Code of Maine Rules
Chapter 220 - Rules Relating to Radiation Protection
1. Definitions
A. As used in this Part D Appendix G, the following definitions apply:
(1) Activity, as it applies to reporting the radioactivity of waste requiring disposal, refers to the radioactivity of the waste at the time of disposal. If the State did not have access to a disposal facility for that year, the radioactivity of waste placed in storage for that year shall apply (this radioactivity may be calculated to December 31 of the appropriate calendar year).
(2) Generators of low-level radioactive waste or generators means any persons who produce or process waste, as defined in Part A, whether or not that waste is shipped off site.
(3) Minimization plan means the plan required of each licensee who generates waste requiring disposal, which identifies actions to allow for storage for decay of short-lived radioisotopes and actions to achieve source and volume minimization.
(3) Mixed waste means waste that also contain a hazardous component, regulated under subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
(4) Source minimization means minimizing the volume and curie content of waste prior to its generation by such methods as:
(1) avoiding unnecessary contamination of items during the use of radioactive materials;
(2) carefully segregating waste from non-radioactive trash;
(3) substituting non-radioactive isotopes or radioisotopes with shorter half-lives where practicable.
(5) Storage means the holding of waste for treatment or disposal.
(6) Storage for decay means a procedure in which waste that is authorized by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission to be stored at the site of generation for decay and ultimate disposal without regard to radioactivity.
(7) Volume, as it applies to reporting volumes of waste requiring disposal, refers to the required space for ultimate disposal at a waste disposal facility. If the State did not have access to a disposal facility for that year, the volume of waste to be disposed of that was placed in storage for that year shall apply.
(8) Volume minimization means treatment of waste after its generation in order to minimize the physical dimensions of the waste and the space required for disposal.
2. Low-level radioactive waste fund
A. An annual service fee and a compact fee assessment shall be billed by the Agency. These fees are pro-rated such that fifty percent of the fees is based on volume of waste generated and fifty percent is based on the activity of waste generated.
B. Exempted from the annual service fee of Part D. Appendix G.2.A. are the following:
(1) Waste that is authorized by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission for disposal without regard to radioactivity;
(2) Waste that is stored for decay;
(3) Radioactive waste or other material that is returned to vendor, including, but not limited to, sealed sources.
C. The annual service fee and compact fee assessment, as specified in Part D. Appendix G.2.A, are determined by data collected on the low-level radioactive waste surveys. These fees will be based on a pro-rata share of the previous years' waste generation.
D. Generators are subject to service fee assessments the year following a termination of their radioactive materials license.
3. Annual surveys of the low-level radioactive waste stream
A. Generators of low-level radioactive waste must annually file a low-level radioactive waste survey with the Agency.
B. The low-level radioactive waste survey will require information concerning the volume, activity, isotopic content, chemical form, physical state, packaging, storage for decay, and interim storage capacity of waste and mixed wastes.
C. Completed survey forms must be returned to the Agency within sixty days of the postmarked date.
D. Generators shall maintain copies of their survey forms for the preceding three calendar years.
4. Advance notification of transportation of low-level radioactive waste
A. The following reporting requirements are made in addition to the requirements of Parts D.38 and L.19.
B. Three working days prior to the transport of waste outside the confines of the generators' facility or other place of use or storage, or three working days prior to the delivery of any waste to a carrier for transport, each generator shall provide advance notification of such transport to the Agency.
C. Advance notification is required only for waste that is being shipped to a disposal facility.
D. The notification required by Part D Appendix G.4.C. shall contain the following information:
(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the shipper, carrier and receiver of the shipment;
(2) A description of the waste contained in the shipment as required by the regulations of the U. S. Department of Transportation, 49 CFR 172.202 and 172.203;
(3) The point of origin of the shipment;
(4) The destination of the shipment and the seven day period during which arrival of the shipment is estimated to occur;
(5) A point of contact with a telephone number for current shipment information
E. The notification required by Part D Appendix G.4. shall be made in writing to the Agency. A notification delivered by mail must be postmarked seven days prior to the date that the shipment is scheduled to occur. A notification delivered by telephone facsimile or messenger, must be delivered to the Agency at least three working days prior to the date that the shipment is scheduled to occur. A copy of the notification shall be retained by the licensee for one year.
5. Waste minimization
A. Generators who generate waste requiring disposal at a rate in excess of 100 cubic feet per calendar year, must submit a waste minimization plan to the Agency on a biennial basis. The plan must include:
(1) A description of the facility and the process or service that generates the waste.
(2) Identification and characterization of the waste streams that result from the process or service.
(3) Analysis of the technical characterization of the waste stream to determine the practicability of source minimization and volume minimization.
(4) Declaration of goals for waste minimization efforts and an analysis of the successfulness of the current waste minimization effort.
B. A detailed existing waste minimization plan may be submitted for Agency approval to meet the requirements of Part D Appendix G.5.A.
6. Packaging and waste form
Packaging and waste form of waste for disposal will comply with the requirements of the licensed or registered receiving radioactive waste site or authority.