Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
Purpose. The
Department's purpose in establishing a comprehensive distribution protection
program is to prevent the contamination of drinking water to the last free
flowing outlets or consumer's tap. For this reason, the Department strongly
advocates the elimination of all cross connections. The installation of
backflow prevention devices does not eliminate a cross connection. The
installation of backflow prevention devices is a protection solution when
re-plumbing or re-piping is not feasible. All cross connection protection
devices shall be approved and permited in accordance with 310 CMR
of a Cross Connection
(a) No
physical cross connection shall be maintained between the distribution system
of a public water system, the water of which is being used for drinking,
domestic, or culinary purposes, and the distribution system of any water source
not approved by the Department, as being of safe sanitary quality, or any
plumbing, fixture, or device whereby nonpotable water or other substances might
flow into the potable water system, unless said connection has been protected
by a backflow prevention device approved, in accordance with 310 CMR 22.22 or
248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code; as
(b) Backflow prevention
devices shall be installed, based on the degree of hazard involved, at all
fixtures and equipment where backflow and/or back siphonage may occur and
whenever a minimum air gap cannot be provided between the public water system
outlets to the fixture or equipment and its flood level rim. All fixtures that
have a threaded hose type connection shall, at a minimum, have the required air
gap separation and be equipped with a vacuum breaker in accordance with 248 CMR
10.14: Water Supply and the Water Distribution
(c) Where a water
connection is not subject to back pressure, a non-pressure type vacuum breaker
shall be installed on the discharge side of the last valve on the line serving
the fixture or equipment,
(d) Cross
connections maintained or created on fire protection system shall comply with
310 CMR 22.22(9)(d).
(e) All cross
connection requiring the installation of a double check valve assembly or a
reduced pressure backflow preventer shall be approved and registered by the
public water system.
(f) Cross
connections protected by a device other than a double check valve assembly or a
reduced pressure backflow preventer, approved and permitted by the inspector of
plumbing in accordance with 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code
do not require the approval of the Department, its designee or the
public water system.
(g) Except for
the installation of backflow prevention devices on fire protection systems, no
double check valve assembly or reduced pressure backflow preventors shall be
installed on a cross connection until the application for a plumbing permit is
accompanied by a letter of approval from the Department, its designee or public
water system pursuant to 248 CMR 10.14: Water Supply and the Water
Distribution System.
Subject to applicable laws and regulations, public water systems shall have the
authority to terminate any water service connection to any facility where cross
connections are found to be in non-compliance with 310 CMR 22.22. The supplier
shall deny water service to any premises where cross connections exist until
corrective action is taken. If necessary, water service shall be disconnected
for failure to test or maintain backflow prevention devices in a manner
acceptable to the supplier. If it is found that the backflow prevention device
has been removed or by-passed or otherwise rendered ineffective, water service
shall be discontinued unless corrections are made immediately.
(i) The public water system shall establish a
time for completion of necessary corrections or removal of actual or potential
cross connections, taking into consideration the degree of hazard involved and
the time required to obtain and to install the needed equipment. The public
water system shall use every means at its disposal to obtain voluntary
compliance. However, if proper protection has not been provided after a
reasonable period of time (following legal notification and subject to
applicable laws and regulations), the public water system shall physically
separate the public water supply from the on-site piping system in such a
manner that the two systems cannot again be connected by an unauthorized
(j) Cross connections
between a public water system and a private well or individual water source
serving residential dwellings used for potable or nonpotable purposes are
(k) All backflow
prevention devices shall be installed and repaired by a Massachusetts licensed
plumber, except for backflow prevention devices installed on fire protection
systems. A Massachusetts licensed fire sprinkler contractor is responsible for
all work conducted on a fire protection system, including the installation,
maintenance and repair of backflow prevention devices.
(l) An anti-siphon or back pressure device
shall be installed on any apparatus that pumps any chemical into a potable
water supply to prevent back siphonage.
Public Water System
Responsibilities. Every public water system shall be responsible
(a) Controlling cross connections to the
last free flowing outlet of the consumer and for the safety of the public water
system under its jurisdiction.
Having a cross connection control distribution system protection program plan
(the "cross connection program plan") approved by the Department as specified
at 310 CMR 22.22(3)(b).
1. Every public water
system is required to have its cross connection program plan approved by the
Department by June 1, 1994.
2. Each
plan must be prepared in accordance with departmental guidance and shall
include, at a minimum, the following information: description of current
program (i.e. staffing, tracking, surveying, testing, training
and fee requirements) and evaluation of the current program, proposed changes
and implementation plans. The plan shall also include an explanation of how the
public water system will satisfy 310 CMR 22.22(3)(c) through (r).
3. The plan shall be fully implemented and
operational by January 1, 1999. A public water system may use a contractor,
subcontractor, or consultant to assist in the program implementation except as
specified at 310 CMR 22.22(3)(r). However, every public water system shall
continue to be responsible for compliance with 310 CMR 22.22 and subject to
enforcement by the Department.
The public water system shall obtain the Department's written approval prior to
modifying its approved cross connection plan.
(c) Inspecting and surveying of all
industrial, commercial, and institutional premises served by the public water
system to determine if cross connections exist and that all cross connections
are properly protected by an appropriate device or eliminated.
(d) Maintaining on the public water system
premises in a readily accessible form the following documentation:
1. a schedule of all facilities inspected and
2. records of all device
3. related
correspondence, including notices of violation; and
4. list of devices and inspections of
approved backflow prevention devices.
(e) Ensuring that all backflow prevention
device inspections are conducted by a Massachusetts Certified Backflow
Prevention Device Tester and surveys for cross connections are conducted by a
person who is certified by the Department as a Massachusetts Certified Cross
Connection Surveyor.
Establishing and maintaining a cross connection control program for residential
users which shall include an educational component.
(g) Not allowing any cross connection at any
point within its system unless said cross connection is approved pursuant to
310 CMR 22.22 or 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing
(h) Ensuring that
all double check valve assemblies and reduced pressure backflow preventer
devices are inspected and tested in accordance with the public water system
program plan as approved by the Department and as specified at 310 CMR
22.22(13). The public water system has the option of testing the devices
itself, having the device tested by the device owner, or having the testing
conducted by a contractor.
Establishing a program for auditing for devices not tested by public water
system staff.
(j) Submitting a
report to the Department annually on a form or in a format specified by the
Department that shall include the following minimum information:
1. a list of or information on all cross
connections protected by an approved double check valve assembly or approved
reduced pressure backflow preventer devices;
2. the numbers and types of facilities
surveyed yearly; and
3. the number
type and location of violations found.
(k) Assisting Department personnel in any
cross connection related inspections and backflow device installations;
(l) Taking appropriate action to
eliminate cross connections and hazardous conditions, strongly promote
compliance, and take the appropriate enforcement action when necessary;
(m) Notifying the cross connection
owner of any violations of 310 CMR 22.22 by sending a Notice of Violation to
(n) Notifying all device
owners of their responsibilities relative to cross connections control and 310
CMR 22.00.
(o) Annually notify
consumers of water and local public officials of the requirements of the
distribution system cross connection control program, including Mayors, Town
Managers, city and town councilors or selectmen, water commissioners, fire
chiefs, local boards of health, plumbing inspectors, building inspectors, local
state representatives, unless waived in writing by the Department.
(p) Generating all necessary correspondence
relative to the administration and operations of the cross connection control
program. The public water system will be responsible for all correspondence to
device owners. All correspondence relating to the cross connection control
program must be signed by the public water system.
(q) Reviewing and approving design data
sheets and plans for proposed new installations of reduced pressure backflow
preventers, and double check valve assemblies. All design data sheets and plans
shall be reviewed by a Massachusetts Certified Cross Connection Surveyor,
effective January 1, 1999 as specified at 310 CMR 22.22(7)(a)4. The public
water system may not delegate, or subdelegate, contract, or subcontract this
responsibility to any other entity, unless otherwise authorized in writing by
the Department. The Department will require that all recommendations or
findings made by the contracted certified surveyor, when reviewing and
approving data sheets and plans, be submitted on the public water system
letterhead and signed by an authorized person of the public water
(r) Ensuring, upon
completion of installation that backflow prevention devices are installed
according to the approved design data sheet and plans and tested for proper
operation, effective January 1, 1999.
Responsibilities. The owner of any cross connection protected by a
double check valve assembly or reduced pressure backflow preventer shall:
(a) Notify the public water system of all
cross connections protected by a double check valve assembly or reduced
pressure backflow preventer and comply with all necessary approvals and permits
from the public water system and/or the Department for the maintenance of cross
connections, as specified at 310 CMR 22.22;
(b) Have suitable arrangements made so that
inspections of backflow prevention devices and cross connection surveys can be
made during regular business hours;
(c) Maintain a spare parts kit and any
special tools required for the removal and reassembly of backflow prevention
(d) Provide the necessary
labor for inspection and testing by the Certified Backflow Prevention Device
Testers or Certified Cross Connection Surveyor;
(e) Overhaul, repair, or replace within 14
days of the initial inspection date and retest pursuant to 310 CMR
22.22(13)(e), any device which fails a test or is found defective;
(f) Submit copies of the Inspection and
Maintenance Report Form as required by the public water system.
(g) Maintain on the premises complete records
on all devices for the life of said devices including as-built plans and design
data sheets; maintain for seven years the Inspection and Maintenance Report
Forms for tests conducted by the certified.
(h) Make certain that the cross connection
protection device is tested as specified at 310 CMR 22.22(13) or as required by
the public water system.
