Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 205 CMR 238.00 - Additional Uniform Standards of Accounting Procedures and Internal Controls for Sports Wagering
Section 238.32 - Restricted Patrons
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
A system of Internal Controls submitted by a Sports Wagering Operator in accordance with 205 CMR 238.02 shall meet the requirements of 205 CMR 243.01(1)(t) and include the following in accordance with M.G.L. c. 23N, § 11(a):
(1) No Sports Wagering Operator, directors, officers, owners, employees, subcontractors, or Qualifiers of the Sports Wagering Operator, as well as those within the same household as any such Person, may place Sports Wagers with the Sports Wagering Operator, or with any other Sports Wagering Operator tethered to the Operator, on any event, except in private pools where the player's association with the Sports Wagering Operator is clearly disclosed. Nor may such individual place Sports Wagers through another person as a proxy or agent. However, Sports Wagering Operator employees may use clearly marked test accounts for testing purposes such as evaluating a Sports Wagering Platform. Sports Wagering Operators shall make these restrictions known to all affected individuals and corporate entities.
(2) No individual with proprietary or non-public information held by the Sports Wagering Operator may place Sports Wagers with the Sports Wagering Operator, or with any other Sports Wagering Operator tethered to the Operator. Nor may such individual place Sports Wagers through another person as a proxy or agent. Sports Wagering Operators shall make these restrictions known to all affected individuals and corporate entities.
(3) No Sports Wagering Operator shall allow a professional or athlete, coach, referee, team owner, employee of a Sports Governing Body or its member teams and patron and referee union personnel, place Sports Wagers on events in the sport in which the individual participates, or in which the athlete the individual represents participates. Nor may such athlete, sports agent, team official, team representative, referee or league official place Wagers through another person as a proxy or agent. A Sports Wagering Operator may not be held liable for a violation of 205 CMR 238.32(3) if:
(4) The Sports Wagering Operator shall prevent persons from placing Sports Wagers as agents or proxies for others.