Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 310 CMR 22.00 - Drinking Water
Section 22.11B - Public Water Systems Certified Operator Staffing Requirements
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) Operation. Each Supplier of Water shall ensure that its Public Water System is operated at all times by a Primary and Secondary Operator for the treatment and distribution of drinking water, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Department. Any Public Water System personnel who make decisions regarding the Public Water System's process control or operational integrity shall be certified pursuant to 236 CMR: Board of Certification of Operators of Drinking Water Supply Facilities. Exemptions to this requirement are addressed in 310 CMR 22.11B(5). The Primary Operator shall be directly responsible for the operation of a Treatment Facility and/or Distribution System. The Secondary Operator shall be directly responsible for the operation of a Treatment Facility and/or Distribution System or a major segment of the Public Water System, during the temporary absence of the Primary Operator or during operational shifts when the Primary Operator is not scheduled to work. Persons exercising official general administrative duties such as city engineers exercising engineering design duties, elected water commissioners, clerks or administrative workers involved in customer relations, billing, payroll, timekeeping, etc. shall not be considered directly responsible for a Public Water System, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Department.
(2) Staffing Requirements. In order to ensure the proper management, operation and maintenance of Public Water Systems, every Public Water System, except as provided in 310 CMR 22.11B(5), shall be operated as follows:
(3) Primary and Secondary Operator Changes. Except for periods of temporary absence of no more than 30 days, whenever a Supplier of Water changes a Certified Operator responsible for primary or secondary supervision under 310 CMR 22.11B(1),
(4) Classification of Public Water Systems. A Public Water System's Distribution System shall be classified in accordance with 310 CMR 22.11B(4)(c) and its Treatment Facilities, if any, shall be classified in accordance with 310 CMR 22.11B(4)(a). However, if the Public Water System is a free standing vending machine, it shall be classified instead in accordance with 310 CMR 22.11B(4)(b) or (d), as applicable. The overall classification of each Public Water System shall be indicated by the classification of its Distribution System followed by the numerically highest class of its Treatment Facilities, if any (e.g., III-D/II-T) or its vending classification (e.g., II-VNDT). The increasing numerical class indicates an increasing complexity of operation and a higher level of training, knowledge, and experience required for operation. The certification grades for operators established in 236 CMR 3.02: Classification of Public Water System Operators, shall correspond to the classification of the system as required under 310 CMR 22.11B(4). The Department shall make the final determination of all such classifications.
310 CMR 22.11B: TABLE 1
Item |
Points Possible |
Size (20 points maximum allowed) |
Design flow average day, or peak month's average day, whichever is larger (1 point per 0.5 MGD. Round up.) Design flow: Consider this to be the design capacity of the plant. Examples: 9.2 MGD = 19 points 4.7 MGD = 10 points |
1 - 20 |
Water Supply Sources (Rating based on public health significance) |
Seawater/saltwater |
0 |
Groundwater |
0 |
Groundwater Under Direct Influence of Surface Water (GWUDI) |
8 |
Surface Water |
10 |
Average Raw Water Quality Variation - Applies to all sources (surface and groundwater) Key is the effect on treatment process changes that would be necessary to achieve optimized performance. * Little or no variation - no treatment provided except Disinfection (0 points) * Minor variation - e.g. "high quality" surface source appropriate for Slow Sand Filtration (1 point) * Moderate variation in chemical feed, dosage changes made: monthly (2 points), weekly (3 points), or daily (4 points) * Variation significant enough to require pronounced and/or very frequent changes (5 points) * Severe variation - source subject to non- point discharges, agricultural/ urban storm runoff, flooding (7 points) * Raw Water quality subject to agricultural or municipal waste point source discharges (8 points) * Raw Water quality subject to industrial waste pollution (10 points) |
0 - 10 |
Raw Water quality is subject to: |
* Taste and/or odor for which treatment process adjustments are routinely made - see exceptions in Note 1 at end of table |
2 |
* Color > 15 CU (not due to precipitated metals) - see exceptions in Note 1 at end of table |
3 |
* Iron or/and manganese > SMCL: Fe (2 points), Mn (3 points) (3 points maximum allowed) - see exceptions in Note 1 at end of table |
2 - 3 |
* Algal growths for which treatment process adjustments are routinely made - see exceptions in Note 1 at end of table |
3 |
Chemical Treatment/Addition Processes |
Fluoridation |
4 |
Disinfection/Oxidation (Note: Points are additive to a maximum of 15 points allowed for this category.) * Chlorination: * Hypochlorites (5 points) * If generated on site (add 1 point) * Chlorine gas (8 points) * Chloramination (10 points) * Chlorine dioxide (10 points) * Ozonation (10 points) * UV Irradiation (2 points) * Iodine, Peroxide, or similar (5 points) * Potassium permanganate (4 points) * (If used with green sand filtration do not give 4 points) |
0 - 15 |
pH adjustment for process control (e.g., pH adjustment aids Coagulation) |
4 |
Stability or Corrosion Control (If the same chemical is used for both Corrosion Control and pH adjustment, count points only once) |
4 |
Coagulation/Flocculation & Filter Aid |
Primary coagulant addition |
6 |
Coagulant aid / Flocculant chemical addition (in addition to primary coagulant use) |
2 |
Flocculation |
2 |
Filter aid addition (Non-ionic/anionic polymers) |
2 |
Clarification/Sedimentation |
Sedimentation (plain, tube, plate) |
4 |
Contact Adsorption |
6 |
Other clarification processes (air flotation, ballasted clarification, etc.) |
6 |
Upflow clarification ("sludge blanket clarifier") - see Note 2 at end of table |