Certified Backflow Prevention
Device Tester's Responsibilities. Certified Backflow Prevention
Device Testers have the following responsibilities relative to cross
(a) Having a backflow preventer
test kit that is maintained in proper working order and calibrated
(b) Recording the test
results for each inspection conducted;
(c) Submitting copies of inspection reports
to the water supplier, and the owner within 30 days of the inspection;
(d) Maintaining records of all
test results for a minimum of seven years.
Local Plumbing Inspector
Responsibilities. Local Plumbing Inspectors, authorized by M.G.L.
c. 142 to administer and to enforce 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State
Plumbing Code, have the following responsibilities relative to cross
(a) As required by 248 CMR
10.14(6), the Inspector of Plumbing will ensure that potable water supply
systems are designed, installed and maintained in a manner as to prevent
contamination from non-potable liquids, solids or gases which may be introduced
to a potable water supply system through cross connections;
(b) After reviewing the plans and
specifications for plumbing work under 248 CMR 10.04(5), and before issuing a
permit, the Plumbing Inspector, as required by 248 CMR 10.14, shall require the
installation of appropriate devices in accordance with 310 CMR 22.00;
(c) No plumbing permit shall be
issued for cross connection installations requiring Reduced Pressure Zone
Backflow Preventors or Double Check Valve Assemblies until the application for
such permit is accompanied by a letter of approval from the Department, its
Designee or public water system.
Installation Approval and
Permit Requirements.
Installation Approval.
1. No person shall install or remove or
contract with another person for the installation or removal of any reduced
pressure backflow preventer or double check valve assembly required by 310 CMR
22.22 unless a design data sheet with plans showing the method of protection of
the public water distribution system has been approved by the Department, its
Designee or the public water system for the installation of such
2. All persons shall obtain
approval from the local plumbing inspector or the head of the local fire
department, to the extent required by the State Plumbing Code, 248 CMR
10.04(3), or M.G.L. c. 148, § 27A, for the initial installation or
retrofit for any change in the installation of any air gap separation with tank
and pump arrangement, reduced pressure backflow preventer, or double check
valve assembly.
3. Prior to the
installation of any pressure or atmospheric vacuum breaker, backflow preventer
with intermediate atmospheric vent, or barometric loop, the plans and
specifications for the plumbing work must receive a permit issued pursuant to
248 CMR 10.04(3) by the local Plumbing Inspector. For these devices, a plumbing
permit issued under 248 CMR 10.04(3) shall constitute installation approval
pursuant to 310 CMR 22.22.
4. All
design data sheets and plans for the installation of backflow prevention
devices shall be reviewed by a certified cross connection surveyor as of
December 31, 1998.
5. Design data
sheets and plans for the installation of a backflow prevention device on fire
protection systems shall not be approved by the public water system until a
building permit has been issued by the Building Official who has jurisdiction
over such system in accordance with 780 CMR 1.00: Scope and
Administration and 9.00: Fire Protection Systems and
approval by the head of the local fire department.
1. Any person owning
or maintaining a cross connection protected by a double check valve assembly or
a reduced pressure backflow prevention device that was approved by the
Department, its designee or public water system shall register such protected
cross connection device(s)with the public water system in accordance with 310
CMR 22.22(2). The Department will issue, upon request, one annual permit to the
public water system covering only those registered cross connection devices
identified by the public water system in its annual statistical report to the
2. The Department
reserves the right to revoke or suspend any conditional approval and/or permit
for cause.
(c) The
Department may revoke any approval or permit for any installation or change in
installation of any backflow prevention device which is found to be in
noncompliance with 310 CMR 22.22.
Location of
(a) The location of each
approved backflow prevention device, with respect to the plumbing on the
premises and the service connection to the premises, shall be based upon the
degree of existing or potentially existing health hazard, and shall conform to
the following specific requirements:
Approved backflow prevention devices shall be located so that protection of all
cross connections is achieved with a minimum number of devices;
2. Approved backflow prevention devices shall
be located so as to provide in-plant protection;
3. The following types of facilities have
been determined to present high health hazard conditions and in-plant
protection shall be supplemented by installation of a reduced pressure backflow
preventer or an air gap separation at the meter or property line unless an
approved device is installed on a dedicated or process line, or if protection
of the in-plant cross connection(s) is achieved to the satisfaction of the
Department, its Designee or the public water system at:
a. Nuclear reactors or other facilities where
radioactive materials are used;
Sewage treatment plants and sewage pumping stations;
c. Piers, docks, marinas,
d. Chemical
e. Metal plating
f. Hospitals,
mortuaries, medical clinics, dental offices and clinics;
g. Laboratories, except when the Department
or its Designee has made a specific determination that no health hazard exists
on the premises;
h. Other types of
facilities as determined in writing by the Department or its Designee.
