Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 220 CMR 25.00 - Billing And Termination Procedures Of The Department Of Public Utilities
Section 25.02 - Billing and Termination Procedure for Residential Customers
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) Billing and Payment. All bills shall be payable upon receipt. However, no bill shall be considered "due" under applicable law or 220 CMR 25.00 in less than 45 days from receipt or in the case of gas and electric companies in less time than has elapsed between receipt of such bill and receipt of the most recent previous bill for the company's services, whichever period is greater.
The initial bill after commencement of service shall not be "due" in less than 45 days from receipt, or in less time than has elapsed between receipt of such bill and the day upon which service was initially extended, whichever is greater.
No disputed portion of a bill which relates to the proper application of approved rates and charges, or the company's compliance with 220 CMR 25.00, shall be considered "due" during the pendency of any complaint, investigation, hearing or appeal under 220 CMR 25.00.
(2) Actual Meter Reading and Estimated Bills.
(3) Termination of Service. Except as elsewhere provided 220 CMR 25.00, service may be terminated only if:
Service shall not be terminated for any reason other than failure to pay a bill, unless the Department certifies its approval after giving both parties an opportunity to be heard. Such a hearing shall not be construed to be an "adjudicatory proceeding" as defined by M.G.L. c. 30A.
Nothing in 220 CMR 25.00 shall be construed to prevent termination for reasons of safety, health, cooperation with civil authorities or any other reason for which termination power is specifically granted in the Massachusetts General Laws.
When service to a customer has been terminated, the Director of the Department's Consumer Division or the Director's designee, may order resumption of service pending an investigation pursuant to 220 CMR 25.02(4).
Termination of service under 220 CMR 25.02 may be effected between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Thursday, provided that such day is not a holiday as defined in M.G.L. c. 4, § 7, cl. (18) or the day before such a holiday.
All bills shall contain, or be accompanied by, a brief explanation of the customer's rights pursuant to 220 CMR 25.02(4). All second requests for payment referred to in 220 CMR 25.02(3)(b) and all termination notices referred to in 220 CMR 25.00 shall be accompanied by a brief explanation of the customer's rights pursuant to 220 CMR 25.00.
(4) Investigation and Appeal. If any matter relating to the proper application of approved rates and charges, or the company's compliance with 220 CMR 25.00, is subject of a complaint by the customer, the following procedure shall apply:
The customer shall be notified in writing as to the resolution of the complaint and the company shall keep a record of said correspondence for three years. Such notice shall also include the following statement: "If you still consider your bill to be inaccurate or if you continue to dispute the time over which your arrearage is to be paid, you have a right to appeal to the Department of Public Utilities.
Write: Consumer Division
Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities
One South Station, Boston, MA 02110
or Call: (617) 305-3531 or Toll-Free 1-800-392-6066
TTY (for the hearing impaired only): 1-800-323-3298
The Department representative shall rule promptly upon the appeal and notify the customer and company of his decision and of the right to appeal the decision to the Department for an adjudicatory proceeding as defined by M.G.L. c. 30A.
(5) Orders. Pending final determination of a dispute, the Director of the Department's Consumer Division or his designee may enter any temporary orders which he deems just and equitable including but not limited to restoration of service and payment plan arrangements.
Upon final determination of the dispute by the Department, the Department shall order service to be continued, restored, or terminated upon such terms and conditions as it deems equitable to both the customer and the company.
(6) Payment and Budget Plans. Each company shall make available payment plans and budget plans as an option to all customers for payment of accumulated arrearages and/or prospective billings, as the case may be.
All bills and notices specified by the Department shall contain language, approved by the Department, advising customers of the availability of the aforementioned plans.
(7) Violation, Complaint. Any customer or company aggrieved by any action in violation of 220 CMR 25.00 may at any time request a hearing before the Department by making a complaint in writing to the Department, provided that such matter has not been previously investigated by the Department.
(8) Multiple Meters. No company may bill any residential unit in a multiple residence on the basis of an estimated allocation of charges made from a reading from a single meter in such multiple residence.
(9) Rate Classification. Each customer shall receive, either through the mail or by hand delivery, no later than the initial billing on his or her account, a notice describing the rate on which he or she is charged. This notice shall include:
(10) Customer of Record. Whenever a new account is created for any service address, the company shall, at the time of the initial billing on this account, send separately to each listed customer of record a notice that such person is a customer of record. The notice shall include:
(11) Form of Notices. All written notices required by 220 CMR 25.00 shall contain such language and be in such form as shall be approved by the Department subsequent to the adoption of 220 CMR 25.00. The Department may require that such notices be written in languages other than English.
(12) General Applicability. The foregoing provisions of 220 CMR 25.02 shall apply to all billing and termination matters under 220 CMR 25.00 unless otherwise indicated.