It is a violation of the Maine Used Car Information Act, 10
M.R.S.A. §1475, for any dealer to fail to comply with the following
Duty. Before you offer a used vehicle for transfer or sale to a consumer
or another dealer, you must prepare, fill in as applicable and display on that
vehicle a "Buyer's Guide" as required by this Rule.
a Use a side window to display the form so
both sides of the form can be read, with the title "Buyer's Guide" facing to
the outside. You may remove a form temporarily from the window during any test
drive, but you must return it as soon as the test drive is over.
b The capitalization, punctuation and wording
of all items, headings and text on the form must be exactly as required by this
Rule. The entire form must be printed in 100% black ink on a white stock no
smaller that 12 1/2 inches high by 8 1/2 inches wide in the type
styles, sizes and format indicated in the sample form in Appendix D, with no
additions or deletions.
Directions for Filling Out Buyer's
Guide. When filling out this Buyer's Guide form, follow the directions
(a) through (m):
a Make, Model, Model Year,
VIN. Put the vehicle's name (for example, "Chevrolet"), model (for example,
Vega), model year and complete vehicle identification number (VIN) in the
spaces provided. You may write the dealer stock number in the space provided or
you may leave this space blank.
Prior Use. Enterthe principal manner that the vehicle was usedby the former
owner, such as personal transportation, police car, daily rental car, taxi or
other descriptive term.
Mechanical Defects. Enter a statement identifying any and all mechanical
defects known to you at the time of sale. You must make this disclosure even if
the defect has been fully repaired. A reconstructable vehicle must be disclosed
as an "unsafe vehicle".
d How
Acquired. Enter the type of sale by which you acquired the vehicle, such as
trade-in, sheriff's sale, repossession, dealer auction, out-of-state dealer
auction or other descriptive term.
e Substantial Damage. Enter a statement
identifying any and all substantial damage that the vehicle has sustained that
is known to you, including damage to the body or engine from collision, fire,
water or other causes. You must make this disclosure even if the damage has
been fully repaired.
f Warranty of
Inspectability. Except for reconstructable motor vehicles, clearly labeled as
an "Unsafe Motor Vehicle", you cannot sell or transfer a vehicle unless it
meets the State inspection standards and displays a valid inspection sticker
issued to your dealership during the last 60 days prior to the date of sale or
transfer. This box must be checked unless the vehicle is a reconstructable
motor vehicle. Neither you nor the buyer can reduce or negotiate away this
g No Express Warranty
Except That Vehicle Can Pass State Inspection. If you offer the vehicle without
any dealer express warranty, except the warranty that it can pass inspection,
check this box. If you offer the vehicle with a dealer express warranty or with
implied warranties, or with both, then check the appropriate boxes below this
section of the Buyer's Guide.
Dealer Express Warranty. If you offer the vehicle with an express warranty,
briefly describe the warranty terms in the space provided. This description
must include the following warranty information:
i Whether the warranty offered is "Full" or
"Limited". Mark the box next to the appropriate designation.
ii Which of the specific systems are covered
(for example, "engine, transmission, differential"). You cannot use shorthand,
such as "drive train" or "power train" for covered systems.
iii The duration (for example, "30 days or
1,000 miles, whichever occurs first"),
iv The percentage of the repair cost paid by
you (for example, "The dealer will pay 100% of the labor and 100% of the
v If you charge the
consumer a deductible for each repair, enterthe amount in the space provided
here or list separate deductibles on the "Duration" line.
vi If the vehicle is still under the
manufacturer's original warranty, you must add the following paragraph below
the "Full/Limited Warranty" disclosure: "MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY STILL APPLIES.
The manufacturer's original warranty has not expired on the vehicle. Consult
the manufacturer's warranty booklet for details as to warranty coverage,
service location, etc."
vii If,
following negotiations, you and the buyer agree to changes in the warranty
coverage, mark the changes on the form, as appropriate. If you first offer the
vehicle with an express warranty, but then sell it without one, cross out the
original warranty offer and mark the "No Express Warranty" box.
If your express warranty requires the consumer to pay a
deductible, enter the amount and terms on the line provided.
i Service Contracts. If you make a
service contract available on the vehicle, you must mark the box provided below
the warranty disclosure area.
Implied Warranties. In many cases you may disclaim the protection provided
consumers by the Maine implied warranty laws. These laws include the Warranty
of Merchantability (i.e., the vehicle is fit for the ordinary purposes for
which such vehicles are used) and the Warranty of Fitness (i.e., you know the
consumer is relying on your specific advice as to whether the car is fit for a
particular purpose). Assuming the car is still within its useful life and has
not been abused by its other owners, if you have not disclaimed implied
warranties (by checking the "No" box), you may be responsible for:
i repairing defects in materials or
workmanship that were not apparent when you sold the vehicle; or
ii for accepting back the car if it is not
fit for the specific purpose you advised it was suitable for.
However, pursuant to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (
U.S.C. §2301
et seq.),
under certain circumstances your right to limit implied warranties is not
absolute. For example, if you offer a dealer express warranty then you may only
limit implied warranties to the duration of the express warranty and if you
wish to so limit them you should check that box. Further, you may not disclaim
or limit implied warranties at all if you sell the customer a service contract
for the used car within 90 days of the sale of the car. For example, if you
sell the purchaser a service contract, you cannot disclaim implied warranties
and should not check the Implied Warranty "No" box.
k Important Information: Prior
Titled Owner's Name And Address Is Available From The Dealer Upon Request.
Maine law requires the dealer to promptly disclose upon request of any person
the name and address of the previous owner of the motor vehicle. The prior
owner's name and address as given on the title are public record and disclosure
does not violate privacy laws.
Vehicle Returned To Manufacturer. This vehicle has been the subject of a "Lemon
Law" complaint.If a used vehicle has been returned to a manufacturer because of
warranty defects, you must give consumers any details known to you.
m Complaints. In the space provided under
"Notice of Breach of Warranty" put the name, title and telephone number of the
person who should be contacted if any complaints arise after sale. If warranty
repairs are not to be performed at your dealership, you must put the name,
address and other identifying information of each facility within a radius of
50 miles of the dealer's place of business to which the vehicle may be brought
for repairs, replacement of parts and other service under the