Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 130 CMR 421.000 - Family Planning Agency Services
Section 421.432 - Payment: Visits
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(A) The payment for a family planning visit includes payment for the administrative operation of the family planning agency and for all aspects of service delivery, excluding laboratory tests, supplies, and drugs. Other than payment for laboratory tests, supplies, and drugs, no additional fees will be paid by the MassHealth agency.
(B) For each member encounter, the MassHealth agency pays for only one of the following types of visits.
(C) The MassHealth agency does not pay for a visit for the sole purpose of replenishing a member's supply of contraceptives. In this case, only the cost of the contraceptive supplies is payable.
(D) The family planning agency may bill for either a visit or a treatment/procedure, but may not bill for both a visit and a treatment/procedure for the same member on the same date when the visit and the treatment/procedure are performed in the same location. Examples of treatment/procedures are a vasectomy, a colposcopy, and a colposcopy with a biopsy.
(E) The family planning agency may be paid for a maximum of one HIV pre-test counseling visit and one HIV post-test counseling visit per member per test per day. The MassHealth agency pays for a maximum of four HIV pre-test counseling visits and four HIV post-test counseling visits per calendar year.