Activities Requiring a License Application. Except as
provided in 310 CMR 9.05(3), an application for license or license amendment
shall be submitted to the Department for the following activities involving
work on or use of fill or structures:
(a) any
construction, placement, excavation, addition, improvement, maintenance,
repair, replacement, reconstruction, demolition or removal of any fill or
structures, not previously authorized, or for which a previous grant or license
is not presently valid.
(b) any
existing or proposed use of any fill or structures not previously authorized,
or for which a previous grant or license is not presently valid;
(c) any structural alteration of fill or
structures from the specifications contained in a valid grant or license,
whether such authorization was obtained prior to or after January 1,
(d) any change in use of fill
or structures from that expressly authorized in a valid grant or license or, if
no such use statement was included, from that reasonably determined by the
Department to be implicit therein, whether such authorization was obtained
prior to or after January 1, 1984.
Activities Requiring a Permit
Application. Except as provided in 310 CMR 9.05(3), an application
for a permit or permit amendment shall be submitted to the Department for the
following activities unless the applicant includes such activities in a license
(a) any beach
(c) any disposal
involving the subaqueous placement of unconsolidated material below the low
water mark;
(d) any burning of
rubbish or other material upon the water, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 91,
§ 52;
(e) any lowering of the
water level of a Great Pond, except a body of water used for agriculture,
manufacturing, mercantile, irrigation, insect control purposes, or for flowing
cranberry bogs, or for public water supply, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 91,
§ 19A;
(f) any structure and
associated use with the potential to impair the public's rights in tidelands
which is intended to remain in place on a temporary basis not to exceed six
months, provided said structure and use otherwise meet the applicable
substantive standards found at
310 CMR
9.31 through 9.60; and
(g) any structure and associated use with the
potential to impair the public's rights in tidelands for the purpose of
conducting a Test Project for Innovative Technology, provided said structure
and use meet the applicable substantive standards found at
310 CMR
Activities Not Requiring a
License or Permit. Notwithstanding the provisions of 310 CMR
9.05(1) through (2), no license or permit is required for:
(a) maintenance, repair, and minor
modifications, as described in
310 CMR
9.22, of fill or structures for which a grant
or license is presently valid, or which is exempt from licensing pursuant to
310 CMR 9.05(3)(b) through (h);
continuation of any existing, unauthorized use or structure located on private
tidelands lawfully filled in accordance with a license or grant, provided that
no unauthorized structural alteration or change in use has occurred on such
tidelands subsequent to January 1, 1984 or in violation of an express condition
of said license or grant;
continuation of any existing, unauthorized public service project, provided
that no unauthorized structural alteration or change in use has occurred
subsequent to January 1, 1984, unless the Department determines, upon notice
and opportunity for public comment, that licensing is essential to prevent
significant harm to an overriding water-related public interest;
(d) continuation in use of any unauthorized
Massport project existing as of the effective date of
310 CMR
9.00, and for which no unauthorized structural
alteration or change of use has occurred since that date, provided said
1.includes water-dependent industrial
activities; or
2.is any other
project for which a final EIR was certified as adequately and properly
complying with M.G.L. c. 30, §§ 61 through 62H, prior to January 1,
1984; unless the Department determines, upon written notice and opportunity for
public comment, that licensing is essential to prevent significant harm to an
overriding water-related public interest;
(e) continuation in the use of existing,
unauthorized water-dependent structures that are accessory to a single-family
residence, in accordance with the provisions of
310 CMR 9.28;
(f) continuation of any existing,
unauthorized use of fill or structures constructed prior to 1939 on any
non-tidal river or stream subject to jurisdiction under
310 CMR
9.04(1)(e), provided that no
unauthorized structural alteration or change in use has occurred subsequent to
January 1, 1984;
(g) placement in a
non-tidal river or stream subject to jurisdiction under
310 CMR
9.04(1)(e) of fill or
structures for which a final Order of Conditions has been issued under M.G.L.
c. 131, § 40 and
310 CMR
10.00: Wetlands Protection, and which does not reduce
the space available for navigation; such fill or structures are limited to:
1.overhead wires, conduits, or cables to be
attached to an existing bridge, without substantial alteration thereof, or
constructed and maintained in accordance with the National Electrical Safety
2.fish ladders, fishways, and
other devices which allow or assist fish to pass by a dam or other obstruction
in the waterway;
cables, conduits, sewers, and aqueducts entirely embedded in the soil beneath
such river or stream; and
4.bulkheads, revetments, headwalls, storm
drainage outfalls, and similar structures which do not extend into such river
or stream, except as may be necessary for bank stabilization;
(h) reconfiguration of licensed
docking facilities in a marina, in accordance with the provisions of
310 CMR
(i) any change in use of berths for
recreational vessels from seasonal or transient occupancy to long-term
exclusive occupancy in accordance with a contract or other agreement, provided
that the lease agreement, master lease agreement, or notice thereof for such
berths was filed at the Registry of Deeds prior to July 6, 1990, in which event
no application for a license or license amendment is required for any change in
use of any berth subject to such agreement for long-term exclusive
(j) emergency action, in
accordance with the provisions of
310 CMR
(k) removal of fill or structures in
accordance with the provisions of
310 CMR 9.08 or
310 CMR
(l) activities subject to annual permit by
the harbormaster, other designated local official, or local permitting program,
in accordance with the provisions of
310 CMR
(m) demolition or removal of any unauthorized
structures or fill in order to facilitate water-dependent use provided prior
written approval is obtained from the Department, which, at the discretion of
the Department may include prior public notice and comment;
Eligible for General License Coverage. Activities eligible for
Certification and subject to coverage under the General License pursuant to the
provisions of
310 CMR