Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 310 CMR 40.0000 - Massachusetts Contingency Plan
Section 40.0987 - Determination of MCP Method 2 GW-3 Standards
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) MCP Method 1 GW-3 Standards consider potential migration of oil and/or hazardous material to surface water. These standards may be modified under Method 2 based upon sitespecific conditions to develop MCP Method 2 GW-3 Standards or it may be determined that a discharge to surface water will not occur. The proposed Method 2 modification shall be scientifically justified and sufficiently documented to demonstrate that the Response Action Performance Standard, described in 310 CMR 40.0191, has been met.
(2) An MCP Method 2 GW-3 standard or determination shall be protective of migration of oil and/or hazardous material into surface waters and wetlands. The presence of an oil and/or hazardous material in the groundwater must not result in concentrations in a surface water or wetland which would pose a significant risk of harm to health, public welfare or the environment. The MCP Method 2 GW-3 Standard may be greater or less than the corresponding MCP Method 1 GW-3 Standard, or it may be determined that the Method 1 GW-3 standard is not applicable, considering site-specific conditions. The development of such standards or such a determination shall be documented by: