioner shall be as set forth in
801 CMR 1.00:
Adjudicatory Rules of Practice and Procedure. At the time of filing of
such Notice of Claim, a copy shall also be filed with the Division.
Variances. The Division may grant a variance from the
provisions of St. 1992, c. 36 and 313 CMR 11.00 with respect to particular
Structures, Uses and Activities, and shall grant, upon request, a variance with
respect to crossings of Tributaries and Bordering Vegetated Wetlands, where the
Division specifically finds that owing to circumstances relating to the soil
conditions, slope, or topography of the land affected by such Structures, Uses
or Activities, desirable relief may be granted without substantial detriment to
the public good and without impairing the quality of water in the
Presumptions and Standards for Required Findings.
1. There shall be a presumption that granting
a variance from the applicability of St. 1992, c. 36 and 313 CMR 11.00 to
specific Structures, Uses and Activities is contrary to the achievement of the
purpose of St. 1992, c. 36. This presumption may be rebutted only by the
submission of credible evidence by the Person submitting the application for
variance that such variance may be granted without substantial detriment to the
public good and without impairment of water quality in the
2. The standard of
substantial detriment to the public good shall mean a factual determination by
the Division of the overall effect of the proposed Structure, Use or Activity
at a particular location in relation to the purpose of St. 1992, c.
3. The standard of impairment
of water quality shall mean:
a. the risk of
water quality impairment presented by Structures, Uses and Activities which are
permissible under all other relevant federal, state and local laws, but would
not be permissible under 313 CMR 11.00 without a variance; and
b. the cumulative risk of water quality
impairment from all Structures, Uses and Activities allowed under current
regulations over time.
Any Person Owning an Interest in Real Property may make an application for
variance to the Division (
see 313 CMR 11.12) by filing the
same by certified mail or hand delivery with the Division at the address posted
on its website. A copy of the application for variance shall be sent to DEP at
the address specified on its website.
Statement. The application for variance shall include a detailed
description of the Structures, Uses and Activities proposed on such Person's
property. The application for variance shall include detailed information
regarding each specifically enumerated factor stated in 313 CMR 11.06(3)(a).
Detailed information regarding each factor shall be provided as follows:
Soil Conditions.
A map prepared at a minimum scale of 1"=100' indicating the soil types as
mapped by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service ("NRCS") shall be
provided. Site specific soils data, including borings, test pits and
percolation tests, may be submitted including copies of all field logs, notes,
observations, conclusions and test methods employed. A detailed analysis of the
soil characteristics of erodibility and permeability shall be provided.
Permeability should be described in terms of percolation rate measured as
minutes per inch as specified in 310 CMR 15.00:
The State Environmental
Code, Title 5: Standard Requirements for the Siting, Construction, Inspection,
Upgrade and Expansion of On-site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems and for
the Transport and Disposal of Septage.
Calculations of the ground slope at all lands within the areas that would be
subject to St. 1992, c. 36 if the variance were not granted shall be provided.
The results of such calculations shall be presented graphically on a map
prepared at a scale of 1"=100' or larger, expressed as percent slope. Where
applicable, the average slope of a Tributary measured as the change in
elevation divided by the distance in stream miles from the upstream point of
the Tributary at or near such Person's property to the downstream point of the
Tributary at or near such Person's property shall also be stated.
Topography. A
topographical plan at a minimum scale of 1"=100' or larger showing contour
elevations at two foot intervals shall be submitted. Said plan shall be
prepared and stamped by a professional surveyor or engineer registered in the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and shall show the location of all areas which
would be subject to St. 1992, c. 36 if the variance were not granted. The plan
shall show the location of all Ground Water, soil and percolation test
locations. Such topographic information as depth to the maximum annual high
Ground Water table, depth to ledge or refusal, and distances from all mapped
and unmapped streams, ponds and water bodies shall also be provided.
Water Quality.
The application shall include a detailed analysis of the impacts on Surface
Water and, where applicable, Ground Water quality of any proposed Structure,
Use or Activity which would be allowed if the variance is granted. An
evaluation of the potential impact of such proposed Structure, Use or Activity
on water quality by reference to DEP's Surface Water Quality Standards for
Class A Surface Waters and Outstanding Resource Waters of the Commonwealth, set
forth in
314 CMR 4.00:
Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards, and/or where
applicable, the Massachusetts Ground Water Quality Standards, set forth in
314 CMR 5.00:
Water Discharge Permit Program shall be provided. The application
shall include the water quality data and results to support each analysis and
shall provide a detailed description of any methodology employed in performing
such analysis to show that water quality will not be impaired by the Structure,
Use and Activity for which the variance is being requested, whether during
construction or upon continued use or operation of such Structure, Use or
Measures. The application shall include an analysis of any
mitigating measures that will be used which would enable the Division to grant
a variance without substantial detriment to the public good and without
impairing the quality of water in the Watersheds.
Materials. All surveys and additional materials or studies
required to act on an application for variance, which may include an analysis
of alternatives (as described in
301 CMR
11.07(4)(f), whether or not
requested by the Division, shall be prepared and delivered at the sole cost of
the Person submitting the application.
Public Hearing.
Within 30 days of the Date of Submission of the application for variance with
the Division, the Division shall hold a public hearing. The date, time, and
place of the public hearing shall be set by the Division, and the Division
shall create a notice thereof. Such notice shall be given by the person who
submitted the application, at their expense, not less than five days prior to
such hearing by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the city
or town where the property in question is located and by mailing a copy of such
notice to the Building Inspector, Conservation Commission, and the Board of
Health in such city or town. Failure by the applicant to give such notice shall
result in the calculation of the 30 day notice period to re-commence from the
scheduled date of the public hearing, subject to such applicant providing the
required notice as outlined in 313 CMR 11.06(3)(f). At the request of the
applicant, at least two days before the date of the scheduled hearing, the date
of the hearing may be rescheduled to a time which is mutually convenient for
the applicant and the Division, provided that such rescheduled time shall
permit re-publication of notice as provided in 313 CMR 11.06(3)(f). The public
hearing may be continued, with the consent of the Person who submitted the
application, to a mutually agreeable date, which shall be announced at the
hearing. At the public hearing, such Person may be represented by counsel
and/or professional consultants and may present oral or written evidence,
including the presentation of witness testimony.
Decision. Within 30 days of the close of the public hearing, the
Division shall issue a written Variance Decision on the application for
variance. If the variance is granted, the Division may impose in the Variance
Decision such reasonable conditions, safeguards and limitations as it may find
desirable in its sole discretion, which, based on the application for variance
and the evidence presented at the public hearing, are necessary to protect the
water in the Watersheds. If a variance is denied, the Variance Decision shall
contain a brief statement of the reasons for the denial. The granting of a
variance is limited to the provisions of St. 1992, c. 36. No activity may be
conducted three years after the date the Variance Decision is issued without
written approval by the Division. All other applicable laws, regulations and
ordinances shall not be affected by the granting of a variance.
Recording of Variance
Decision. No variance granted hereunder shall take effect until a
Variance Decision (
see 313 CMR 11.12) shall have been
recorded and indexed in the grantor index in the registry of deeds or
registered in the registry district of the land court for the county or
district where the property is located, containing any conditions applicable
thereto and describing the land by metes and bounds or by reference to a
recorded or registered plan showing the property's boundaries.
Appeal. A Person
to whom a Variance Decision is issued, who seeks to appeal the Division's
Variance Decision, shall file a Notice of Claim for an Adjudicatory Proceeding
with the Commissioner at the address posted on its website within 21 days from
the Date of Issuance of the Variance Decision by the Division. The procedures
for appeal before the Commissioner shall be as set forth in
801 CMR 1.00:
Adjudicatory Rules of Practice and Procedure. At the time of filing of
such Notice of Claim, a copy shall also be filed with the
Exemption of a Tributary.
Exemption of a
Tributary. The Division, in consultation with DEP, may exempt a
Tributary, or portions thereof, upon a determination that such exemption will
pose no significant risk to the quality of water, after taking into account the
following factors:
4. proximity to a Reservoir or the Ware River
above the Ware River intake;
5. the
current level of water quality; and
6. the current degree of
Presumptions and Standards for Required Findings.
1. The standard of no significant risk to the
quality of water refers to:
a. the risk of
water quality impairment presented by Structures, Uses and Activities which are
permissible under all other relevant state, federal and local laws, but would
not be permissible under 313 CMR 11.00 without an exemption; and
b. the cumulative risk of water quality
impairment from all Structures, Uses and Activities allowed under current
regulations over time.
2. There shall be a presumption that
exempting a Tributary or portion thereof is contrary to the achievement of the
purpose of St. 1992, c. 36. The presumption may be rebutted only by the
submission of credible evidence by the Person submitting the request for
Exemption to establish that such exemption will pose no significant risk to the
quality of water, taking into account the factors enumerated at 313 CMR
Requests for Exemption.
