(a) Grounds for revocation are:
1. Failure to pass an inspection;
2. Failure to report compliance data to a
public water system, the Department, or other responsible party in a manner so
as to meet prescribed reporting time deadlines or interfering with the
reporting of such data produced by other entities:
3. Failure to participate in or analyze
proficiency test samples, or to meet the requirements for successful
performance of such tests;
Operating the laboratory in such a manner so as to endanger public health or
5. Making an intentionally
false oral statement or written statement on any document issued by the
laboratory or on any document associated with certification;
6. Careless, inaccurate, or falsified
reporting of analytical measurements and supporting documentation;
7. Failure to notify the Department in
writing within the prescribed timelines pursuant to
310 CMR
42.13 regarding any change in ownership,
laboratory name, laboratory location, personnel, equipment, or any other factor
that could impair the analytic, reporting, or operational capability of the
8. Unethical conduct in
the operation of the laboratory;
Fraudulent or deceptive practices;
10. Reporting sample results without
indicating whether or not the laboratory is certified for that
11. Failure to use an
approved method or to follow the approved method for sample analysis where the
report issued for the analysis indicates that the analysis was conducted in
accordance with Department certification standards;
12. Reporting sample results for analyses for
which the laboratory is certified without indicating whether or not the
analyses were conducted in accordance with Department certification
13. Performing,
reporting, or failing to report drinking water analyses in a manner so as to
threaten public health or welfare;
14. Failure to implement, report, or maintain
corrective action related to any deficiencies found during a laboratory
inspection or deficiencies otherwise identified by the Department;
15. Failure to correct the deficiencies cited
in a notice of downgrading to provisional certification and apply for
reinstatement during the time frame specified by the Department;
16. Handling samples in a manner so as to
compromise sample integrity; and
17. Failure to comply with any other
requirement of
310 CMR 42.00.
(b) A laboratory that has had its
certification revoked must not advertise itself as certified for those
matrices, disciplines, or categories for which the laboratory's certification
has been revoked and, to the extent possible, must remove or replace any
advertisements that indicate that the laboratory is certified within 30
calendar days of the laboratory's receipt of a notice of revocation of its
(c) A laboratory
that has had its certification revoked must not perform analyses in those
disciplines and categories for which its certification was revoked where the
Department or the laboratory's client requires that the analyses be performed
by a Massachusetts-certified laboratory and/or that the Department's
certification standards of analysis be used.
(d) The Department may impose a waiting
period of up to three years in its notice of revocation, during which time the
laboratory may not apply for recertification. After the waiting period ends,
the laboratory must submit a new application for certification, including
payment of the application fee, if it wishes to become recertified.
(e) A laboratory that has had its
certification revoked, but no waiting period imposed, may request reinstatement
within 180 days of the date of revocation in accordance with the requirements
of 310 CMR 42.12(4). A laboratory that fails to request reinstatement within
180 days must submit a new application for certification, including payment of
the application fee, if it wishes to become recertified.