Length and Frequency of
(1) The MassHealth
agency pays for diagnostic and treatment services only when a professional
staff member personally provides these services to the member or the member's
family, or personally consults with a professional outside of the hospital
outpatient department. The services must be provided to the member on an
individual basis.
(2) The
MassHealth agency pays for only one session of the types of services listed in
130 CMR 434.430(C) through (H) provided to an individual member on one date of
service. Return visits on the same date of service are not
Diagnostic Services. Payment for diagnostic services
provided to a member is limited to a maximum of four hours or eight
Therapy. Payment for individual therapy is limited to a maximum of
one hour per session per day.
Family Therapy.
Payment for family therapy is limited to a maximum of one-and-one-half hours
per session per day.
(2) Payment
also is limited to one payment per family therapy visit, regardless of the
number of staff members or members who are present.
(1) The MassHealth
agency pays only for case consultation that lasts at least 30 minutes and
involves a personal meeting with a professional of another agency. Payment is
limited to a maximum of one hour persession.
(2) The MassHealth agency pays for case
consultation only when telephone contact, written communication, and other non
reimbursable forms of communication clearly will not suffice. Such
circumstances must be documented in the member's record and also in the prior
authorization request, if applicable. Such circumstances are limited to
situations in which both the hospital outpatient department and the other party
are actively involved in treatment or management programs with the member (or
family members) and where a lack of face-to-face communication would impede a
coordinated treatment program.
The MassHealth agency does not pay for court testimony.
Consultation. The MassHealth agency pays for a consultation with
the natural or foster parent or legal guardian of a member less than 21 years
of age who lives with the child, is responsible for the child's care, and is
not an eligible member, when such consultation is integral to the treatment of
the member.
(1) The MassHealth
agency pays only for a group therapy session that has a minimum duration of one
hour and a maximum duration of two hours.
(2) Payment is limited to one fee per group
member with a maximum of ten members per group regardless of the number of
staff members present.
(3) The
MassHealth agency does not pay for group therapy when it is performed as an
integral part of a psychiatric day treatment program.
Testing. The MassHealth agency pays for psychological testing only
when the following conditions are met.
(1) A
psychologist who is licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Registration of
Psychologists with a specialization listed in clinical or counseling psychology
or a closely related specialty either personally administers the testing or
personally supervises such testing during its administration by an unlicensed
(2) A battery of
tests is performed. These tests must meet the following standards:
(a) the tests are published, valid, and in
general use, as evidenced by their presence in the current edition of the
Mental Measurement Yearbook or by their conformity to the
Standards for Educational and Psychological Tests of the
American Psychological Association;
(b) a personality evaluation contains the
findings of at least two ofthe following test types or their age- appropriate
equivalents: Rorschach, TAT (Thematic Apperception Test), TED (Tasks of
Emotional Development), or MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory),
and one or more of the following test types: figure drawing, Bender-Gestalt, or
word association;
(c) intelligence
testing includes either a full Wechsler or Stanford-Binet instrument or an
equivalent; and
(d) assessment of
brain damage contains at least the findings of a Wechsler Intelligence Scale
and tests of recent memory, visual-space perception, and other functions
commonly associated with brain damage.
(3) Except as explained below, the MassHealth
agency does not pay for
(a) self-rating forms
and other paper-and-pencil instruments, unless administered as part of a
comprehensive battery of tests;
group forms of intelligence tests;
(c) an intelligence test performed at the
same time as a brain assessment;
(d) short-form, abbreviated, or "quick"
intelligence tests administered at the same time as the Wechsler or
Stanford-Binet tests; otherwise, such tests are reimbursable only at a lower
rate than standard intelligence tests on an individual consideration basis;
(e) a repetition of any
psychological test or tests provided to the same member within the preceding
six months, unless accompanied by documentation demonstrating that the purpose
of the repeated testing is to ascertain changes following such special forms of
treatment or intervention as electroshock therapy or psychiatric
hospitalization (periodic testing to measure the member's response to
psychotherapy is not reimbursable); or relating to suicidal, homicidal, toxic,
traumatic, or neurological conditions. Submission of such documentation with
the claim for payment is sufficient when the psychological test or tests are to
be performed on the same member a second time within a six-month period.
Further repetitions will be paid for by the MassHealth agency only if this
documentation is submitted and prior authorization granted by the MassHealth
agency prior to the testing (see
130 CMR
434.409) .
(4) Testing of a member requested by
responsible parties, such as but not limited to physicians, clinics, hospitals,
schools, courts, group homes, or state agencies, must be documented in the
member's record. Such documentation must include the referral source and the
reason for the referral.
Visits. The MassHealth agency does not pay for a medication visit
as a separate service when it is performed as part of another treatment service
(for example, a diagnostic assessment or individual or group therapy performed
by a psychiatrist).