1. A request for Exemption of a Tributary may
be made by:
a. An affected
b. Any state agency or
regional planning commission;
The Board of Selectmen, City Council, Mayor, Planning Board or Conservation
Commission of any city or town which would be affected by the exemption;
d. The Governor or any member of
the General Court.
2. A
request for Exemption of a Tributary shall be made to the Division (
313 CMR 11.12) by filing the same by certified mail or hand delivery
with the Division at the address posted on its website. A copy of the Request
for Exemption of a Tributary shall be sent to DEP at the address posted on its
Detailed Statement. The request for Exemption of a
Tributary shall include detailed information regarding each specifically
enumerated factor listed in 313 CMR 11.06(4)(a)1. through 6. Such detailed
information shall be provided based on conditions existing as of the time of
the request and based on conditions which would, or may, result if such
exemption were granted and if development occurred to the maximum extent and
type allowed by current law. Detailed information on each factor shall be
provided as follows:
Rate. The request shall include the flow rate of the Tributary
stated as the annual average daily stream flow, reported as cubic feet per
second ("cfs") as measured at the downstream point of discharge for the
Tributary or portion thereof, taking into account the entire contributing
drainage area. Such flow rate may be based on field data collected in
accordance with accepted stream flow measurement methods as established by the
United States Geologic Survey, or estimated based on procedures established by
the United States Geologic Survey. The request shall describe, in depth, the
basis and method employed for the reported flow rate to assess full build-out
Slope. The request shall state the average slope at
the Tributary measured as the change in elevation divided by the distance in
stream miles from its source to the downstream point of discharge. The ground
slope of all lands adjacent to the Tributary within the areas that would be
subject to St. 1992, c. 36 if the exemption were not granted shall be
calculated and the results of such calculations shall be presented graphically
on a map prepared at a scale of 1"=100' or larger, expressed as percent
Characteristics. A map prepared at a minimum scale of 1"=100'
shall be submitted indicating the soil types as mapped by the NRCS. Site
specific soils data supporting or contradicting the NRCS soil mapping including
borings, test pits and percolation tests may be submitted including copies of
all field logs, notes, observations, conclusions and test methods employed. A
detailed analysis of the soil characteristics of erodibility and permeability
shall be provided. Permeability should be described in terms of a percolation
rate measured as minutes per inch as specified in 310 CMR 15.00:
State Environmental Code, Title 5: Standard Requirements for the Siting,
Construction, Inspection, Upgrade and Expansion of On-site Sewage Treatment and
Disposal Systems and for the Transport and Disposal of
Proximity to a Reservoir or the Ware River above the Ware River
Watershed. Proximity of the Tributary proposed to be exempted to a
Reservoir or the Ware River above the Ware River intake shall be indicated by
reference to the Protection Zone, defined by the DEP's Division of Water
Supply, Watershed Resource Protection Plan Policy, as Zone A, Zone B and Zone
C. The measured distance in stream miles from the downstream discharge point of
the Tributary or portion thereof in question from that Tributary's ultimate
point of confluence with a Reservoir or stream miles above the Ware River
intake shall be stated.
Water Quality. The request shall include water quality
monitoring data for the Tributary consisting of, at a minimum, monthly samples
for a continuous one year period at a sampling station located at or near the
downstream point of discharge of the Tributary or portion thereof for which
exemption is requested. Water quality data of the Division and DEP may be
utilized in satisfaction of this requirement where such data is available.
Minimum analysis shall include fecal coliform bacteria, color, turbidity,
temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, total phosphorus,
ammonia nitrogen and chloride. A detailed analysis of the water quality data
with reference to DEP's Surface Water Quality Standards for Class A Surface
Waters and Outstanding Resource Waters of the Commonwealth,
314 CMR 4.00:
Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards., shall be
provided. The request shall include a detailed analysis of the impact on water
quality of any potential Structures, Uses or Activities allowed if the
exemption is granted.
Development. A general plan showing existing land use
within the contributing drainage area upstream at the point of discharge of the
Tributary or portion thereof shall be provided. The request shall include a
calculation of the percent imperviousness of the contributing drainage area
based on the existing land uses shown and shall indicate the change of percent
imperviousness which may result from any Structures, Uses or Activities allowed
or proposed if the exemption is granted.
Information. The request shall include a detailed description of
the Structures, Uses and Activities which are or may be proposed to occur
within those areas which would be subject to the Wetlands Protection Act,
M.G.L. c. 131, § 40, without the exemption and shall include an analysis
of any mitigating measures which will be used which would ensure that granting
the exemption would present no substantial risk to the quality of
Additional Materials. All surveys and additional
materials or studies required to act on a request for Exemption of a Tributary,
whether or not requested by the Division, shall be prepared and delivered at
the sole cost of the Person submitting the request.
