Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 204 CMR 2.00 - Regulations Of The Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission
Section 2.10 - Liquor Purchase Identification Cards
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(204 CMR 2.10, governing liquor purchase identification cards in accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 138, § 34B.)
(1) Face Side of Card. On the face side of the card there shall appear an imprint of the State Seal and the language, "Commonwealth of Massachusetts" on the top line, and immediately underneath, in a bold type, the words, "Liquor Purchase Identification Card." There shall also appear in the respective spaces provided,
It is also encumbered upon the duly authorized person issuing a Liquor Purchase Identification Card to determine that the birth certificate, voting certificate or other evidence submitted as a proof of age, be carefully scrutinized and determine it to be in proper order.
The municipality wherein a card is issued shall also be indicated, as well as the date of issuance, and the holder's signature.
A photograph of the holder shall be securely attached in the area designated on the face side of the card; the size of said photograph should be approximately 11/2" x 11/2". (Directly under the photograph the words, "See reverse side" shall appear).
The following layout is an example of the procedure desired in the above paragraphs for the face side of the card.
(2) Example
This is to certify that____________
who resides at_________
has furnished satisfactory evidence to the under- signed of having attained the age of twenty-one.
Date of Birth Age Place of Birth
Photograph Licensing Authority
11/2" x 11/2"
(Duly Authorized Signature)
(Date of issuance)
(Holder's signature)
(3) Reverse Side of Card. On the reverse side of the card the following language shall be printed thereon:
All cards are to be numbered consecutively by the licensing authority and a record kept of the respondent holder of the assigned number. The position for card numbers shall be placed in the lower right hand side of card.
There shall appear on the reverse side of the card an affixed seal of the municipality in which the card is issued.
(4) Example.
This card expires five years from the date of issuance. It may be legally used only by its valid holder.
M. G.L. c. 138, § 34B, as inserted by the provisions of St. 1964, § 735, provides in part that "Any person who transfers, alters or defaces any such card, or who uses or carries a false identification card, or uses the identification card of another, or furnishes false information in obtaining such card, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than three months "..." Nothing in this section shall affect the criminal liability of a person licensed under this chapter in delivering or selling alcoholic beverages or alcohol to a minor."
(Affix seal of municipality this side of card.) Card No. _________
(5) Card Specifications
Size: 33/4" wide x 21/2" high
Stock: White Index Bristol Time Card or equal. Black Print
(basis 20 x 243/4-117/M)
LAMINATION: 15 gauge on each side of card (or a suitable tamper-proof protective covering that will also securely contain the photograph; do-it-yourself lamination material is available in most office supply stores and 5 & 10¢ stores; you would also find available 21/2" Scotch brand magic mending tape).