(b) If, upon
request by the owner of the premises or upon its own initiative, the Department
or its Designee or the public water system determines that it is unreasonable
to locate all cross connections within the premises, or the Department or its
Designee determines that protection of all cross connections is unreasonable
for economic reasons, then:
1. the public
water supply distribution system shall be protected by installation of a
reduced pressure backflow preventer or an air gap separation at the meter or
property line; and
2. the owner of
the premises shall provide a safe, alternative supply of potable water, well
marked and labeled, to all domestic water fixtures on the premises.
Types of
Backflow Prevention Devices Required.
(a) Subject to the provisions of 310 CMR
Table 22-1 shall serve as the guide for the type of
protection required.
Table 22-1
AG - Air Gap
PVB Pressure Vacuum Breaker
RPBP - Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer
BPIAV - Backflow Preventer with Intermediate
DCVA - Double Check Valve Assembly
AVB - Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker
Types of Hazard on Premises
Acceptable Types of Backflow Preventers
1. Sewage Treatment Plant
2. Sewage Pumping Station
3. Food Processing
*If no health hazard exists
4. Laboratories
*If no health hazard exists
5. Fixtures with hose threads on inlets
In addition to an air gap separation, all fixtures
that have a threaded hose type connection shall at a minimum, be equipped with
a AVB in accordance with 248 CMR 10.14
6. Hospitals, Mortuaries, Clinics
7. Plating Facilities
8. Irrigation Systems
Each case should be evaluated individually. *An AVB
can be used if no back pressure is possible and no health hazard exists
**Pressure Vacuum Breakers can be installed if back pressure is not
9. Systems or Equipment Using Radioactive
10. Submerged Inlets
*If no health hazard exists and no back pressure is
11. Dockside Facilities
12. Valved outlets or fixtures with hose
Each case should be evaluated individually
*If no health hazard exists and no back pressure
13. Commercial Laundries and Dry Cleaners
14. Commercial Dishwashing Machines
*If no health hazard exists
15. High and Low Pressure Boilers
*If chemicals are added
16. Low Pressure Heating Boilers
Residential and small commercial, having no chemicals
17. Photo Processing Equipment
18. Reservoirs -Cooling Tower Recirculating
19. Fire Protection Systems: For cross connection
control, fire protection systems may be classified on the basis of water source
and arrangement of supplies as follows:
(a) Class 1: Direct connection from public water
system mains only; no pumps, tanks, or reservoirs; no physical connection from
other water supplies; no antifreeze or other additives of any kind; all
sprinkler drains discharge to atmosphere, dry wells, or other safe outlets.
These systems may or may not have fire department connections. Refer to 310 CMR
A backflow prevention assembly does not have to be
installed on existing fire protection systems installed prior to March 21,
1997, provided that the fire protection system is registered with the public
water system, equipped with a UL listed alarm check valve that is properly
maintained in accordance with NFPA 25 and has not undergone substantial
modification defined within 310 CMR 22.22(9)(d)3. Alarm check maintenance
records must be available for inspection by the Department, its designee or the
public water system
b. Class 2: Same as Class 1 except that booster pumps
may be installed in the connections from the street mains .These systems may or
may not have fire department connections. Refer to 310 CMR 22.22(9)(a).
A backflow prevention assembly does not have to be
installed on existing fire protection system installed prior to March 21, 1997,
provided that the fire protection system is registered with the public water
system and equipped with a UL listed alarm check valve that is properly
maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Alarm check maintenance records must be
available for inspection by the Department, its designee or the public water
c. Class 3: Direct connection from public water
system mains, plus one or more of the following: elevated storage tanks; fire
pumps taking suction from aboveground covered reservoirs, or tanks; and
pressure tanks.
*RPBP or DCVA contingent on evaluation of auxiliary
supply and on-site system in accordance with 310 CMR 22.22(9)(d)1.
d. Class 4: Directly supplied from public water
system mains, similar to Class 1 and Class 2 with an auxiliary water supply
dedicated to fire department use and available to the premises, such as an
nonpotable water source located within 1700 feet of the fire department
connection, (FDC).
*RPBP on evaluation of auxiliary supply and on-site
system in accordance with 310 CMR 22.22(9)(d)1.
e. Class 5: Directly supplied from public water
system mains, and interconnected with auxiliary supplies, such as pumps taking
suction from reservoirs exposed to contamination, or rivers and ponds; driven
wells; mills or other industrial water systems; or where antifreeze or other
additives are used.
*RPBP or air gap contingent on evaluation of
auxiliary supply and on-site system. Refer to 310 CMR 22.22(9)(d)1.
f. Class 6: Combined industrial and fire protection
systems supplied from the public water mains only, with or without gravity
storage or pump suction tanks.
