Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 121 CMR 2.000 - Massachusetts Refugee Resettlement Program
Section 2.430 - Time-limited Eligibility
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) Federal directives, the Massachusetts Wilson/Fish Cooperative Agreement and federal funds limit time eligibility for MRRP to specified periods starting with the refugee's Date of Entry. The time limits may be changed without publication of changes in 121 CMR 2.000, but refugees whose eligibility for Refugee Cash Assistance or Refugee Medical Assistance is adversely affected will receive timely notice of the change.
(2) As of August 1, 2016, time eligibility for Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance begins on the Date of Entry, and expires at the end of the refugee's eighth month in the U.S. See 121 CMR 2.420 and 2.425.
(3) Refugee Employment Services. A refugee may be eligible for employment services beyond the eligibility time limit for Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance, for up to the first 60 months from his or her Date of Entry, as long as such services are part of his or her Family Self-sufficiency Plan.
(4) Refugee Case Management Services. A refugee may be eligible for case management services beyond the eligibility time limit for Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance, for up to the first 60 months from his or her Date of Entry.
(5) The period for which a refugee may be provided benefits and services under the MRRP (refereed to as the benefit access period) begins with the date of application. See 121 CMR 2.615(2)(a).