Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 105 CMR 500.000 - Good Manufacturing Practices For Food
Supplemental Regulations for the Manufacture, Collection, Bottling, and Labeling of Bottled Water and Carbonated Non-alcoholic Beverages
Section 500.090 - General Requirements
Current through Register 1537, December 20, 2024
(A) No person within Massachusetts shall manufacture or bottle carbonated non-alcoholic beverages or bottled water, whether carbonated or non-carbonated, for human consumption without a license issued by the board of health or in violation of the terms of the license or any of the requirements specified in 105 CMR 500.000.
(B) No person engaged outside Massachusetts in the business of manufacturing or bottling carbonated non-alcoholic beverages or water, whether carbonated or non-carbonated, for human consumption shall sell any such product in Massachusetts without a license issued by the Department or in violation of the terms of the license or any of the requirements specified in 105 CMR 500.000.
(C) No person shall use water from a particular water source in bottling bottled water or carbonated non-alcoholic beverages unless that source and any treatment of that source have a current approval from the Department or the relevant out-of-state jurisdiction.
(D) No person shall sell or exchange, deliver, advertise, or offer for sale or exchange any bottled water or carbonated non-alcoholic beverage unless the manufacturer and bottler of such product hold a valid license from the board of health or the Department.
(E) All persons who manufacture or bottle bottled water, whether carbonated or non-carbonated, for human consumption shall comply with all applicable federal regulations, including but not limited to the following sections of the federal regulation 21 CFR Part 129: Processing and Bottling of Bottled Drinking Water:
(F) All persons who manufacture or bottle carbonated non-alcoholic beverages or bottled water, whether carbonated or non-carbonated, for human consumption shall comply with all applicable federal regulations, including but not limited to the following sections of federal regulation 21 CFR Part 165: Beverages:
(G) Multi-use Equipment. Water intended for bottling water or carbonated non-alcoholic beverages shall not be stored, transported, processed, or bottled through equipment or lines used for any dairy product, except that filling equipment may be used for dairy products in accordance with the following requirements.
(H) Ozone.
(I) Additional Labeling Requirements for Bottled Water. In addition to the labeling requirements of 105 CMR 500.006(A), all bottled water shall comply with the following labeling requirements.