*RPBP contingent on evaluation of on-site water
system. Refer to 310 CMR22.22 (9)(d)1.
g. Residential fire protection systems for one and
two family detached dwellings and manufactured homes only. Fire protection
systems in three family dwellings meeting NFPA 13D requirements as provided in
780 CMR, Chapter 9, are included in this section.
Non testable devices and flow through systems should
be used whenever possible. Systems are typically designed and installed in
accordance with NFPA 13D: "Installation of Sprinkler systems in One and Two
Family Dwellings and manufactured homes". These systems are authorized to use
food grade antifreeze with no additional requirements when potable piping (PB,
CPVC, and copper tube) is employed. If non-grade antifreeze is utilized, the
system may be classified as a class 5. If a fire department connection is used,
the requirements for a class 1 or 2 apply.
h. Residential fire protection systems for other than
those described in Table 22-1-19.g.
Fire protection system in this category shall comply
with the requirements set forth in class 1 through 4 as appropriate.
20. Solar Energy Systems
Residential and small commercial having no chemicals
or only USP Glycenne added to water
21. Single Jacketed Heat Exchangers
Each case should be evaluated individually
Subject to the authority of the Department, its Designee, or public water
system to issue the final determination of what type of device is required and
the location of the device for each cross connection in individual cases,
depending upon the degree of health hazard and type of backflow involved, the
acceptable devices for backflow prevention include air gap separation, reduced
pressure backflow preventers, double check valves assemblies, atmospheric or
pressure vacuum breakers, backflow preventers with intermediate atmospheric
vents, and barometric loops.
There shall be no by-pass around any approved backflow prevention device unless
the same type of approved backflow prevention device is installed on the
Protection Systems.
1. Any new,
existing or substantially modified fire protection system, including
residential fire protection systems, shall be evaluated by the Department, its
Designee or public water system to determine if a cross connection exists. If
it is determined that a cross connection does exist, 310 CMR 22.22(9)(a):
Table 22-1 shall serve as a guide in determining the type of
protection device required. In evaluating the type of protection device
required, the degree of hazard associated with the fire protection system, and
the potability of the water pumped into the fire department connection, shall
be considered, and the head of the local fire department shall be
2. All existing cross
connections between public water systems and fire protection systems, as
described in 310 CMR 22.22: Table 22-1, (9)(a)19.a. and b.,
and installed prior to March 21, 1997, shall be equipped with a UL listed alarm
check valve with the standard alarm pressure switch trim package. The device
shall comply with the applicable requirements stated in 310 CMR 22.22(9)(d)6.:
Fire protection systems installed on or after March 21, 1997, shall be equipped
with a protection device specified in 310 CMR 22.22(9)(d)1. When backflow
prevention devices are to be retroactively installed on exiting fire protection
system, a thorough hydraulic analysis, including revised hydraulic
calculations, new fire flow data, and all necessary system modification to
accommodate the additional friction loss, shall be completed as part of the
installation in accordance with NFPA-13. The installation of a backflow
prevention device only does not constitute a substantial modification of an
existing fire protection system.
The owner of a cross connection subject to 310 CMR 22.22(9)(d)2. shall register
the connection(s) with the public water system, a copy of which shall be
retained by the public water system as specified at 310 CMR 22.22.
4. Any owner of existing cross connection(s)
who decides to install a protection device specified at 310 CMR 22.22(9)(a):
Table 22-1, when the Department has not determined that such a
protection device is necessary, shall obtain the prior written approval of the
Department or its Designee of the design data sheets for the proposed
protection device as specified at 310 CMR 22.22(9)(d)6.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of 310 CMR
22.22(9)(d)3. and 4., by providing written notification to the owner of a cross
connection between a public water system and a fire protection system, the
Department or its Designee may, whenever the Department or its designee
determines that the cross connection constitutes a threat to the public health,
at any time require the installation of a protection device, modify or revoke
the approval of a cross connection, or require water quality
6. In addition to the
requirements set forth in 310 CMR 22.22, the installation and testing of a
backflow protection device on a fire protection system may be subject to the
requirements of the following:
a. 780 CMR:
Massachusetts State Building Code - Fire Protection Systems,
Design, Installation, Testing and Maintenance Requirements;
b. 527 CMR: Massachusetts Fire
Prevention Regulations, Installation Permits;
c. 250 CMR: Board of Registration of
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, Practice of Engineering and
Preparation of Plans and Specifications;
d. 528 CMR: Bureau of Pipe fitters,
Refrigeration, and Sprinkler Fitters, Qualification and Licensing of
e. M.G.L. c. 148,
§ 27A, Shutting off Existing Fire Protection systems and
f. 248 CMR:
State Plumbing and Fuel Gas Code, Permits and
Approval of Devices for Use
in Massachusetts.
(a) Types and
models of atmospheric breakers, pressure vacuum breakers/anti-siphon vacuum
breakers, backflow preventers with intermediate atmospheric vent, dual check
valve preventers, and hose connection vacuum breakers may be used in
Massachusetts for certain low hazard applications referred to in 248 CMR 10.00:
Uniform State Plumbing Code shall be those meeting the
requirements of, and approved by, the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and
Gas Fitters.
