Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 310 CMR 75.00 - Collection, Recycling, Labeling And Sales Ban Of Mercury-added Products
Section 75.07 - Exemptions from the Sales and Distribution Ban
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) The manufacturer, importer, or distributor of a mercury switch, relay, instrument or device subject to the sales prohibitions in 310 CMR 75.06 may apply to the Department for an exemption from the prohibition on sale or distribution.
(2) The Department may grant an exemption, with or without conditions, upon determining that the conditions described in 310 CMR 75.07(2)(a) through (d) all apply, or that the condition described in 310 CMR 75.07(2)(e) applies:
(3) Contents of Applications for Exemption from Sales and Distribution Ban.
(4) Submission of Applications for Exemption from Sales and Distribution Ban.
(5) The Applicant Applying Directly to the Department or IMERC Shall Publish a Legal Notice in a Massachusetts Newspaper of General Circulation and the Massachusetts Enviromental Monitor.
(6) Decisions on Applications for Exemption from Sales and Distribution Ban.
(7) An application for an exemption based on 310 CMR 75.07(2)(e) shall contain the following information: