Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 310 CMR 32.00 - Land Application of Sludge and Septage
Section 32.21 - Site Requirements for Land Application of Type II or Type III Sludge or Septage
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) Soil Texture.
(2) Soil Drainage.
(3) Depth to Groundwater. There shall be a minimum of three feet between the lowest point of land application of Type II or Type III sludge or septage and the maximum high groundwater table. The Department may require a greater distance between the lowest point of land application and the maximum high groundwater table than the distance provided for in the preceding sentence if sludge or septage is, or is intended to be, land applied over an existing, planned, or potential groundwater public water supply.
(4) Depth to Bedrock. There shall be a minimum distance of three feet between bedrock and the lowest point of land application of Type II or Type III sludge or septage. The Department may require a greater distance between the lowest point of land application and bedrock if the location in question is over an aquifer whose groundwater supplies a bedrock well.
(5) Soil pH. No Type II or Type III sludge or septage shall be land applied at a site where the pH of the surface soil is below 6.5 at the time of land application or would go below 6.5 as a result of mixing the soil with the sludge or septage.