Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 121 CMR 2.000 - Massachusetts Refugee Resettlement Program
Section 2.620 - Application Activities
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) Completion of Forms. The ORI Application for the Massachusetts Refugee Resettlement Program (MRRP) is the form for the determination of initial eligibility. The Case Management Provider is responsible for the completion of the form which is then signed by both the case manager and the applicant. The Case Management Provider is responsible for accurately recording the information provided by the applicant.
(2) Identification of the Applicant. The Case Management Provider must establish the identity of the applicant unless it served as the Reception and Placement agency. Proof of identity may be biographical data received from the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services documents, a driver's license, marriage license, employment papers, or an affidavit from a third party who has first-hand knowledge of the applicant, if the applicant has demonstrated that he or she has tried unsuccessfully to obtain other documentation.
(3) Development of Other Benefits.
(4) Explanation of Rights and Responsibilities. The Case Management Provider shall inform the applicant at the time of application of the rights and responsibilities associated with the MRRP Program. The applicant shall sign an acknowledgement of his or her rights and responsibilities.
(5) Verification of Information. Verification is the validation of written or oral statements, in order of preference, by means of documentation, third party contacts, and self-declarations by the applicant or participant. Self-declarations may never be used to verify refugee status, date of entry, or participation in activities that are required under a Family Self-sufficiency Plan.
Documentation that is part of the R&P record that verifies information submitted by the applicant or participant shall be considered sufficient verification of an eligibility factor. The applicant or participant may submit additional documentation to challenge the accuracy of the information.
In addition to identity, income and the factors listed in 121 CMR 2.400 through 2.490, the following eligibility factors must be verified at application:
The Case Management Provider shall require verification of factors not listed above when the information available to it is contradictory, inconsistent or incomplete, or when it determines that verification is necessary to ensure efficient administration of MRRP.
(6) Releasing Information to Other Case Management Providers. If the Case Management Provider is not the Resettlement Agency that initially resettled the refugee, the Case Management Provider shall notify the Resettlement Agency that the refugee has applied for refugee cash assistance and/or is receiving MRRP services.