Public Hearing.
Within 30 days of the Date of Submission of the Request for Exemption of a
Tributary with the Division and DEP, the Division and DEP shall hold a public
hearing. The date, time, and place of the public hearing shall be set by the
Division, and the Division shall create a notice thereof. Such notice shall be
given by the person who submitted the application at their expense, not less
than five days prior to such hearing, by publication in a newspaper of general
circulation in the city or town where the property in question is located and
by mailing a copy of such notice to the Building Inspector, Conservation
Commission and Board of Health in such city or town. Failure by the Person who
submitted the application to give such notice shall result in the calculation
of the 30 day notice period to re-commence from the scheduled date of the
public hearing, subject to such Person providing the required notice as
outlined in 313 CMR 11.06(9)(f). At the request of the Person who submitted the
request filed with the Division at least two days before the date of such
hearing, the date of the hearing may be rescheduled to a time which is mutually
convenient for such Person, the Division and DEP, provided that such
rescheduled time shall permit re-publication of notice as provided in 313 CMR
11.06(4)(f). The public hearing may be continued, with the consent of the
Person who submitted the request, to an agreed upon date, which shall be
announced at the hearing. At the public hearing, such Person may be represented
by counsel and/or professional consultants and may present oral or written
evidence, including the presentation of witness testimony.
Decision. Within 60 days of the close of the public hearing, the
Division shall issue a written Exemption Decision regarding the request for
Exemption of a Tributary. If the exemption is granted, the Division may impose
in the Exemption Decision such reasonable conditions, safeguards and
limitations as it may find desirable in its sole discretion, which, based on
the request for Exemption of a Tributary and the evidence presented at the
public hearing, are necessary to protect the water in the Watersheds. If the
exemption is denied, the Exemption Decision shall contain a brief statement of
the reasons for the denial. The granting of an exemption is limited to the
applicability of the Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. c. 131, § 40. All
other applicable laws, regulations and ordinances shall not be affected by the
granting of an exemption.
Notice of Exemption. Notice of the Exemption Decision
shall be mailed to the Person who submitted the request, and to the City
Council or Board of Selectmen in the city or town where the Tributary is
located. Notice shall also be published once in a newspaper of general
circulation in such city or town, provided, however, that a failure to publish
shall not affect the validity of the Exemption Decision. A record of the
Exemption Decision shall be kept on file with the Division and, if a Tributary
or portion thereof is exempted, the affected area shall be shown on the most
recent edition of the Massachusetts Geographic Information System Map
see 313 CMR 11.07).
Appeal. A Person
to whom an Exemption Decision is issued, who seeks to appeal the Division's
Exemption Decision, shall file a Notice of Claim for an Adjudicatory Proceeding
with the Commissioner at the address posted on its website within 21 days from
the Date of Issuance of the Exemption Decision by the Division. The procedures
for appeal before the Commission shall be as set forth in
801 CMR 1.00:
Adjudicatory Rules of Practice and Procedure. At the time of filing of
such Notice of Claim, a copy shall also be filed with the Division.
Work Pending
Appeal of Applicability Decision, Variance Decision or Exemption
Decision. No Alterations shall be made or Structures, Uses or
Activities commenced until a final administrative or judicial determination has
been made and all appeal periods shall have expired if the Division issues:
(a) an Applicability Decision that the
property is located in an area regulated by St. 1992, c. 36, that the
Structures, Uses or Activities proposed are prohibited by St. 1992, c. 36 under
313 CMR 11.04(3), or that the Structures, Uses or Activities will impair or
materially impair the quality of water in the Watersheds; or
(b) a Variance Decision denying the variance
requested in an application for variance; or
(c) an Exemption Decision denying a request
for Exemption of a Tributary.
Access to Property by
Division. Any Person making a request for Watershed Determination
of Applicability, an Application for Variance or a request for Exemption to the
Division shall, upon request, allow the Division or its duly authorized
representatives to inspect the property in question in order to assist the
Division in the determination which is to be made. Personnel of the Division
may enter, at reasonable times, any property, public or private, for the
purpose of investigating or inspecting any condition relating to the discharge
or possible discharge of Pollutants into the Watershed System and may make such
tests as may be necessary to determine the existence and nature of such
discharge as provided in M.G.L. c. 21E, § 4.