Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 243 CMR 4.00 - Disciplinary Proceedings For Acupuncturists
Section 4.03 - Disposition of Complaints
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) Initiation. Any person, organization, or member of the Committee may make a complaint to the Committee which charges a licensee with misconduct. A complaint may be filed in any form. The Committee, in its discretion, may investigate anonymous complaints.
(2) Complaint Subcommittee. The Committee may establish a subcommittee known as the Complaint Subcommittee to review complaints charging a licensee with misconduct. If the Subcommittee or a Board or Committee Investigator determines that a communication does not relate to any of the matters set forth in 243 CMR 4.03(5), the Subcommittee or the investigator may refer the communication to the proper authority or regulatory agency.
(3) Investigation.
(4) Conference. To facilitate disposition, the Committee or the Complaint Subcommittee may request any person to attend a conference at any time prior to the commencement of an adjudicatory proceeding. The Committee or Subcommittee shall give timely notice of the conference, and this notice must include either a reference to the complaint or a statement of the nature of the issues to be discussed.
(5) Grounds for Complaint.
(6) Docket. The Committee shall assign a docket number to all complaints and shall mark the complaint with this number and the date filed. All subsequent papers relating to the particular complaint shall be marked with the same docket number and shall be placed in a file (the docket) with all other papers bearing the same number.
(7) Order for Answering and Answer. The Complaint Subcommittee may order that the licensee complained of answering the complaint within 30 days. The Subcommittee shall attach a copy of the complaint to the order for answering or shall describe the acts alleged in the complaint. A licensee shall respond to an order for answering either personally or through his/her attorney, in compliance with 243 CMR 4.02(6). An answer must address the substantive allegations set forth in the complaint or order.
(8) Complaint Subcommittee. Upon receipt of a licensee's answer or at any point during the course of investigation or inquiry into a complaint, the Subcommittee may determine that there is not and will not be sufficient evidence to warrant further proceedings or that the complaint fails to allege misconduct for which a licensee may be sanctioned by the Committee. In such event, the Subcommittee shall close the complaint. The Subcommittee shall retain a file of all complaints. The Complaint Subcommittee may resolve matters with non-disciplinary action by closing complaints under the terms and conditions it deems appropriate and by approving a Letter of Agreement.
(9) Committee Action Required. If a licensee fails to answer within the 30-day period or if the Complaint Subcommittee determines that there is reason to believe that the acts alleged occurred and constitute a violation for which a licensee may be sanctioned by the Committee, the Subcommittee may recommend to the Committee that it issue a Statement of Allegations.
(10) Disposition by the Committee. The Committee shall review each recommendation which the Subcommittee forwards to it within a reasonable time and shall require an adjudicatory hearing if it determines that there is reason to believe that the acts alleged occurred and constitute a violation of any provision of 243 CMR 4.03(5) or M.G.L. c. 112, § 158. The Committee may take such informal action as it deems a complaint warrants. If the Committee requires an adjudicatory hearing, it may refer the matter to an administrative magistrate.
(11) Suspension Prior to Hearing. The Committee may suspend or refuse to renew a license pending a hearing on the question of revocation if the health, safety or welfare of the public necessitates such summary action. The procedure for summary suspension is as follows:
(12) Assurance of Discontinuance.
(13) Letter of Agreement. A Letter of Agreement is a non-disciplinary monitoring agreement between the complaint subcommittee and an acupuncturist. Letters of Agreement are limited to licensees who meet the following criteria: