The admission, transfer and discharge of residents shall be in accordance with
written policies and procedures developed by each facility and acceptable to
the Department. Any restrictions, priorities or special admission criteria
shall be applied equally to all potential admissions. All facilities shall
comply with state and federal anti-discrimination laws and
(B) Facilities shall
admit and care for only those individuals in need of long-term care services
for whom they can provide care and services appropriate to the individual's
physical, emotional, behavioral, and social needs. Prior to admission, an
individual's needs shall be evaluated and alternative care plans considered.
This evaluation shall be a joint responsibility of the referring agency or
institution, the primary care provider and the receiving facility.
(1) Residents shall be admitted only on the
written order of the primary care provider, who designates the placement as
medically and socially appropriate.
(2) No facility shall admit a resident
without written consent of the individual or his or her guardian except in
(a) No SNCFC shall admit a
resident without written consent of the individual (if he or she is competent
to enter into such an agreement) or his or her parent or guardian (if he or she
is not) except in emergencies.
A SNCFC may provide respite services only after prior approval by the
Department and contingent upon submission of policies and procedures related to
respite care. The Department shall be duly notified in regard to any changes in
an approved respite service policy or in regard to the termination of a SNCFC
respite service.
(3) In
order to promote appropriate placements, facilities shall exchange information
on resources and services with other agencies and institutions providing health
care in their area.
Transfer of Information.
(1) Prior to or at the time of admission, a
health care referral form approved by the Department shall be completed for
each resident. Residents shall not be admitted without a completed referral
(2) A discharge summary or
complete medical evaluation sufficient to provide the care and services
required by the resident shall be made available to the receiving facility
either prior to or immediately following admission as specified in
105 CMR
(D) Level IV facilities designated
Community Support Facilities or admitting Community Support Residents shall
meet the following requirements.
(1) When a
resident who has been determined, following his or her consent and evaluation,
to be a Community Support Resident, is admitted to a Community Support
Facility, or to a Resident Care Facility (by waiver) a written agreement must
be signed between certain referring public or private agencies or institutions
and the accepting facility. All referring agencies which are also providers of
mental health or psychiatric services must agree in writing to provide or
arrange for the following services with another designated provider:
(a) Seven days per week, 24 hours per day
psychiatric consultation services.
(b) Mental health personnel who will be
available on a monthly basis to coordinate their efforts with Community Support
Facility staff or other involved professionals in development of the resident's
mental health treatment plan. These staff shall meet with other involved
professionals if the Coordinator feels it is required to assure coordination.
(c) Psychiatric monitoring of the
side effects of drug therapies. The psychiatrist from the referring agency or
hospital must consult, and meet if necessary, with other professional staff
involved in the development and implementation of the resident's mental health
treatment plan to coordinate such monitoring with the treatment plan.
Intervention. When the Administrator of the facility and the
social worker agree a mental health crisis exists, the referring agency,
hospital or designated provider must work with the facility staff in evaluation
and development of a planned response to the crisis.
On-site Crisis Intervention
and Emergency Services. In those cases where the referring agency
is either the Department of Mental Health or a provider of inpatient mental
health services, the following procedure must be followed:
1. If phone consultation is not adequate,
on-site evaluation should be provided to the rest home.
2. If the Administrator/Responsible Person,
in consultation with other staff including physician, psychiatrist and social
worker staff feels the crisis intervention services provided are not adequate
and an emergency exists but the referring agency does not agree, the referring
agency agrees to remove the client from the home, if the
Administrator/Responsible Person requests this, while an evaluation is
3. The
Administrator/Responsible Person agrees to arrange for this evaluation within a
period of three working days from the time the disagreement occurs.
4. Both parties agree to abide by the
decision of the evaluating clinician.
5. If the evaluating clinician finds that the
client may not return to the facility, the referring agency must arrange for
alternate placement within a reasonable time.
6. If the evaluating clinician finds the
client may return to the facility, the facility must readmit the
All of the services in 105 CMR 150.003(D)(1) must be available during the
12-month period following the first day of admission. Crisis Intervention and
Emergency services must be available for a three year period following the
first day of admission.
(a) No individual may
be placed in a Community Support Facility without the written consent of the
individual (if he or she is competent to give such consent) or the written
consent of his or her guardian (if he or she is not competent).
(b) No Community Support Facility shall admit
residents from Department of Mental Health facilities until the Community
Support Facility has received notice from the facility discharging the resident
that it has made a good faith effort to find the least restrictive setting that
can serve the client's needs.
(3) Long-term care facilities may not
administer electroconvulsive therapy on-site. Mental health residents in need
of such therapies shall be admitted or transferred to appropriate inpatient
acute or mental health facilities.
(4) Long-term care facilities may not use
aversive interventions.
Individuals whose primary diagnosis is substance use disorder shall not be
admitted to a facility for purposes of detoxification and shall be treated in
an appropriate outpatient, acute care or rehabilitation facility for
detoxification prior to admission to a long-term care facility.
Admission of
Residents Younger than 22 Years Old.
(1) Residents younger than 22 years old may
be admitted to a long-term care facility only after prior approval by the
Department's Medical Review Team (MRT).
