Criteria for Landfill
Facilities (Restricted Areas). No site shall be determined to be
suitable or be assigned as a landfill facility where:
1. any area of waste deposition would be
within a Zone II area of an existing public water supply well;
2. any area of waste deposition would be
within the Interim Wellhead Protection Area (IWPA) of an existing public water
supply provided that the proponent may conduct a preliminary Zone II study,
approved of by the Department, to determine if the facility would be beyond the
Zone II of the public water supply well in question;
3. any area of waste deposition would be
within a Zone II or Interim Wellhead Protection Area (IWPA) of a proposed
drinking water source area, provided that the documentation necessary to obtain
a source approval has been submitted prior to the earlier of either the site
assignment application, or if the MEPA process does apply, the Secretary's
Certificate on the Environmental Notification Form or Notice of Project Change,
or where applicable, the Secretary's Certificate on the EIR or Final
4. any area of waste
deposition would be within 15,000 feet upgradient of the existing public water
source well or proposed drinking water source area for which a Zone II has not
been calculated; the proponent may conduct a preliminary Zone II study,
approved of by the Department, to determine if the facility would be beyond the
Zone II of the public water supply well or proposed drinking water source area
in question;
5. it is determined by
the Department that a discharge from the facility would pose a danger to an
existing or proposed drinking water source area;
6. any area of waste deposition would be over
the recharge area of a Sole Source Aquifer, unless all of the following
criteria are met:
a. there are no existing
public water supplies or proposed drinking water source areas downgradient of
the site;
b. there are no existing
or potential private water supplies downgradient of the site; however, the
applicant may have the option of providing an alternative public water supply
to replace all the existing or potential downgradient private groundwater
supplies; and
c. there exists a
sufficient existing public water supply or proposed drinking water source area
to meet the municipality's projected needs;
7. any area of waste deposition is within the
zone of contribution of an existing public water supply or proposed drinking
water source area, or the recharge area of a surface drinking water supply,
pursuant to a municipal ordinance or by-law enacted in accordance with M.G.L.
c. 40A, § 9;
8. any area of
waste deposition would be within the Zone A or Zone B of a surface drinking
water supply;
9. any area of waste
deposition would be less than 400 feet upgradient, as defined by groundwater
flow or surface water drainage, of a perennial water course that drains to a
surface drinking water supply which is within one mile of the waste deposition
10. any area of waste
deposition would be within a Potentially Productive Aquifer unless:
a. the proponent demonstrates to the
Department's satisfaction, based on hydrogeological studies, that the
designation of the area as a potentially productive aquifer is
b. the proponent
demonstrates to the Department's satisfaction, based on hydrogeological
studies, that the aquifer cannot now, nor in the reasonably foreseeable future,
be used as a public water supply due to existing contamination of the aquifer;
c. the area has been excluded as
a "Non-Potential Drinking Water Source Area" pursuant to
310 CMR
40.0932, or as otherwise defined at
310 CMR
40.0006: The Massachusetts
Contingency Plan.
11. any area of waste deposition would be
within 1000 feet upgradient, and where not upgradient, within 500 feet, of a
private water supply well existing or established as a potential supply at the
time of submittal of the application; provided, however, the applicant may show
a valid option to purchase the restricted area, including the well and a
guarantee not to use the well as a drinking supply, the exercise of which shall
be a condition of any site assignment;
12. the maximum high groundwater table is
within four feet of the ground surface in areas where waste deposition is to
occur or, where a liner is designed to the satisfaction of the Department,
within four feet of the bottom of the lower-most liner;
13. the outermost limits of waste deposition
or leachate containment structures would be within a resource area protected by
the Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. c. 131, § 40, including the 100 year
14. any area of waste
deposition or the leachate containment structures would be less than 400 feet
to a lake, or 200 feet to a Riverfront Area as defined in
310 CMR
10.00, that is not a drinking water supply;
15. any area of waste deposition would be
within 1000 feet of an occupied residential dwelling, health care facility,
prison, elementary school, middle school or high school or children's
pre-school, licensed day care center, senior center or youth center, excluding
equipment storage or maintenance structures; provided, however, that the
applicant may show a valid option to purchase the restricted area, the exercise
of which shall be a condition of any site assignment; or
16. waste deposition on the site would result
in a threat of an adverse impact to groundwater through the discharge of
leachate, unless it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Department that
a groundwater protection system will be incorporated to prevent such
Criteria for Solid Waste Combustion Facilities. No
site shall be determined to be suitable or be assigned as a solid waste
combustion facility where:
1. the waste
handling area would be within the Zone I of a public water supply;
2. the waste handling area would be within
the Interim Wellhead Protection Area (IWPA) or Zone II of an existing public
water supply, or within a proposed drinking water source area, provided that
the documentation necessary to obtain a source approval has been submitted
prior to the earlier of either the site assignment application, or if the MEPA
process does apply, the Secretary's Certificate on the Environmental
Notification Form or Notice of Project Change, or where applicable, the
Secretary's Certificate on the EIR or Final EIR, unless restrictions are
imposed to minimize the risk of an adverse impact to the groundwater; and
a. the proponent can demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the Department that the facility cannot reasonably be sited
outside the IWPA or Zone II; or
there would be a net environmental benefit to the groundwater by siting the
facility within the Zone II or the IWPA where the site has been previously used
for solid waste management activities.
3. the waste handling area would be within
the Zone A of a surface drinking water supply;
4. the waste handling area would be within
500 feet upgradient, and where not upgradient, within 250 feet, of an existing
or potential private water supply well existing or established as a Potential
Private Water Supply at the time the application was submitted; provided
however, the applicant may show a valid option to purchase the restricted area
including the well and a guarantee not to use the well as a drinking water
source, the exercise of which shall be a condition of any site
5. the maximum high
groundwater table is within two feet of the ground surface in areas where waste
handling is to occur unless it is demonstrated that a two foot separation can
be designed to the satisfaction of the Department;
6. the waste handling area would be within
500 feet of an occupied residential dwelling, prison, health care facility,
elementary school, middle school or high school, or children's preschool,
excluding equipment storage or maintenance structures, licensed day care
center, senior center or youth center; provided, however, that the applicant
may show a valid option to purchase the restricted area, the exercise of which
shall be a condition of any site assignment; or
7. the waste handling area would be within
the Riverfront Area as defined at
310 CMR
Criteria for Solid Waste
Handling Facilities. No site shall be determined to be suitable or
be assigned as a solid waste handling facility where:
1. the waste handling area would be within
the Zone I of a public water supply;
2. the waste handling area would be within
the Interim Wellhead Protection Area (IWPA) or a Zone II of an existing public
water supply well within a proposed drinking water source area, provided that
the documentation necessary to obtain a source approval has been submitted
prior to the earlier of either the site assignment application, or if the MEPA
process does apply, the Secretary's Certificate on the Environmental
Notification Form or Notice of Project Change, or where applicable, the
Secretary's Certificate on the EIR or Final EIR, unless restrictions are
imposed to minimize the risk of an adverse impact to the groundwater; and
a. the proponent can demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the Department that the facility cannot reasonably be sited
outside the IWPA or Zone II; or
there would be a net environmental benefit to the groundwater by siting the
facility within the Zone II or the IWPA where the site has been previously used
for solid waste management activities.
3. the waste handling area would be within
the Zone A of a surface drinking water supply;
4. the waste handling area would be within
500 feet upgradient, and where not upgradient, within 250 feet, of an existing
or potential private water supply well existing or established as a Potential
Private Water Supply at the time of submittal of the application, provided
however, the applicant may show a valid option to purchase the restricted area
including the well and a guarantee not to use the well as a drinking water
source, the exercise of which shall be a condition of any site
5. the waste handling
area of;
a. a transfer station that proposes
to receive less than or equal to 50 tons per day of solid waste and utilizes a
fully enclosed storage system such as a compactor unit, is 250 feet from;
i. an occupied residential dwelling;
ii. a prison, health care
facility, elementary school, middle school or high school, children's
preschool, licensed day care center, or senior center or youth center,
excluding equipment storage or maintenance structures.
b. any other transfer station or any handling
facility is 500 feet from:
i. an occupied
residential dwelling; or
ii. a
prison, health care facility, elementary school, middle school or high school,
children's preschool, licensed day care center, or senior center or youth
center, excluding equipment storage or maintenance structures.
6. the waste handling
area would be within the Riverfront Area as defined at
310 CMR
10.00; or
7. the maximum high groundwater table would
be within two feet of the ground surface in areas where waste handling is to
occur unless it is demonstrated that a two foot separation can be designed to
the satisfaction of the Department.