Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 310 CMR 40.0000 - Massachusetts Contingency Plan
Section 40.0986 - Determination of Method 2 GW-2 Standards
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) MCP Method 1 GW-2 Standards consider the potential for oil and/or hazardous material to volatilize from the groundwater and migrate to indoor air. These standards may be modified under Method 2, or a determination may be made that one or more GW-2 standards are not applicable, based upon site-specific conditions. Modifications of a standard will result in a proposed MCP Method 2 GW-2 Standard. Proposed Method 2 standards or the determination that one or more GW-2 standards are not applicable shall be scientifically justified and sufficiently documented to demonstrate that the Response Action Performance Standard, described in 310 CMR 40.0191 has been met.
(2) An MCP Method 2 GW-2 Standard shall be protective of migration of oil and/or hazardous material into indoor air. The presence of oil and/or hazardous material in the groundwater at the proposed MCP Method 2 GW-2 Standard below or near a building shall not result in indoor air concentrations which pose a significant risk of harm to health, public welfare or the environment. The MCP Method 2 GW-2 Standard may be greater or less than the corresponding MCP Method 1 GW-2 Standard, or it may be determined that the Method 1 Standard is not applicable, based upon site-specific conditions. The development of such standards shall be documented by: