Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 205 CMR 238.00 - Additional Uniform Standards of Accounting Procedures and Internal Controls for Sports Wagering
Section 238.22 - Complaints Pertaining to Sports Wagering
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
A system of Internal Controls submitted by a Sports Wagering Operator in accordance with 205 CMR 238.02 shall include procedures for receiving, investigating, responding to and reporting on complaints by patrons.
(1) When a patron makes a complaint, the Sports Wagering Operator shall immediately issue a complaint report, setting out:
(2) All complaints received by a Sports Wagering Operator from a patron, and the Sports Wagering Operator's responses to complaints, shall be retained for at least five years and made immediately available to the Commission upon its request.
(3) A Sports Wagering Operator shall investigate and attempt to resolve all complaints made by a patron.
(4) A Sports Wagering Operator shall respond to such complaints in writing within ten business days. If the relief requested in the complaint will not be granted, the response to the complaint shall state the reasons with specificity.
(5) If the response to a complaint is that more information is needed, the form and nature of the necessary information shall be specifically stated. When additional information is received, further response shall be required within seven business days.
(6) In its response, the Sports Wagering Operator shall advise the patron of the patron's right to submit the complaint to the Commission in the form and manner prescribed by the Commission.
(7) Unless otherwise directed by the Commission, the Sports Wagering Operator shall promptly notify the Commission of any complaints related to Sports Wagering Accounts, settlement of Sports Wagers, or illegal activity related to Sports Wagering which cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the patron, and the Sports Wagering Operator's response. Such notification shall include the numerical identifier associated with the complaint and the date of the complaint.
(8) Upon receipt of a complaint from a patron or notification of an unresolved complaint from a Sports Wagering Operator, the Commission may conduct an investigation and direct a Sports Wagering Operator to take any corrective action the Commission considers appropriate.