Code of Maine Rules
Chapter III - Allowances for Services
Section 144-101-III-50 - Principles of Reimbursement for Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded
Subsection 144-101-III-50-7000 - PROSPECTIVE METHOD OF PAYMENT

Current through 2024-38, September 18, 2024

7010 Prospective Per Diem Rate

7011 Intermediate Care Facilities for Mentally Retarded will be reimbursed for services provided to a member under MaineCare based on a rate that the Department establishes on a prospective basis. In establishing the prospective rate, the Department will determine what costs are reasonable and necessary to provide the services.

7012 Definitions

7012.1 Per Diem Rate means total allowable costs divided by days of care. The prospective per diem rate, multiplied by days of care for MaineCare members, will determine reimbursement.

7012.2 Days of Care means total number of actual days of care provided whether or not payment is received, and the number of any other days for which payment is made. (Note: Bed hold days and discharge days are included only if payment is received for these days.)

7020 Establishment of Prospective Per Diem Rate

7021 For payment periods beginning on or after July 1, 2006, the Department will establish an interim and prospective per diem rate to be paid to each facility throughout its fiscal year. The prospective rate shall consist of three (3) components: the fixed cost component as defined in Principle 3000; the variable cost component as defined in Principle 4000; and the reasonable cost of employee wages, salaries, and benefits as defined in Principle 6000.

7021.1 The fixed cost rate is based on the last audited cost report.

7021.2 The variable cost rate is based on the base year's variable rate inflated for the applicable fiscal year end.

7021.3 The labor cost rate is based on the last audited labor cost rate inflated for the applicable fiscal year end.

7021.4 Each facility's base year shall be its fiscal year ending in 2004. For any facility sold after December 31, 2003 the variable rate will be determined from the base year of the seller. Costs approved through the certificate of need review shall determine the base year for new facilities. The base year may be adjusted to include directors' and officers' liability insurance costs in these base year costs.

7021.1 Central office costs as set forth in Section 4114.1 are to be considered part of the variable costs component.

For the first rate set by these Principles, an adjustment to the prospective variable component will be made to transfer allowable FY 2004 central office fixed costs to variable costs.

When a central office bookkeeping system is set up, salary costs will be removed from retrospective reimbursement and will be transferred to the variable cost component.

7022 Example of how the first prospective rate will be set. The following example is intended to show the methodology only and does not use actual inflation factor percentages.

Example: A new rate letter effective July 1, 2006 through fiscal year ended June 30, 2007 would be based on:

Rate Components: Rate source: last audited cost report or 06/30/04 Inflation factor To FY 2005 Inflation factor To FY 2006 Inflation factor To FY 2007 06/30/07
Fixed rate - including fixed central office costs (source last audited cost report- say FY 2004) $30.00
Less: fixed portion of central office costs FY 2004 Fixed rate net of fixed portion of central office costs FY 2004 ($2.50) $27.50 $27.50
Prospective variable rate without fixed portion of central office costs (source FYE 06/30/04) $50.00
Plus: fixed portion of central office costs FY 2004 Prospective variable rate with fixed portion of central $2.50
office costs (source FYE 06/30/04) $52.50 2 % 2 % 2 % $55.71
($52.50 x 1.02 x 1.02 x 1.02 = $55.71)
Labor rate (source last audited cost report-say FY 2004) $200.00 3 % 3 % 3 % $218.55
($200.00 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 = $218.55)
$280.00 $301.76

7030 Subsequent Prospective Interim Rates

7031 The Department will assign an interim prospective rate at least fifteen (15) days prior to the commencement of a facility's fiscal year or immediately following the availability of the inflationary information which will take effect for all services rendered on or after the first day of that fiscal year.

The subsequent rate will be calculated as follows:

A. The fixed cost component of the rate will be based on the last completed MaineCare audit.

B. The variable cost component of the rate will be based on the variable cost component from the previous rate letter inflated to the provider's current year end.

C. The labor cost component will be from the last audited cost report or FY 2004 (which ever is later) inflated to the provider's fiscal year end.

7032 Example of subsequent rate calculation

Example: A new rate letter effective July 1, 2007 through fiscal year ended June 30, 2008 would be based on:

Rate components: Rate source: last audited cost report or 06/30/04 or FY 07 rate letter Inflation factor To FY 2008 06/30/08
Fixed rate - including fixed central office costs (source last audited cost report- say FY 05) $32.00
Less: fixed portion of central office costs FY 05 ($3.00)
Fixed rate net of fixed portion of central office costs FY 05 $29.00 $29.00
Prospective variable rate with fixed portion of central office costs (source FYE 06/30/04 plus inflation to FY 07) $54.62 2 % $55.71
Labor rate (source last audited cost report-say FY 05 plus inflation through FY 07) $210.00 ($54.62 x 1.02 = $55.71) 3 % $216.30
( $210.00 x 1.03 = $216.30)
$293.62 $301.01

7033 Interim Adjustments to the Prospective Rate

A facility may request an adjustment to its interim prospective rate, not to exceed actual costs of employee wages, salaries, and benefits for a current twelve (12) month period. In order to receive an adjustment to the interim prospective rate a facility must submit documentation of actual cost adjusting for the changes described in these rules. At the time of audit, the Department will determine actual allowable costs and will determine the final settlement based on the actual allowable costs.

A facility may request an interim adjustment as described above only once, unless it can demonstrate extreme hardship. Such an adjustment based on extreme hardship will be granted no more often than once every six (6) months. Facilities must submit documentation to the Office of Audit when applying for an interim adjustment.

7036 Inflation Adjustment. The "Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Nursing Home Without Capital Market Basket" forecasts published quarterly by Global Insight in the Health-Care Cost Review will be used to determine the expected increases in the cost of the goods and services which must be purchased by Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded. In computing the labor cost component and variable cost component of each facility's prospective rate, the base rate of each facility whose fiscal year ends during a given calendar quarter will be adjusted to reflect the forecasted change in the market basket of facilities whose fiscal year ends in the same quarter of the following year. The most recent forecast prior to the beginning of a quarter will be used to determine the inflation projection for facilities with a fiscal year ending in that quarter.

7040 [Reserved]

7050 [Reserved]

7060 [Reserved]

7070 Final Audit of First and Subsequent Prospective Years

7071 Principle

All facilities will be required to submit a cost report at the end of their fiscal year on cost report forms provided by the Department. The Department will conduct a final audit of each facility's cost report that may consist of a full scope examination by Department.

Upon final audit of a facility's cost report for the first and subsequent prospective years, the Department will:

7071.1 determine the actual allowable labor costs incurred by the facility. The allowable labor costs cannot include hours that exceed the approved staffing pattern. The total allowable labor component dollars are divided by total days to determine the labor component rate.

7071.2 determine the actual allowable variable costs incurred by the facility. The total allowable variable component dollars are divided by total days to determine the variable component rate. Facilities that incur variable costs during their fiscal year that exceed the amount paid through the prospective rate, will be reimbursed nor more than the amount allowed by the prospective rate.

7071.3 determine the actual allowable fixed costs incurred by the facility. The total allowable fixed component dollars are divided by total days to determine the fixed component rate.

7071.4 calculate a final prospective rate. This is the sum of the three components.

7071.5 calculate any overpayments or underpayments made by the Department based on the above determinations.

7072 [Reserved]

7073 [Reserved]

7074 Incentive Payments

ICFs-MR that operate in an efficient and economical manner, and thereby limit their variable costs during their fiscal year to less than the amounts paid through the variable cost component of the final prospective rate, will share with the Department in the resulting savings. Eligible ICFs-MR will receive an incentive payment after final audit in an amount equal to fifty percent (50 %) of the variable cost savings.

The amount of the incentive payment will be determined upon final audit and will be calculated in the determination of any overpayments or underpayments made by the Department.

ICFs-MR that incur variable costs during their fiscal year in excess of or equal to the variable cost component of the prospective rate will receive no more than the amount allowed by the prospective rate.

Example: Facility A's final prospective rate included a variable cost component of $34.56. During the year, it actually incurs an allowable variable cost per day of $34.00. Ninety percent (90%) of the 29,200 days of care provided (or 26,280 days of care) were provided to MaineCare members. The difference ($34.56 - $34.00 x 26,280 = $14,717) will be the savings that Facility A and the Department will share. Facility A will retain $7,358.50 (.50 x $14,717) and the Department will retain $7,358.50 (.50 x $14,717) in savings.

7074.1 Exception to Incentive Payment

If the Department issues a conditional or temporary license or formally notifies an ICF-MR that it must immediately correct its deficiencies, the ICF-MR will be ineligible to receive an "incentive payment" for the fiscal year in which the deficiency notice, conditional or temporary license was issued, and for any fiscal year in which it has not cured the deficiency to the satisfaction of the Department.

7075 [Reserved]

7076 Calculation of Overpayments and Underpayments

Upon determination of final prospective rate, the Department will calculate the net amount of any overpayments or underpayments made to the facility.

If the Department determines that it has underpaid a facility, it will estimate the amount due and forward the result to the facility within thirty (30) days.

If the Department determines that it has overpaid a facility, the Department will notify the facility pursuant to Title 22, Section 1714-A(3). Facilities will pay the total overpayment within sixty (60) days of the notice of overpayment or request the Department to reduce future payments to the facility. Facilities that do not notify the Department of the method by which they intend to repay the overpayment will, beginning sixty (60) days after their receipt of the notice of overpayment, have their subsequent payments from the Department reduced by the amount of the overpayment, pursuant to state and federal rules and regulations.

If a facility appeals a determination of overpayment, the facility may voluntarily repay within sixty (60) days of the notice of overpayment all portions of the determined overpayment except those that are expressly disputed and for which specific dollar values are identified. Repayment of each such specifically disputed portion and identified amount shall be stayed pending resolution of the dispute with respect thereto. The amount of money in dispute must be identified in the manner outlined in Section 8010.

7080 Changes in Staffing

7080.1 In the event that a facility believes that the need of the residents it serves have increased or decreased considerably and, consequently, that an increase or decrease in the number of full time equivalent staff it employs is warranted, it may request the DHHS, Integrated Services, Office of Adults with Cognitive and Physical Disability Services to conduct an audit of its residents and their needs.

7080.2 The Office of Adults with Cognitive and Physical Disability Services will notify the Office of Audit when staffing change has been approved.

7080.3 The cost associated with any additional personnel approved by the Department will be incorporated into the facility's interim adjustment rate of reimbursement. The facility must notify the Office of Audit when the approved position has been filled.

7080.4 The facility will be responsible for maintaining appropriate records that the Department can audit to demonstrate the need for changes in staffing (either increases or decreases) based on the needs and changes in needs of its residents.

7080.5 If the Department determines that the needs of the residents are not adequately met, it may order the facility to retain the additional personnel needed to do so.

7080.6 If the Department determines that the number of staff in the facility is greater than the number required to adequately serve the needs of its residents, it may adjust the facility's approved staffing pattern and its prospective rate. Any such adjustment made will not be applied on a retroactive basis; but instead will be applied as of the effective date of the adjustment.

7090 [Reserved]

7095 Certified Nursing Assistant Training (CNA)

7095.1 The reasonable and necessary cost of certified nursing assistant training programs necessary for providing proper training to qualify individuals as certified nursing assistants is reimbursable under MaineCare. These programs must be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Maine Board of Nursing for education programs for nursing assistants. These programs must be conducted within a licensed Nursing Facility or Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded within the State of Maine or under contract with an educational institute where the classroom instruction is provided in the educational facility, but the supervised clinical experience must be within the licensed ICF-MR receiving reimbursement under this Section.

7095.21 Allowable Programs. All CNA programs must be approved by the Department of Education in order for a facility to be reimbursed for a CNA training program. The Department will reimburse for the number of courses needed to meet the facility's needs, or the needs of a group of facilities on a prorated basis, which is expected to be no more than three (3) CNA courses per year, unless it is found that three (3) courses are not enough to meet the facility's needs. However, costs for classes of four (4) or fewer students will be allowed no more than twice a year.

