Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 105 CMR 460.000 - Lead Poisoning Prevention And Control
Section 460.500 - Issuance of Official Reports
Code enforcement inspectors may conduct inspections, tests, sampling and measurements and issue official reports for the purpose of recording the presence or absence of lead hazards or other violations of 105 CMR 460.000. Code enforcement lead determination inspectors may conduct tests, sampling and measurements and issue official reports for the purpose of recording the presence or absence of lead violations as part of the lead determination enforcement procedure. Risk assessors may conduct inspections, tests, sampling, measurements and risk assessments, and issue official reports for the purpose of identifying the presence or absence of lead hazards or other violations of 105 CMR 460.000, as well as identifying and evaluating the urgent lead hazards in a dwelling unit or residential premises, and determining the interim controls necessary to address those hazards. In addition, laboratories with appropriate National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (NLLAP) certification, or which at minimum participate in the appropriate Environmental Lead Proficiency Analytical Testing (ELPAT) program may issue official reports recording the levels of lead in dust and paint, other coating, plaster or putty samples.