Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 220 CMR 151.00 - Rail Fixed Guideway System: System Safety Program Standard
Section 151.07 - Corrective Action Plans
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) The Transportation Authority must develop a written corrective action plan (CAP) reported on a Department-approved form to address hazardous conditions meeting certain Risk Assessment Codes specified by the Department, and identified through:
(2) Each CAP shall identify the:
(3) The Transportation Authority shall submit the CAP to the Department for review and formal approval within 60 days of the identification of the Hazard and/or Risk or the event triggering the necessity of a CAP. The Department must review and approve the CAP before the Transportation Authority carries out the plan, an exception may be made for emergency CAPs to ensure immediate safety, provided the Department receives timely notification and provides subsequent review and approval. The Department may monitor the Transportation Authority's progress in carrying out the CAP through unannounced, on-site inspections, or any other means the Department deems necessary or appropriate. Upon request, the Transportation Authority must allow the Department access to review the data used in the preparation of the CAP.
(4) If the Transportation Authority does not complete a CAP within 60 days of the discovery of the Hazard and/or Risk, it shall submit a written request for an extension outlining the reason(s) for the extension, including the tasks to be completed and a time line for completion.
(5) The Transportation Authority must provide the Department with written:
(6) Upon receipt of the Transportation Authority's CAP, the Department has 15 days in which to review and approve the CAP in writing. If the Department rejects the CAP, the Transportation Authority has 20 days from notice of rejection to submit a revised CAP to the Department for approval. The Department may grant an extension beyond the 20 days for good cause shown.
(7) If the Department is unable to approve a proposed CAP or to resolve a dispute with the Transportation Authority resulting from the development or enforcement of a CAP, the Department must either:
(8) In the event the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) or FTA conducts an accident investigation, the Department shall review the finding and/or recommendations to determine if they necessitate the development of a corrective action plan. If a CAP is required by the FTA, or the Department, the Transportation Authority shall develop it.
(9) The Department will monitor and track the implementation of each approved corrective action plan through completion. Such monitoring will occur both monthly and quarterly as part of the scheduled meetings between the Department and the Transportation Authority pursuant to 220 CMR 151.01(5).
(10) The Department may withhold from public disclosure CAPS prepared or approved by the Department whose release is likely to jeopardize public safety as contemplated in M.G.L. c. 4, § 7, clause Twenty-sixth(n).