Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 130 CMR 508.000 - Masshealth: Managed Care Requirements
Section 508.009 - Behavioral Health Contractor
Current through Register 1531, September 27, 2024
The following applies to MassHealth members who are not in the PCC Plan or a Primary Care ACO and who receive behavioral health services through MassHealth's behavioral health contractor. (See 130 CMR 508.001(E).)
(A) Nonemergency Behavioral Health Services. Behavioral health services, except for emergency services and those services not covered under the MassHealth contract with the behavioral health contractor, may be obtained only from a provider that has entered into an agreement with the MassHealth behavioral health contractor. The MassHealth behavioral health contractor is responsible for authorizing or denying those behavioral health services based on the member's medical need for those services.
(B) Emergency Behavioral Health Services. Members may obtain emergency behavioral health services from any qualified participating MassHealth provider as well as any provider that has entered into an agreement with the MassHealth behavioral health contractor.
(C) Copayments. Members enrolled in the MassHealth behavioral health contractor must make copayments in accordance with the MassHealth behavioral health contractor's MassHealth copayment policy. Those MassHealth behavioral health contractor copayment policies must