Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 202 CMR 7.00 - Price Disclosure
Section 7.09 - Consumer Rights Disclosures
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) All food stores and food departments shall post a sign providing consumers with contact information for the Division of Standards, and notice of the rights provided in M.G.L. c. 94, §§ 184B through 184E;
(2) All food stores and food departments using consumer scanners shall post a notice at each register of the rights provided under 202 CMR 7.07;
(3) All food stores and food departments using consumer scanners shall post a notice by each consumer scanner containing the contact information for the Division of Standards;
(4) The Division of Standards will make available on its website its approved notices. Any deviation therefrom must be approved by the Director of Standards prior to its posting;
(5) The Division of Standards will also make available a consumer complaint form on its website for consumers who wish to file a complaint regarding pricing accuracy, scanner overcharging, missing price signs or malfunctioning in aisle scanners for use by consumers.