(b) All reduced
pressure backflow preventers, double check valve assemblies, and double check
detector assemblies used in Massachusetts for the protection of a cross
connection in accordance with 310 CMR 22.00 shall meet the standards
established by at least one of the following organizations: American Society of
Sanitary Engineering (ASSE), American Water Works Association or University of
Southern California (U.S.C.) Specifications;
(c) Devices and valves installed on fire
protection systems including dual check backflow preventer for residential fire
sprinkler systems shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratory (UL) or approved
by Factory Mutual Research in accordance with 780 CMR Massachusetts
State Building Code unless otherwise approved by the head of the local
fire department.
(d) The Department
reserves the right to prohibit the use of any cross connection protection
devices in Massachusetts if the Department determines that such device is
found, after subsequent review, to be defective or to have performed
inadequately in the field.
Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventers: Reduced pressure
backflow preventers may be used to protect against backflow caused by back
pressure or back siphonage and to protect a public water supply system from
substances which are hazardous to health only when they are installed in the
following manner:
1. For devices installed as
in-plant protection, the reduced pressure backflow preventer shall be installed
on the owner's side of the water meter on the potable water supply
2. Before installing a
reduced pressure backflow preventer, all pipelines shall be thoroughly flushed
to remove foreign material.
Drinking and domestic water lines, lines for safety showers, and lines for eye
wash units must be taken off the upstream side of reduced pressure backflow
preventers for devices installed as in-plant protection.
4. The reduced pressure backflow preventer
shall be located so as to permit easy access and provide adequate and
convenient space for maintenance, inspection, and testing.
5. The owner of the device shall be able to
shut down water lines after reasonable notice during normal business hours to
permit necessary testing and maintenance of the device, provided that if it is
not possible to meet this requirement a by-pass line equipped with an approved
type reduced pressure backflow preventer shall be installed.
6. The reduced pressure backflow preventer
and shut-off valves must be installed in a horizontal alignment between three
and four feet from the floor to the bottom of the device and a minimum of 12
inches from any wall. Vertical installation of devices shall be determined by
the public water system.
7. Tightly
closing valves must be installed at each end of the device and be immediately
accessible unless otherwise approved by the Department or its Designee or
public water system.
8. The device
must be protected from freezing, flooding, and mechanical damage.
9. If the device is to be installed on a hot
water line, a device approved for use at the elevated temperature must be
10. If a drain is to be
provided for the relief valve port, there must be an approved air gap
separation between the port and drain line. To be approved, the air gap must be
at least twice the internal diameter of the discharge line.
11. Pit installation shall be approved only
as provided in 310 CMR 22.22(11)(f).
12. All water lines shall be color coded
according to 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code,
except that water filtration plants, pumping stations, sewage treatment plants
and sewage pumping stations shall label all water lines in lieu
of color coding.
Double Check Valve
Assemblies. Double check valve assemblies may be used to protect
against backflow caused by back pressure or back siphonage and to protect a
public water supply system from substances which may be objectionable, but not
hazardous to health, only if they are installed in the following manner:
1. Drinking and domestic water lines, lines
for safety showers, and lines for eye wash units must be taken off the upstream
side of the double check valve assembly for devices installed as in-plant
2. The double check
valve assembly shall be installed with adequate space to facilitate
maintenance, inspection, and testing.
3. The double check valve must be installed
horizontally and the top of the double check valve assembly must be between 12
inches and 48 inches from the floor and a minimum of 12 inches from any wall.
Vertical installation of devices shall be determined by the public water
4. If a water meter is not
provided on the upstream side of an approved swing-type double check valve
assembly, a three to five foot spacer must be installed between the check
5. Tightly closing valves
must be installed at each end of the device and be immediately accessible
unless otherwise approved by the Department or its Designee.
6. Double check valve assemblies must be
readily accessible for testing and service and provided with suitable
connections and appurtenances for testing.
7. The device must be protected against
flooding, freezing and mechanical damage.
8. Pit installation will be approved only as
provided in 310 CMR 22.22(11)(f).
Vacuum Breakers.
Vacuum breakers shall not be used to protect against backflow due to back
pressure and shall not be installed as protection for high hazard conditions as
determined by the Department, its Designee or public water system. Vacuum
breakers may be used for low health hazards only if they are installed in the
following manner:
1. Vacuum breakers must be
installed at least six inches above the flood level rim of the fixture they
2. Atmospheric vacuum
breakers must be installed downstream of the last shut off servicing the
fixture or equipment.
3. Vacuum
breakers must not be installed in locations where the device is subject to
corrosive fumes, dust or grit.
