(1) Each TANF/PaS recipient must be a U.S.
citizen or a "qualified alien," as defined in Section 431 of the
(PRWORA), as amended (codified at
8 U.S.C. §
1641) . Notwithstanding this section's
requirements, certain aliens may be eligible for the state-funded cash
assistance benefits program. See (b), below.
a) Noncitizens satisfy the eligibility
criteria of section (1) if they meet the requirements, or have been granted the
status, of one of the qualified alien categories in this subsection. A
noncitizen is a qualified alien if they are:
i. Veterans or active duty personnel, and
spouses and unmarried children thereof.
Lawfully residing in the U.S. and a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces with an
honorable discharge or on active duty, having completed basic training, in the
U.S. Armed Forces; or
b. Lawfully
residing in the U.S. and a spouse of someone meeting the requirements of (a),
above, or an unmarried child of someone meeting the requirements of (a), above,
who is, or could be, claimed as a dependent on that person's tax return, and
meets MaineCare requirements for a dependent -child.
ii. Legal permanent resident status (LPR)
granted under
Immigration and Naturalization Act ("INA"),
8 U.S.C. §
et seq. In general, a
legal permanent resident is not eligible for TANF/PaS until five years after
the date they obtained that status. There is no five-year waiting period if any
of the following conditions applies:
a. The
individual's date of entry to the U.S. is prior to August 22, 1996.
b. Prior to adjustment to legal resident
status, regardless of the LPR status-granted date, the noncitizen's status was
a Refugee under 8 U.S.C.
1157, an Asylee under
8 U.S.C. §
1158, a Deportee (deportation withheld) under
8 U.S.C. § 12453, an Amerasian immigrant, or a Cuban/Haitian entrant.
Noncitizens described in this subsection are eligible as a Refugee, Asylee,
Deportee (deportation withheld), Amerasian immigrant, or Cuban/Haitian entrant
(according to Medicaid State plan).
iii. Refugee status granted under §207
of the INA.
iv. Asylee status
granted under §208 of the INA.
v. Deportee status (deportation withheld)
granted under §243 (h) of the INA as in effect prior to April 1, 1997; or
§241 (b)(3) of the INA, as amended.
vi. Parolee status granted for at least a
year under §212 (d)(5) of the INA. Parolee status is subject to the
five-year waiting period beginning with the date the qualified alien obtained
qualified status. There is no five-year waiting period if the individual's date
of entry to the U.S. is prior to August 22, 1996.
vii. Conditional Entrant status granted under
§203 (a)(7) of the INA in effect before April 1, 1980. In general, a
Conditional Entrant is not eligible for TANF/PaS until five years after the
date they obtained that status. There is no five-year waiting period if the
individual's date of entry to the U.S. is prior to August 22, 1996.
viii. Battered noncitizens and their minor
child(ren), who meet the conditions set forth in §431 (c) of PRWORA as
amended (codified 8 U.S.C.
1641(c)) and;
a. Subject to the five-year waiting period
beginning with the date the qualified alien obtained qualified status unless
the individual's date of entry to the U.S. is prior to August 22, 1996,
b. While lawfully residing in
the U.S. the non-citizen or the minor child was battered or subjected to
extreme cruelty by a spouse, a parent, or a member of the spouse's or parent's
family residing in the same household as the non-citizen; and
c. The batterer no longer lives in the
Trafficking victim (TV) certified under Section 107 (b)(1) of the TV
Protection Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-386) .
x. Amerasian admitted to the U.S. pursuant to
Section 584 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related
Programs Appropriations Act, 1988 (P.L. 100-202) .
xi. Cuban or Haitian Entrant as defined in
Section 501 (e) of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of
1980 (P.L. 96-422) .
American Indian, with at least one-half American Indian blood, born in
xiii. American Indian who
is a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe under
25 U.S.C. §
450 b(e).
xiv. Iraqi Special Immigrant with the same
status as refugee, under 2009 Department of Defense bill
xv. Afghani Special Immigrant with the same
status as refugee, under 2009 Department of Defense bill