Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 121 CMR 2.000 - Massachusetts Refugee Resettlement Program
Section 2.120 - Basic Requirements
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) Refugee Status and Eligibility. MRRP eligibility requires appropriate documentation that a person is a refugee, asylee, Amerasian, Cuban or Haitian Entrant, Certified Trafficking Victim, or Afghan or Iraqi Special Immigrant, as defined and specified in 121 CMR 2.420. For purposes of MRRP and 121 CMR 2.000, "refugee" is used to describe anyone who meets the requirements of 121 CMR 2.420.
(2) Residence. Only Massachusetts residents are eligible for assistance under MRRP.
(3) Time-limited Eligibility. Time eligibility for Refugee Case Management, Employment Services and Medical Assistance, the major components of the MRRP, begins with the Date of Entry, as set forth in 121 CMR 2.425; and expires for each component, as set forth in 121 CMR 2.430.