Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 115 CMR 3.00 - Administration
Section 3.05 - Charges for Care - Community Residential Services and Supports
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) Authority. Under M.G.L. c. 123B, § 16, the Department is authorized to make and regulate charges for care.
(2) Purpose and Scope. 115 CMR 3.05 sets forth the rules governing charges for residential services and supports provided at a particular location that either the Department operates or funds through a contract. 115 CMR 3.00 does not apply to residential services and supports provided at a facility.
(3) Definitions. As used in 115 CMR 3.05 and 3.06 only, the terms listed below have the following definitions :
Fee-payor means any of the following persons, each of whom may be liable for charges for residential services and supports of an individual:
Fee-payor Charge means the portion of the residential rate to be charged to the fee-payor.
Income means any monies received, including recurrent payments, payments in kind, or lump sum payments.
Liquid Asset means cash and all property capable of ready conversion into cash regardless of whether such assets are held jointly or solely. Except as otherwise provided, liquid assets do not include life insurance or its cash value for the purpose of calculating charges for residential services and supports.
Recurrent Payment means income received at regular intervals, though not necessarily in constant amounts, and include, but are not limited to:
Residential Rate means the annualized rate approved by the Division of Purchased Services pursuant to St. 1992, c. 133, § 113 and/or the Rate Setting Commission pursuant to M.G.L. c. 6A, or pending the approval of such rate, the annualized rate the Department submits to the Division of Purchased Services or the Rate Setting Commission for residential services and supports to be provided at a particular location.
(4) Notice.
(5) Determination of Charges.
For any individual whose annual income exceeds 200% of the federal poverty line, the Department may assess an additional charge of 25% of the income above the poverty line.
(6) Adjustment to Charges. For an individual who has necessary expenses but does not have sufficient funds to pay for these expenses in a particular month, the monthly fee-payor charge may be reduced by an amount that will enable the individual to pay such expenses. Expenses deemed necessary may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(7) Accumulated Unpaid Charges.
(8) Collection of Charges.
(9) Responsibility of Fee-payors.
(10) Appeal. Within 30 days of being notified of the amount of the monthly fee-payor charge, a fee-payor may appeal the charge by notifying in writing the Commissioner.