Current through 2024-52, December 25, 2024
Pursuant to
22 M.R.S.
§2660 - E(1), the Commissioner may
impose a fee upon each legal entity deemed a public water system in the State
for the purpose of retaining primacy. The Department will establish fee
formulas by rule, according to the Administrative Procedure
Act (APA). Pursuant to
22 M.R.S.
§2660-E, the Department shall consult
with and consider the advice of the Maine Public Drinking Water Commission (the
Commission) in preparing the rules. The rules issued by the Department shall
include the fee formulas and collection and transfer schedules developed by the
Commission. Revenues derived through such fee formulas shall be referred to as
Alternative Funding Mechanism (AFM) Fees. Further, pursuant to
22 M.R.S.
§2660-E revenues generated from
collection of these fees shall be used for the purpose of retaining primacy,
including the funding of Department positions as stated below.
Fee Formulas
1. Pursuant to
22 M.R.S.
§2660-E (Maine's
Water for Human
Consumption Act), the following AFM fee formula is established:
a. The AFM fee is equal to the base fee plus
the per capita rate multiplied by the population capacity minus the exempt
b. AFM Fee = Base Fee +
((per capita rate) x (population capacity) - (exempt population.))
c. The base fee assessed will not exceed
2. Pursuant to 22
M.R.S. Chapter 601 (Maine's
Water for Human Consumption Act),
the following bottled water facility and treated water vending machines AFM fee
formulas are established:
a. The fee schedule
for in-state water bottlers shall be based on gallons produced. (Bottler Size
Factor X Fee Rate per Bottler Size). The Drinking Water Commission and the
Department will set the Fee Rate per Bottler Size Factor annually.
b. The base fee assessed will not exceed
c. The fee schedule for
treated water vending machines shall be calculated at a rate of $10.00 per
machine, with a minimum fee of $50 per vendor and not to exceed a maximum of
$150. (Based Fee + (Per-machine Rate X Number of Machines).
d. Production reports are subject to annual
verification by the Department. Failure to comply may result in assessment of
the maximum bottled water fee.
Formula Parameters
1. The following parameters will be used to
determine and calculate the AFM fee for regulated public water systems:
a. The minimum fee will be equal to the base
b. The base fee will be no
more than $75 per year per public water system;
c. The Commission and the Department will
establish the per capita rate annually.
d. The population capacity will be based on,
but not limited to, the population served, service connections, volume of water
pumped or available seats, campsites, rooms or lots, and may include a fixed or
graduated fee formula or combinations of the fee formulas; and
e. An exempt population may be determined to
be part of the AFM and subtracted from the population capacity as determined by
the Commission and the Department annually pursuant to
22 M.R.S.
2. The following parameters shall be used to
determine and calculate the Bottled Water and Treated Water Vending Machines
AFM fee for regulated public water systems:
a. All in-state bottlers shall submit gallon
production reports for the year ending December 31st, and such reports are due
no later than March 1st.
b. The
production report, which will provide the number of gallons produced for the
sale of bottled water, shall be used to calculate the AFM fee.
c. Fees collected under this section cover a
one-year period beginning July 1 and shall coincide with the State fiscal
Fund Management
1. The Fund will
be managed within the following parameters:
The Public Drinking Water Fund is established as an interest-bearing dedicated
revenue account;
b. All interest
earned by the account becomes part of the fund;
c. All fees collected by the Commissioner
under this subchapter must be deposited into the fund;
d. Any balance remaining in the fund at the
end of the fiscal year does not lapse but is carried forward into subsequent
fiscal years; and
e. The Commission
may use the fund only to support the cost incurred by the Department in
managing the Fund, including the cost of salaries, benefits, travel, education,
technical assistance, capital equipment and other allowable expenses incurred
by the Department.
Collection and disposition of fees pursuant to
22 M.R.S.
a. All public water systems shall pay an
annual AFM fee.
b. Fees collected
under this section cover a one year period beginning July 1 and shall coincide
with the State fiscal year;
c. Fees
collected under this section are State fees;
d. Fees shall be collected by each public
water system in monthly, quarterly, or annual increments; and
e. The Department will establish schedules
for the collection and transfer of fees to the State with the advice of the
Alternative Funding Revenues to be
1. The fee structure shall
be sufficient to generate funds to support no more than 10 positions for a full
Collection and Remittance of Fees
1. Any legal entity assessed a total fee of
$500 or more may exercise the option of remitting the assessed fee on a
quarterly basis. Fees so remitted shall be due and payable July 1, October 1,
January 1, and April 1. Legal entities opting to remit on a quarterly basis
shall remit at least 25% of the total assessment each quarter. Fees shall be
deemed delinquent 30 days after the due date.
2. Any legal entity assessed a total fee of
$500 or more that opts not to pay fees on a quarterly basis shall pay fees to
the Department annually. Such fees shall be due and payable by July 1 of each
calendar year. Fees shall be deemed delinquent 30 days after the due
3. Any legal entity assessed
a total fee of less than $500 shall remit the assessed fee on an annual basis.
Fees remitted on an annual basis shall be due and payable July 1 and shall be
deemed delinquent 30 days after the due date.
4. Fees shall be made payable to the
Treasurer, State of Maine and pursuant to
22 M.R.S.
§2660-F shall be deposited in the Public
Drinking Water Fund.
Records Required
1. Records
documenting the collection and transfer of fees required in these rules shall
be retained by the owner or other duly authorized person. The records shall be
kept in-state and on-site of the public water system for a period of at least 5
years. If it is not possible to keep the records on-site, then the records must
be kept such that an appropriate person from the Department may inspect such
records upon request. Further, the records should be transferred to the new
owner with the sale of the public water system.
2. Records documenting the collection and
transfer of fees as required in these rules shall be made readily available by
the owner or other duly authorized person for inspection by appropriate
authorities at all times during normal business hours.
3. The Department will keep records
documenting the collection and transfer of all fees assessed for at least 5
to Remit Fees to the Department
1. The
Department may seek relief in a court of competent jurisdiction as provided in
22 M.R.S.
§§2617 through
or §
2660-G for
failure to remit fees in a timely manner.