Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 107 CMR 6.00 - Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Section 6.20 - Supported Employment Services
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(1) Supported employment is competitive work that offers ongoing support services in integrated settings for individuals with the most significant disabilities. The work can be either full time or part time based on the unique strengths, resources, interests, concerns, abilities and capabilities of the individual. Supportive employment is intended for those individuals who have not traditionally been in competitive employment or for individuals whose employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a most significant disability. Supported employment must be considered for an individual who can not work independently in a competitive setting before an extended or sheltered employment.
(2) Ongoing support services are those specific services needed to support and maintain an individual in supported employment based on the Commission's and the individual's determination of his or her need as specified in the IPE. Ongoing support services are provided by the Commission from job placement until stabilization and transition to extended services, unless post-employment services are provided instead. Thereafter ongoing support services are provided by one or more extended services providers throughout the individual's term of employment in a particular job placement or multiple placements if those placements are being provided under a program of transitional employment.
On going support services must include an assessment of employment stability and provision of specific services or the coordination of services at or away from the worksite that are needed to maintain stability. Ongoing support services need to be based on, at a minimum, twice-monthly monitoring at the worksite of the individual or twice monthly meetings with the individual and one meeting with the employer. Off site meetings must be documented as such in the case record. Ongoing support services consist of:
(3) Intensive supported employment services refer to ongoing support and other specifically needed services that support and maintain an individual in supported employment. These services may include but are not limited to: assessment and job orientation, travel training, job skills training at the worksite, counseling and advocacy, periodic reassessment and any necessary changes in program strategies and job development and placement. These services may be provided:
The source of extended services should be identified at the time that intensive supported employment services are planned during IPE development. If no source can be identified at that time, but there is a reasonable expectation that such a source will become available, then a statement must be included in the IPE and intensive supported employment services may be provided.
Intensive supported employment services address employment related objectives such as learning:
The case should be closed when the individual's work performance stabilizes and the job coaching and related interventions have decreased to the lowest level needed by the individual to maintain the employment outcome. The closure decision should be made jointly by the individual, the counselor, and the employer.
(4) Transitional employment is a series of temporary job placements in integrated competitive work settings with ongoing support services for individuals with the most significant disabilities due to mental illness. In transitional employment, the provision of ongoing support services must include continuing sequential job placements until job permanency is achieved.
(5) Extended services are ongoing support and other appropriate services that are needed to support and maintain an individual with a most significant disability in supported employment after an individual has made the transition from support provided by the Commission. Such services are provided by a state agency, a private nonprofit organization, employer, or any other appropriate resource including natural supports. Extended services are not provided from funds received under the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program or Supported Employment Services Program.
(6) Supported employment services can be provided only in accordance with requirements for Order of Selection (OOS) and requirements for IPE, including an amended IPE.
Supported employment services are subject to determination of financial participation and consideration of any comparable benefit available to an individual to meet, in whole or in part, the cost of supported employment services.