Vacuum breakers must be protected against flooding, freezing and mechanical
5. Atmospheric vacuum
breakers shall not be used under conditions of static line pressure. Pressure
vacuum breakers may be used under conditions of static line pressure.
6. Vacuum breakers shall be installed on all
fixtures that have a threaded hose type connection as required in 248 CMR
10.14: Water Supply and the Water Distribution System, in
addition to an air gap separation.
Loops. Barometric Loops may be used only to protect against back
siphonage, shall be approved for use only when no health hazard exists and when
back pressure is not possible.
Air Gap Separation. Air gap separation may be used to
protect against backflow caused by back pressure or back siphonage and to
protect a public water supply system from substances which are hazardous to
health and shall be approved for use only when installed in accordance with 248
CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code.
Installation. No devices shall be installed in pits except as
specifically approved by the Department, its Designee or public water system in
cases of unique circumstances, and must comply with 29 CFR 1910.196, OSHA
regulations where applicable for work in confined spaces then only as follows:
1. the pit interior shall be a minimum of ten
feet long, six feet wide, and must have a clear height 61/2 feet
2. the pit must be
3. the pit opening and
manhole cover must be at least 30 inches in diameter;
4. The foothold inserts must be of steel,
aluminum, or other material approved by the Department, must be a maximum of 12
inches apart, and must be installed so that the top foothold is within 12
inches of the manhole cover and the bottom foothold is within 12 inches of the
pit floor;
5. An adequate drain
must be installed and the drain line shall not be connected to a
6. The pit floor shall be
pitched to the drain;
7. If built
in a roadway, the top of the pit must be adequately reinforced.
Connection Certification
Cross Connection Backflow Prevention Device Tester.
Any person seeking Department certifications as a Backflow Prevention Device
Tester in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall meet all of the following
1. pass a written and practical
certification examination which is approved by the Department for "Backflow
Prevention Device Tester".
2. apply
to the Department for certification on the form provided by the Department.
This submittal must include payment of the certification fee established by the
3. Application for
certification must be submitted to the Department no later than 12 moths after
the date the applicant received notice of passing a Department approved
Cross Connection Control Surveyor. Any person seeking
Department certification as a Cross Connection Surveyor in the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts shall meet all of the following requirements:
1. Pass a written examination approved by the
Department for Cross Connection Control Surveyor".
2. Apply to the Department for certification
on the form provided by the Department. This submittal must include payment of
the certification fee established by the Department.
3. Application for certification must be
submitted to the Department no later than 12 months after the date the
applicant received notice of passing a Department approved
(c) Any
person, upon satisfying the requirements of 310 CMR 22.22(13)(a), shall receive
from the Department a certificate which indicates that he or she is a:
1. Certified Backflow Prevention Device
Tester; or
2. Certified Cross
Connection Surveyor; or
Combination Certified Backflow Prevention Device Tester/Certified Cross
Connection Surveyor.
All certificates will remain valid for three years from the date of
of Certification. Any Certified Backflow Prevention Device Tester,
Cross Connection Surveyor or person holding a valid Combination Certificate who
desires to renew his or her certification must submit a renewal application
including any renewal fee and prerequisites, no later than one month prior to
the expiration date of his or her certificate.
Backflow Prevention Device
Testers. Persons applying for renewal shall complete at least 24
inspections/tests of backflow prevention devices and obtain a least three
training contact hours (TCH) in the past three years. Proof of inspections and
TCH shall accompany the application.
Cross Connection
Surveyor. Persons applying for renewal shall complete at least
three cross connection surveys and obtain a least three training contact hours
(TCH) in the past three years. Proof of surveys and TCH shall accompany the
(f) Persons
failing to meet the certification renewal requirements at 310 CMR
22.22(13)(e)1. and/or 2. within three years from the date that the
certification expired must retake an examination approved by the Department for
Recertifcation Requirements. Persons failing to renew
their certification within three years from the date that the certificate
expired, must retake an examination approved by the Department for
(h) Persons
holding both a valid Backflow Prevention Device Testers certificate and a valid
Cross Connection Surveyor certificate shall be issued a Combination
(i) Persons holding a
combination certification shall satisfy all the renewal requirements stated at
310 CMR 22.22(12)(e), except for the TCH requirements. Only three TCH will be
required for a combination certificate.
Inspection Surveying,
Testing and Overhauling of Devices.
(a) All cross connection surveys shall be
conducted by a person who is a Massachusetts Certified Cross Connection
Surveyor. All backflow prevention device tests shall be conducted by a
certified Backflow Prevention Device Tester in accordance with 310 CMR 22.22. A
person holding a Combination Certification may conduct a cross connection
survey and/or backflow prevention test.
(b) Within 14 calendar days after the
installation of devices in accordance with plans reviewed and approved by the
reviewing authority, the owner or owner's agent shall notify the public water
system to arrange for the inspection of the installation.
