Code of Maine Rules
Section 255-1-3 - DEFINITIONS
Current through 2024-52, December 25, 2024
The following definitions are established for terms used in these rules:
A. "Agency" means any unit of State Government or local government, including any state board or commission, and the Legislature and its committees and subcommittees, but not including the judicial branch, the University of Maine System, the Maine Community College System and the Maine Maritime Academy. For local governments, this term includes a municipality, a quasi-municipal organization (such as a school administrative district, water or sewer district, etc.), an office of county government (such Register of Deeds, County Sheriff, etc.), and offices of District Attorney.
B. "Archives" means government records that have been determined by the State Archivist to have sufficient value to warrant their continued preservation and that are in the physical and legal custody of the Maine State Archives.
C. "Inspection" means the review of agency records, records management practices, and records management programs for the purpose of evaluating records management effectiveness and recommending means for the improvement of records management.
D. "Electronic Record" means a record whose content is not readable unless retrieved by means of an electronic device such as a computer or an audio or video player. An electronic record can be in a structured database or an individual file.
E. "Record" means all documentary material, regardless of media or characteristics, made or received and maintained by an agency in accordance with law or rule or in the transaction of its official business. This term shall not include extra copies of printed or processed material of which official or record copies have been retained, stocks of publications and processed documents intended for distribution or use, or records relating to personal matters that may have been kept in an office for convenience.
Record includes records of historic and archival value to the State, regardless of the date of their generation, including all documents determined to have such value to the State by statute and, when appropriate, by the State Archivist.
F. "Records creation" means any process that produces any recorded information necessary to conduct the business of an agency.
G. "Records disposition" means the (1) removal by an agency, (in accordance with approved records schedules) of records no longer necessary for the conduct of business by such agency, through removal methods which may include disposal of temporary records by destruction; transfer of records to an approved storage area or records center; and the transfer to the archives of records determined to have sufficient value to warrant continued preservation. (2) Transfer of records from one State agency to another State agency other than the Maine State Archives.
H. "Records maintenance and use" means any activity involved with respect to the (1) planning and establishment of methods for the location of records of an agency; (2) development and implementation of systems and procedures to facilitate the safeguarding, retrieval, and use of recorded information kept at file locations; and (3) the control of selection and use of equipment and supplies associated with records.
I. "Records management" means the application of management techniques: planning, creating policy, directing, organizing, training, and other managerial activities undertaken with respect to records creation, maintenance and use, retention, transfer, preservation and records disposition for the purpose of improving efficiency and productivity, and to make information accessible and cost effective.
Records Management includes: