Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 121 CMR 2.000 - Massachusetts Refugee Resettlement Program
Section 2.310 - Responsibility for Providing Verification
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) The Case Management Provider is responsible for explaining the verification process to the refugee, identifying the specific verifications that must be submitted and alternative verifications that may establish eligibility factors, and assisting in obtaining required verification(s) when the provider is aware that the refugee will have difficulty in obtaining the verification(s). The Case Management Provider shall give the refugee a list of required verifications.
(2) Any information, not subject to change, provided to a Refugee Resettlement Agency through the Reception and Placement (R&P) process shall be considered verified unless there is information challenging its accuracy. This shall not prohibit a refugee from correcting inaccurate information in the case record.
(3) If the Case Management Provider is not the Refugee Resettlement Agency that was responsible for the Reception and Placement process, the Case Management Provider shall, if necessary, contact the responsible Agency for information required to verify eligibility.
(4) The refugee shall submit verifications, not already provided through the R&P process, which demonstrate that the refugee has satisfied eligibility factors for participation in the program.
(5) Self-declarations may not be used to verify refugee status, date of entry, or participation in Employment Services.
(6) If the refugee does not submit the required documentation, and if the Case Management Provider cannot verify that the refugee has met all MRRP eligibility factors after it contacts appropriate third parties, the provider must deny, terminate or reduce assistance for the affected assistance unit member(s).
(7) If the provider cannot determine financial eligibility for any member of the filing unit, the entire assistance unit is ineligible for financial assistance.
In the case of initial financial eligibility determination, if the applicant submits required documentations within 30 days of denial of assistance, the provider may approve the refugee's application retroactive to the date of filing. In the case of a redetermination of financial eligibility, if the applicant submits required documentation within 30 days of termination, the provider may approve the refugee's financial eligibility retroactive to the date of termination. See 121 CMR 2.640.