Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Title 104 CMR 25.00 - Authority, Vision, Mission, Definitions and Computation of Time
Section 25.03 - Emancipated and Mature Minors
Throughout 104 CMR, there are instances where the rights of emancipated or mature minors may be relevant. 104 CMR does not attempt to identify them. However, where, by operation of law pursuant to M.G.L. c. 112, §§ 12E or 12F, a minor is an emancipated minor entitled to consent to drug or medical or dental treatment and has the capacity to do so, he or she shall be entitled to consent in the same manner as an adult. Further, a facility or program may determine, pursuant to applicable Massachusetts law, that a minor is a mature minor and is therefore able to provide consent to treatment and may decide, in certain circumstances, not to notify the parents. Such determinations should be made by facilities and programs in consultation with their legal counsel.