Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 220 CMR 151.00 - Rail Fixed Guideway System: System Safety Program Standard
Section 151.09 - Accident Notification and Investigation
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) The Transportation Authority shall notify the Department and the FTA within two hours of, and in writing by the close of business on the next business day following, any incident involving a rail transit vehicle or taking place on rail transit-controlled property where one or more of the following occur ("Accident Notification"):
(2) The Transportation Authority shall investigate any incident requiring Accident Notification to the Department. The Department will provide, and the Transportation Authority will use a Department-approved investigation checklist form(s) as may be required by the Department for this investigation.
(3) The investigation shall include the following:
(4) The Department may conduct an independent investigation or oversee/monitor an investigation conducted by the Transportation Authority. The Transportation Authority shall provide to the Department, upon request, documentation, access to investigative sites, activities, and personnel involved in the investigative process. The Department and the Transportation Authority shall coordinate investigative activities prior to finalizing investigative reports.
(5) The Transportation Authority shall submit to the Department a final report of its investigation within 60 days of the event triggering the Accident Notification. The Department shall approve the format and required contents for the final report.
(6) In the event that the Transportation Authority does not complete a final report within 60 days of the event triggering the Accident Notification, it shall submit written status reports as requested by the Department until the final report is completed.
(7) Upon receipt of the Transportation Authority's final report, the Department has 15 days in which to review and approve the report in writing. If the Department rejects the report, the Transportation Authority has 20 days from notice of rejection to submit a revised final report to the Department for approval. The Department may grant an extension beyond the 20 days for good cause shown.
(8) If the Department is unable to approve a final report, or to resolve a dispute with the Transportation Authority resulting from the development of a final report, the Department must either:
(9) The Department may withhold from public disclosure investigation reports prepared or approved by the Department whose release is likely to jeopardize public safety as contemplated in M.G.L. c. 4, § 7, clause Twenty-sixth(n).