Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 105 CMR 470.000 - Maintenance And Construction Of Lockup Facilities
Section 470.020 - Definitions
As used in 105 CMR 470.000 the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Cell means any room within a lockup used or intended to be used for forced detention of an adult for longer than eight hours until such time as s/he is released, bailed or arraigned. Cell shall also mean a juvenile detention room.
Cell block means the area(s) within the lockup facility designed for the custody of male, female, or juvenile detainees.
Commissioner means the Commissioner of the Department of Public Health or his/her designee.
Department means the Massachusetts Department of Public Health established pursuant to M.G.L. c.17.
Detainee means a person, having been arrested, or held in protective custody in a lockup. Such person has not been sentenced and is held in the lockup pending arraignment, release or transfer to another facility.
Easily cleanable means readily accessible and of such material and finish, and so fabricated, that residue may be completely removed by normal cleaning methods.
Holding cell means any room within a lockup used or intended for use for forced detention of an adult for not more than eight hours between the time s/he is brought to the facility and is booked or released.
Lockup means those facilities, or parts of facilities, within police station houses or sub-stations or elsewhere that are used for forced detention of individuals taken into custody by authorized law enforcement authorities.