The MRT must approve all requests for respite care of individuals younger than
22 years old at long-term care facilities. Such approval is contingent upon
reviewing assessments of the child's medical, nursing, social and developmental
(b) The MRT must approve all
admission requests for long-term residential care of individuals younger than
22 years old. Such approval is contingent upon reviewing assessments of the
child's medical, nursing, social and developmental needs and consideration
given to alternative placement.
An approval may be granted by the MRT, on a case by case basis, to permit
individuals who have resided in a pediatric nursing facility prior to their
22nd birthday to continue to reside at the facility
until a more appropriate alternative is available.
(2) Facilities seeking MRT approval for
admission of a child younger than 16 years old shall meet standards for SNCFC
105 CMR 150.000 that the
MRT deems relevant to caring for such child.
Admission of Residents with
Developmental Disability/Other Related Conditions (DD/ORC). No
facility certified to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs shall
admit a resident with DD/ORC with an anticipated length of stay of 30 days or
longer unless the facility has verified a Pre-admission Screening and Annual
Resident Review (PASARR) has been completed to determine whether admission is
appropriate and whether there is a need for a referral for a specialized
services assessment.
Transfer and Discharge.
(1) Facilities providing Level I, II or III
care shall enter into a written transfer agreement with one or more general
hospitals providing for the reasonable assurance of transfer and inpatient
hospital care for residents whenever such transfer is medically necessary. The
agreement shall provide for the transfer of acutely ill residents to the
hospital ensuring timely admission and provisions for continuity in the care
and the transfer of pertinent medical and other information.
(2) Facilities providing Level I, II or III
care shall designate a member of the permanent or consultant staff to be
responsible for transfer and discharge planning.
(3) If major changes occur in the physical or
mental condition of the resident requiring services not regularly provided to
the resident by the facility, arrangements shall be made by the primary care
provider and the facility to transfer the resident to a facility providing more
appropriate care.
(4) If in the
opinion of a facility a resident poses a danger to himself or herself or the
health and welfare of other residents or staff, the facility shall arrange for
transfer to a facility providing appropriate care.
(5) Except in an emergency, the facility
shall give at least 24 hours' notice of anticipated or impending transfer to
the receiving institution and shall assist in making arrangements for safe
(6) No resident
shall be transferred or discharged without the primary care provider's order
and notification to the resident or the resident's guardian and the resident's
emergency contact, except in the case of an emergency. The reason for transfer
or discharge shall be noted on the resident's clinical record.
(7) The following additional requirements
apply to the transfer and discharge of residents in Level IV facilities. For
the purposes of 105 CMR 150.003, any absence from the facility during which it
is anticipated the resident will or may return, will not be considered a
transfer or discharge.
(a) No resident shall
be discharged or transferred from a Level IV facility or unit without his or
her written consent or the written consent of the resident's guardian, solely
for the reason the facility in which the resident resides, has been designated
as a Community Support Facility or a non-Community Support Facility. The
consent shall be filed in the resident's record.
(b) For those discharges occuring on a
planned basis and exclude emergency discharges or unanticipated discharges
(which may occur because of a change in the resident's level of care while in
hospital), the following documentation is required:
1. the physician's and/or psychiatrist's
order that sets out the justification for the resident's transfer or
2. the notice given to
the resident or the resident's guardian by the facility of the anticipated
transfer or discharge. Said notice shall be given at least 30 days prior to the
anticipated date of discharge or transfer, and shall contain sufficient
explanation for the discharge or transfer, including the facility's plans and
procedures for the transfer or discharge. Such notice shall also state the
resident has the right to object to the facility to his or her transfer or
discharge. The reasons for such objections shall be noted in the resident's
3. the site to which the
resident is to be discharged or transferred;
4. all reasonable efforts have been taken by
the facility to provide counseling to the resident in order to prepare him or
her in adjusting to any transfer or discharge;
5. all reasonable precautions have been taken
to eliminate or reduce any harmful effects that may result from the transfer or
6. the resident's
consent was voluntary.
(c) In the event of an emergency transfer or
discharge, the facility shall, within 48 hours after such emergency discharge
or transfer, document in the resident's record the following:
1. the nature of the emergency;
2. the physician's and/or psychiatrist's
order that sets out the justification for the resident's emergency transfer or
3. the name of the
resident's emergency contact, and that such notification has been made within
24 hours of such transfer or discharge;
(8) A health care referral form approved by
the Department and other relevant information shall be sent to the receiving
(9) Death of resident.
(a) Each long-term care facility shall
develop specific procedures to be followed in the event of death.
(b) A physician shall be notified immediately
at the time of death. Death shall be pronounced within a reasonable time. The
deceased resident shall not be discharged from a facility until pronounced
(c) Provisions shall be made
so deceased residents are removed from rooms with other residents as soon as
(d) The deceased resident
shall be covered, transported and removed from the facility in a dignified
(10) All
facilities shall comply with
940 CMR
4.09: Discharge and
Transfers. In addition, all Level I, II and III facilities, as
applicable, shall comply with nursing home transfer and discharge regulations,
CMR 610.028 through
MassHealth Fair Hearing Rules, and federal regulations,
42 CFR