7095.22 Allowable Costs
a) qualified instructor for classroom instruction and clinical instruction, not to exceed one hundred-fifty (150) hours.

b) instructor preparation time, not to exceed fifteen (15) hours.

c) additional clinical instructor time when number of students in the program exceeds ten (10).

d) one (1) "Train the Trainer Program" per facility per year.

e) training materials, books and supplies necessary for providing the CNA program.

f) liability insurance.

g) competency examinations, if Department of Education no longer provides the competency examinations.

h) administrative overhead expenses shall be limited to ten percent (10%) of the total allowable CNA training budget.

The cost per student cannot exceed the cost of tuition in a program offered through the Department of Education. If it is determined that any of the CNA training programs offered by a facility have not met or do not presently meet the requirements of the Maine Board of Nursing or are not an approved program through the Department of Education and the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, the Department will initiate action to recoup all reimbursement.

All income received from these programs must be used to reduce the overall cost of the services.

7095.23. In order for a facility to be reimbursed for conducting an approved CNA training program, the facility must submit a formal request for reimbursement to the Director of the Office of MaineCare Services, 11 State House Station, Augusta, Maine, 04333-0011. All requests must be received by the Department before the end of the facility's current fiscal year in which the CNA program began.

Any request that is not received before the end of the facility's current fiscal year in which the CNA program begins will not be considered as an allowable cost under MaineCare.

All requests must include:

a) A completed schedule "Request for Budget Approval" available from the Office of MaineCare Services.

b) Copies of the letters of intent to employ for non-employees participating in the training program.

c) Copy of the Department of Education "Notice of Status" letter.

The Department will reimburse the facility its fair share of allowable CNA training program costs based upon the number of MaineCare residents at the facility. The allowable cost of approved CNA training programs at the facility will not be included in the calculation of the facility's prospective rate, but will be reimbursed in a lump sum payment upon approval by the Office of MaineCare Services.

7095.24 The Office of Audit will audit all CNA training costs at the time of the facility's final audit. The facility must maintain accurate records of CNA training programs conducted.

7100 New Facilities

At the start of participation in the program, available historical data relating to a provider's costs will be received by the State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services and an interim prospective payment rate will be established for such provider. This rate will be based on the rate approved by the Department in accordance with the provisions of the Maine Certificate of Need Act. The rate approved by the Department in accordance with the provisions of the Maine Certificate of Need Act for a facility's first year of operation will be adjusted at the time the facility opens to reflect actual inflation since the approval of the Certificate of Need. The facility's second year prospective rate will be based on the second year projected rate approved under the Maine Certificate of Need Act adjusted for actual inflation since the approval of the Certificate of Need The third fiscal period and subsequent periods will be based on the second fiscal period of operation. The second fiscal period of operation will be used as a "base year" going forward, unless the Department determines there is a need to rebase.

7150 Transfer of Ownership

In the case of a sale of a facility, the Department will review the new owner's Certificate of Need application and evaluate the appropriateness and reasonableness of the capital related costs as well as operating costs. The Department will establish a prospective rate for the new owner of the facility based on its analysis under the Certificate of Need process.

7200 Extraordinary Circumstances Allowance

Facilities that experience unforeseen and uncontrollable events during a year that result in unforeseen or uncontrollable increases in expenses, may request an adjustment to a prospective rate in the form of an extraordinary circumstance allowance. Extraordinary circumstances include, but are not limited to:

a) events of a catastrophic nature (fire, flood, etc.),

b) unforeseen minimum wage or Social Security increases,

c) changes in licensure or accreditation requirements.

If the Department concludes that an extraordinary circumstance existed, an adjustment will be made by the Department in the form of a supplemental allowance.

The Department will determine from the nature of the extraordinary circumstance whether it would have a continuing impact and therefore whether the allowance should be included in the computation of the base rate for the succeeding year.

7210 All funds granted under this section are considered a supplemental allowance and as such any funds not expended for the purpose for which granted will be recouped in future audits.

7300 [Reserved]

7400 [Reserved]

7500 [Reserved]

7600 Adjustments for Appeal Decisions

The Department will adjust any interim or final prospective rate to reflect appeal decisions made subsequent to the establishment of those rates.

7700 [Reserved]

7800 [Reserved]

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