8 |
Filtration |
Granular media filtration (Surface Water/GWUDI) less than or equal to 3 gpm/sq ft |
10 |
Granular media filtration (Surface Water/GWUDI) greater than 3 gpm/sq ft |
20 |
Groundwater Filtration |
6 |
Membrane Filtration * For compliance with a primary MCL, Treatment Technique, MRDL, Action Level or any standards specific to an individual Public Water System established pursuant to a health assessment as provided in 310 CMR 22.03(8) (10 points) * For compliance with a Secondary MCL regulation (6 points) |
6-10 |
Diatomaceous Earth (pre-coat filtration) |
10 |
Cartridge/bag |
5 |
Pre-filtration (staged cartridges, pressure sand w/o Coagulation, etc.): add one point per stage to maximum of 3 points |
1-3 |
Slow sand |
5 |
Other Treatment Processes |
Aeration |
3 |
Air stripping (including diffused air, packed tower Aeration) |
5 |
Ion-exchange/softening |
5 |
Green sand Filtration |
10 |
Lime-soda ash softening (includes: chemical addition, mixing/flocculation/clarification/Filtration - do not add points for these processes separately) |
20 |
Granular activated carbon filter (do not assign points when included as a bed layer in another filter) |
5 |
Powdered activated carbon |
2 |
Blending sources with significantly different water quality * To achieve MCL, MRDL, Action Level or any standards specific to an individual Public Water System established pursuant to a health assessment as provided in 310 CMR 22.03(8) (4 points) * For aesthetic reasons (2 points) |
2 - 4 |
Reservoir management employing chemical addition |
2 |
Electrodialysis |
15 |
Other: The Department may assign 2 to 15 additional points for processes not listed elsewhere in this table. |
2 - 15 |
Residuals Disposal |
* Discharge to surface, sewer, or equivalent (0 points) * On-site disposal, land application (1 point) * Discharge to lagoon/drying bed, with no recovery/recycling - e.g. downstream outfall (1 point) * Backwash recovery/recycling: discharge to basin or lagoon and then to source (2 points) * Backwash recovery/recycling: discharge to basin or lagoon and then to Plant Intake (3 points) |
0 - 3 |
Facility Characteristics |
Instrumentation - Use of SCADA or similar instrumentation systems to provide data, with: * Monitoring/alarm only, no process operation - plant has no automated shutdown capability (0 points) * Limited process operation - e.g. remote shutdown capability (1 point) * Moderate process operation - alarms and shutdown, plus partial remote operation of plant (2 points) * Extensive or total process operation - alarms and shutdown, full remote operation of plant possible (4 points) |
0 - 4 |
1 - Raw Water quality is subject to:
* Taste and/or odor for which treatment process adjustments are routinely made (2 points):
* Color > 15 CU (not due to precipitated metals) (3 points) with following exceptions. Color will be considered elevated and points assigned when levels exceed 75 Color Units (CU) for conventional filtration, 40 CU for Direct Filtration, or 15 CU for all other technologies, except Reverse Osmosis (no points given for color for Reverse Osmosis).
* Iron and/or manganese > SMCL: Fe (2 points), Mn (3 points) (3 points maximum allowed) with following exceptions. Iron and manganese levels will be considered elevated and points assigned if they are greater than the SMCL, except for applications of manganese greensand filters. For applications of manganese greensand filters, iron and manganese levels will be considered elevated when their combined level exceeds 1.0 mg/L or if manganese exceeds 0.3 mg/L (3 points allowed).
* Algal growths for which treatment process adjustments are routinely made (3 points): Raw Water will be considered subject to algae growths when treatment processes are specifically adjusted due to the presence of high levels of algae on at least a weekly basis for at least two months each year.
2 - Upflow clarification ("sludge blanket clarifier") - 8 points - Also known as sludge blanket clarification. Includes such proprietary units as Super-Pulsator. These units include processes for flocculation and Sedimentation. Important note: these are not the same as Adsorption clarifiers.
Class I-T |
30 Points and less |
Class II-T |
31 to 55 points |
Class III-T |
56 to 75 points |
Class IV-T |
76 points and greater |
2000 gal per day and less |
Class I-VNDT |
2001 gal per day to 5000 |
Class II-VNDT |
5001 gal per day to 50000 |
Class III-VNDT |
50001 gal per day and grater |
Class IV-VNDT |
500 and less |
VSS (Very Small System) |
501 to 1,500 |
Class I-D |
1,501 to 15,000 |
Class II-D |
15,001 to 50,000 |
Class III-D |
50,001 and greater |
Class IV-D |
All Non-community Water Systems shall be classified as Very Small Systems (VSS) regardless of population served.
500 gal per day and less |
VND-ID (Water Vending Machine) |
501 gal per day and more |
(5) Exemptions. The Department may exempt any Supplier of Water from the requirements of 310 CMR 22.11B(1) and (2).
Weekend/Holiday Coverage. Each operating Treatment Facility must be visited by a Certified Operator at least once per day on weekends and holidays.
(6) Contract Services.
(7) Satellite Facilities and Seasonal Treatment Facilities. A Public Water System, all the Treatment Facilities of which are staffed and which has centralized water treatment operations meeting the requirements of 310 CMR 22.11B, may, subject to the Department's written approval, operate its Satellite Facilities or seasonal Treatment Facilities, if any, from the location of such centralized water treatment operations using remote control of key functions sufficient to permit normally unstaffed operation, provided that such Public Water System complies with the following:
(8) Treatment Facility and Distribution System Verification. Before and after unstaffed operation periods, a Certified Operator must check and confirm the validity and accuracy of data transmitted between the location of any centralized water treatment operations and any Treatment Facility or Distribution System by verifying such data at the location of such Treatment Facility or Distribution System and must make entry in the Treatment Facility or Distribution System log of any malfunctions. Malfunctions shall be corrected prior to further unstaffed operation of the Treatment Facility or Distribution System.