(c) Reduced pressure backflow preventers,
double check valve assemblies, may be inspected and tested by the Department,
its designee or the public water system at any time.
(d) The public water system is responsible to
ensure that each reduced pressure backflow preventer will be inspected
semiannually in accordance with the public water system's approved cross
connection program plan, as provided for in 310 CMR 22.22(3)(b). If the supply
is used less than six months of the year, these devices shall be inspected and
tested once each year. Each double check valve assembly shall be tested
annually. Pressure type vacuum breakers should be tested at least annually by
the owner of the device. Each test shall be conducted by a Certified Backflow
Prevention Device Tester.
Devices which fail the test or are found to be defective shall be overhauled,
repaired, or replaced and retested within 14 calendar days of the failure or
from the discovery of the defect. The repair work must be done by a plumber
licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the extent required by 248 CMR
10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code. No person shall overhaul,
repair, replace a device on a fire system without approval from the head of the
local fire department pursuant to M.G.L. c.148, § 27A.
(f) No two routine tests for reduced pressure
backflow preventers required by 310 CMR 22.22 shall be conducted within five
months of each other without the written approval of the Department, its
designee or the public water system.
(g) The owner or owner's agent must maintain
on the premises a spare parts kit and any special tools required for removal
and reassembly of devices which are to be tested. The presence of these
materials must be recorded on the Inspection and Maintenance Report
(h) The owner or owner's
agent must provide labor on the premises as necessary to allow inspection and
testing of devices by the Department, the supplier of water, or Certified
Backflow Prevention Device Testers.
(i) The owner or owner's agent shall notify
the public water system in writing, no later than 30 days prior to the removal
from service of any permitted device and such notification shall include the
reason for removal and must indicate if the cross connection has been
(j) The owner or owner's
agent shall notify the public water system in writing no later than 30 days
prior to a change in ownership. Notification must include, at a minimum, the
name and address of the new owner as well as documentation with proof of change
in ownership.
(k) If the public
water system deems necessary, it may test a device more frequently to ensure
proper cross connection control.
Right of Entry.
All owners or operators of commercial, industrial or institutional premises
served by a public water supply system shall authorize agents and employees of
the Commonwealth, upon presentation of their credentials, to enter their
premises without a warrant for the purpose of inspecting and surveying their
water systems for cross connections and assuring compliance with 310 CMR 22.22,
whether or not the Commonwealth has evidence that the system is in violation of
an applicable legal requirement.
(a) The certification fees for Backflow
Prevention Device Testers and Cross Connection Control Surveyors are
established by the Department as stated in 310 CMR 4.00: Timely Action
Schedule and Fee Provisions.
(b) A person holding either a Testers or
Surveyors certificate will not be charged an additional fee for a combination
certification provided that all the requirement of 310 CMR 22.22(12) have been
(c) Permit fees as specified
at 310 CMR 22.22(7)(b) are established by the Department in accordance with 310
CMR 4.00: Timely Action Schedule and Fee Provisions.
Whoever maintains a cross connection in violation of M.G.L. c. 111, §
160A, shall be:
1. punished by a fine of not
more than $25,000 for each day such violation occurs or continues, or by
imprisonment for not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment,
2. subject to a civil penalty
not to exceed $25,000 per day for each day that such violation occurs or
(b) Any
violation of 310 CMR 22.22 shall be subject to the administrative penalty
provisions of 310 CMR 5.00: Administrative Penalty.
(c) Upon due notice to the person maintaining
the connection the Department may revoke any permit whenever, in the opinion of
the Department, the cross connection or the maintenance thereof no longer
complies with 310 CMR 22.00.
After notice and opportunity for a hearing, the Department may suspend or
revoke the certification of any Backflow Prevention Device Tester or Cross
Connection Control Surveyor for cause. A certified backflow prevention device
tester or certified cross connection control surveyor whose certification has
been suspended or revoked by the Department may not test devices or conduct any
surveys pending the outcome of the hearing, if any.
Audit: The
Department may perform audits of a Public Water System's distribution system
protection cross connection control program to ascertain whether the PWS is in
compliance with 310 CMR 22.22, and to ascertain the fitness and purity of the
water for domestic use and to secure the sanitary protection of such waters,
pursuant to MGL c. 111, § 160. The Department may issue a written order,
pursuant to M.G.L. c. 111, § 160A, requiring a supplier of public water to
perform any action necessary to assure the delivery of fit and pure water
through its distribution system, including the actions required under 310 CMR
(f) In order to ensure
the delivery of a fit and pure water supply, the Department may issue a written
order, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 111, § 160, requiring a supplier of public
water to cease supplying water to any premises if one or more cross connections
are maintained in violation of the requirements of 310 CMR 22.22, or requiring
any person to take such actions as are reasonable and necessary to prevent or
to eliminate cross connections.