Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 220 CMR 151.00 - Rail Fixed Guideway System: System Safety Program Standard
Section 151.05 - Internal Safety Audits
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) The Transportation Authority shall develop and document in its SSPP or PTASP a process requiring ongoing internal safety audits over a three-year cycle to evaluate compliance with, and measure the effectiveness of, the SSPP or PTASP.
(2) In its internal safety audit, the Transportation Authority shall:
(3) The Transportation Authority shall file with the Department for review and approval on or before February 15th an annual report documenting the internal audits conducted during the past calendar year and the status of subsequent findings and corrective actions. The report shall state the results of each audit in terms of the adequacy and effectiveness of the SSPP or PTASP.
(4) Along with the annual report, the Transportation Authority must include a formal letter signed by its Accountable Executive certifying the Transportation Authority is in compliance with its SSPP or PTASP. If the Transportation Authority's findings indicate noncompliance with its SSPP or PTASP, its Accountable Executive must identify in the formal letter the nature of the noncompliance and the steps it will take to achieve compliance.
(5) The Department shall observe the Transportation Authority's internal audit activities, in whole or on a sample basis, and will monitor the internal audit program.