Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 121 CMR 2.000 - Massachusetts Refugee Resettlement Program
Section 2.515 - Filing Unit
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) The filing unit consists of the members of the assistance unit and anyone else residing in the household who has a legal obligation to support a member of the assistance unit. A refugee who is in the filing unit but not in the assistance unit will most typically be a parent or spouse who is no longer time eligible for MRRP. A non-refugee may be in the filing unit but not the assistance unit.
(2) Natural or adoptive parents have a legal obligation to support dependent children, and spouses have a legal obligation to support each other.
(3) The income of members of the filing unit shall be considered in the same manner regardless of whether or not they are in the assistance unit, except that an amount equal to the Standard of Assistance for the number of people who are in the filing unit and not in the assistance unit shall be deducted from countable income.