(1) The head of every provider of
residential, day, or site-based respite services ("provider" in 115 CMR 3.09)
and every specialized home care placement agency subject to
CMR 5.00 shall establish and empower a human rights
committee in accordance with the requirements of 115 CMR 3.09.
(a) Human rights committees may be
established jointly by the heads of more than one provider or placement agency,
or to serve as the human rights committee for more than one location where
services are delivered by the same provider or agency, provided that:
1. no human rights committee may serve
locations or placement agencies in more than one region; and
2. the programmatic diversity of the services
being provided are not so great so as to limit the effectiveness of the
committee in meeting the requirements of 115 CMR 3.09.
(b) The general responsibility of the
committee shall be to assist the provider to affirm, promote, and protect the
human and civil rights of individuals served and to monitor and review the
activities of the provider or agency with regard to the human and civil rights
of those individuals, consistent with the requirements of 115 CMR 3.09. The
committee shall take such action as it determines is required to protect such
human and civil rights. The committee shall have the following powers and
1. to monitor and review (with
authority to approve or disapprove based on compliance or noncompliance with
the Department's regulations) the authorization and use of behavior
modification interventions proposed for individuals served by the provider or
agency in accordance with the regulations of the Department;
2. to monitor and review the authorization
and use of all emergency restraints and other limitations on movement in
accordance with
115 CMR
5.04 and
115 CMR
3. to monitor the conduct of research at the
provider's program sites to determine that the research has been reviewed and
approved by the Department's Research Review Committee and that it is carried
out in accordance with any conditions set by that body;
4. to monitor and review the means utilized
by the provider or agency to:
a. inform
individuals , staff, guardians , and familie soft he individual's rights
b. train individuals served in
the exercise of their rights;
provide individuals with the opportunities to exercise their rights to the
fullest extent of their capabilities and interests;
5. to review the policies and procedures of
the provider or agency annually for compliance with the Department's
regulations on human rights;
6. to
make recommendations to the provider or agency and the Department to improve
the degree to which the human and civil rights of the individuals served are
affirmed, promoted, protected, and monitored;
7. to visit the location where services are
provided while they are being provided, with or without prior notice.
(c) Each human rights committee
shall be composed of a minimum of five members; regardless of the total number
of members, at least three of the members shall be individuals receiving
services or supports provided, purchased, or arranged by the Department, or
parents or guardians of, or advocates for, such individuals; no member may have
a direct or indirect financial interest or administrative interest in the
provider; and, where the Department is not the provider, not more than one of
the members shall have any direct or indirect financial or administrative
interest in the Department.
1. The committee
members shall have experience and knowledge relevant to duties of the
committee; the committee shall include the following:
b. a psychologist or masters level
practitioner with expertise in intellectual disability and developmental
disabilities, mental illness, or applied behavioral analysis; and
c. an attorney, law student, or paralegal
with relevant expertise.
2. The committee shall appoint a chairperson
from among its membership, who shall not have any direct or indirect financial
or administrative interest in the provider or placement agency.
3. The committee shall develop such operating
rules and procedures as it deems necessary to accomplish its purposes under 115
CMR 3.09.
4. The committee may
appoint sub-committees from among it membership to perform specific functions,
provided that the sub-committee members have relevant expertise or experience
for assigned tasks.
The committee shall meet as often as necessary upon call of the chairperson, or
upon request of any two members, but no less than quarterly, and shall be
familiar with the location where individuals live and spend their daytime
hours. Minutes of the committee meetings shall be kept, and duplicates filed
with the area office director and the assigned human rights specialist from the
office for human rights .
(2) The head of every provider and the head
of every specialized home care placement agency subject to
CMR 5.00, shall designate and empower a person
employed or affiliated with the provider or agency to serve as the human rights
coordinator and to undertake the following responsibilities as a formal
component of his or her job description for the provider or agency:
(a) To coordinate the scheduling of meetings
of the human rights committee(s);
(b) To attend the meetings of the human
rights committee(s) and take minutes of the meetings;
(c) To gather for the provider or agency and
for the human rights committee(s) human rights information relevant to the
provider's or agency's ability to meet its obligations under the Department's
regulations and to otherwise assist the provider or agency in the development
of means to promote the human and civil rights of individuals served;
(d) To coordinate the provider's or agency's
human rights officers in meeting their responsibilities; and
(e) To assume such other responsibilities as
may be assigned by the human rights committee(s).
(3) The head of every provider subject to
115 CMR
3.00 shall for each location where services are
provided, and the head of every specialized home care placement agency subject
CMR 5.00 shall designate and empower a person employed
or affiliated with the provider or agency to serve as the provider's or
agency's human rights officer and to undertake the following responsibilities
as a formal component of his or her job description for the provider or agency:
(a) To participate in training programs for
human rights officers offered or approved by the Department;
(b) Under the general direction of the human
rights coordinator and with technical assistance of the Department, to develop
and implement means:
1. to inform the staff,
individuals served, and their families of the individuals' rights, including
making copies of
CMR 5.00 available for inspection at any time by each
individual or other interested person;
2. to annually train individuals served in
the exercise of their human rights, to the maximum of their capabilities and
interests (with such annual training to be documented in the individual's
record), and to assist them to exercise those rights;
3. to provide individuals served with
opportunities to exercise their rights to the fullest extent of their
capabilities and interests, including informing them of the grievance
procedures and the right to go to the human rights committee on any issue
involving human rights; and
4. to
otherwise assist the provider or agency in the development of means to promote
the human and civil rights of individuals served.
(c) With the technical assistance of the
Department, to provide legal information and referral service to individuals
served and direct assistance in obtaining legal advice or representation
through the Disability Law Center of Massachusetts, the Committee for Public
Counsel, legal assistance agencies, lawyer cooperatives or clinics, lawyer
referral programs of the Massachusetts Bar Association, or other county or
local bar associations, or other available means.