Responsible Physician
Reports: The Responsible Physician, or his or her designee, shall
maintain a recordkeeping system for each patient, with a record of the
mammography services the facility provides, including:
(1) The date the mammography procedure was
(2) The name, address,
and date of birth of the patient;
(3) A description of the procedures
(4) The name and
business address of the referring physician or other person to whom
mammogram(s) (images) are loaned or otherwise transferred on a temporary basis;
the date the mammograms are sent; and the date the mammograms are expected to
be retrieved by the mammography facility.
Interpreting Physician
Reports: The Interpreting Physician shall:
(1) Review the patient's previous mammograms,
when available, in the process of interpreting the current
(2) Prepare and sign
a written report on his or her interpretation of the mammogram(s);
(3) Provide a copy of the written report and
the images to the patient's mammography facility for inclusion in the patient's
medical record;
(4) Provide a
written statement to the patient, either through a referring physician or his
or her designate, or, if a referring physician is not available, directly to
the patient, by mail, secure electronic submission, or secure web-based access.
This statement:
(a) Shall be written in clear
plain language that a lay person can understand. The facility shall use
reasonable means to communicate the required information to patients who are
not proficient in reading English or are blind or visually impaired.
(b) Shall describe the test results and the
importance of mammography to the patient's ongoing health (including, if her
results suggest other than routine mammographic follow-up, a description of the
next steps), as well as the patient's responsibility to share with any new
physician or facility performing her next mammography procedure the date and
place of her previous mammography procedure;
(c) Shall record the following information:
1. Date of the procedure;
2. Name and address of the facility providing
the procedure;
3. Name of the
physician (if any) to whom the patient wants a copy to be sent; and
4. Indication that images are being provided
to the mammography facility for inclusion in the patient's medical
Communicate all reports that suggest other than routine mammographic follow-up
to the patient and/or the referring physician or his or her designated
representative by telephone, certified mail, or other means of communication in
such a manner that receipt is assured and documented;
(6) Provide written notification to a patient
if an interpreting physician determines, based on standards set by the American
College of Radiology, that the patient has dense breast tissue. This written
notification shall be in terms easily understood by a lay person and include,
at a minimum, the following information:
That the patient's mammogram shows dense breast tissue;
(b) That the degree of density is apparent
and an explanation of that degree of density;
(c) That dense breast tissue is common and
not abnormal but that dense breast tissue may increase the risk of breast
(d) That dense breast
tissue can make it more difficult to find cancer on a mammogram and that
additional testing may be needed for reliable breast cancer
(e) That additional
screening may be advisable and that the patient should discuss the results of
the mammogram with the patient's referring physician or primary care
(f) That the patient has
the right to discuss the results of the patient's mammogram with the
interpreting radiologist or the referring physician;
(g) That a report of the patient's mammogram
has been sent to the referring physician and will become part of the patient's
medical record; and
(h) Where the
patient can find additional information about dense breast tissue.
Questionnaire. Before the initial procedure at the facility, the
patient shall fill out a health questionnaire specific to breast cancer risk
factors. The questionnaire shall be placed in the patient's medical record at
the facility. The questionnaire shall require information on at least the
(1) Past history of breast
(2) Family history of
breast cancer;
(3) Age of onset of
menses and menopause;
(5) Surgery;
(6) Time and place of previous mammogram;
(7) Child bearing
Record Management.
(1) The facility shall develop and implement
policies and procedures for record management.
(2) All mammograms (images), reports and
other related patient medical records are confidential and shall not be
disclosed without the written authorization of the patient or his or her
representative except in response to a court order.
(1) All records
required under 105 CMR 127.020(A) and (B) must be retained in the patient's
permanent medical records at the mammography facility for a period of ten years
following the date of service or, for hospitals and clinics, the records
retention period specifies in M.G.L. c. 111, § 70; or
(2) Until such time as the patient should
request that the patient's medical records be forwarded to a medical
institution or a healthcare provider designated by the patient; and,
(3) If the facility should cease to operate
before the end of the ten year period, the records must be retained in a manner
which provides security and which permits former patients or their healthcare
provider access to them for the remainder of the ten year period.