Code of Maine Rules
Chapter II - Specific Policies By Service
Section 144-101-II-96 - Private Duty Nursing and Personal Care Services
Subsection 144-101-II-96.07 - POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
Current through 2024-38, September 18, 2024
96.07-1 Eligibility Determination
Applicants for services under this Section must meet the eligibility requirements set forth in Section 96.02. An eligibility assessment, using the Department's approved MED assessment form, shall be conducted by the Department, the ASA, or the PDN provider, as applicable.
Eligibility for individuals under the age of 21, and for medication services or venipuncture services, and excluding all seeking services under the family provider services option, shall be determined by the PDN provider, in accordance with the requirements of Section 96.02 and the MED form.
These services require prior approval by the Department. All other PDN/PCS services, for Members age 21 and over, and those requesting services under the family provider service option, require eligibility determination and prior approval by the ASA.
Applicants ages 18 and over who meet the NF medical eligibility criteria also qualify for Home and Community Benefits. These benefits may provide a greater array and quantity of services than otherwise available under this Section 96; therefore, applicants must be assessed to determine whether they qualify for NF level of care.
Members are prohibited from receiving Home and Community Benefits and services under this Section simultaneously, except as described in Section 96.05(L).
96.07-2 Redetermination of Eligibility
For Members under the age of 21, as well as Members classified for venipuncture services and medication services, but excluding those receiving care under the family provider service option, the MED assessment tool shall be submitted to MaineCare Services, Quality Improvement Division within 72 hours of completion of the MED form, for initial assessments or reassessments. MaineCare payment ends with the reassessment date, also known as the eligibility end date.
96.07-3 Family Provider Service Option. All requirements of Section 96 apply to the family provider service option unless exempted specifically in this sub-Section, or elsewhere in this Section. This option allows, under certain conditions specified below, a MaineCare Member (or a family Member on his or her behalf,) to solely manage the Member's authorized personal support services, if the Member (or a family Member,) is a family provider agency. The management of the personal support services includes: hiring, firing, training, maintaining records and scheduling the PSS(s). This service option is not available to those Members who receive services based on Level IX eligibility criteria.
96.07-4 Discharge Notification
Effective January 1, 2020, providers of Private Duty Nursing Services and Personal Care Services must comply with the Maine DHHS Electronic Visit Verification ("EVV") system for standards and requirements. In compliance with Section 12006 of the 21st Century CURES Act ( P.L. 114-255), as codified in 42 U.S.C. § 1396b(l)(1), visits conducted as part of such services must be electronically verified with respect to: the type of service performed; the individual receiving the service; the date of the service; the location of the service delivery; the individual providing the service; and the time the service begins and ends. Providers may utilize the Maine DHHS EVV system at no cost, or may procure and utilize their own EVV system, so long as data from the provider-owned system can be accepted and integrated with the Maine DHHS EVV system and is otherwise compatible. Private Duty Nursing Level IX, care coordination, and skills training services are exempt from EVV compliance.
96.07-6 Professional and Other Qualified Staff
All professional staff must be conditionally, temporarily, or fully licensed as documented by written evidence from the appropriate governing body. All professional staff must provide services only to the extent permitted by qualified professional staff licensure. Services provided by the following staff are reimbursable under this Section.
A registered professional nurse employed directly or through a contractual relationship with a home health agency or acting as an individual practitioner may provide private duty nursing services by virtue of possession of a current license to practice their health care discipline in the state in which the services are performed.
A registered professional nurse that is licensed by the state or province in which services are provided and has met requirements for approval to practice as an advanced practice psychiatric nurse or is certified as a psychiatric and mental health nurse by the appropriate national accrediting body.
A licensed practical nurse employed directly by or through a contractual relationship with a licensed home health agency may provide private duty nursing services by virtue of possession of a current license to practice their health care discipline in the state in which the services are performed provided they are supervised by a registered professional nurse.
Any home health aide employed directly by, or acting under a contractual relationship with, a licensed home health agency must have satisfactorily completed training for certified nurse assistants consistent with the rules and regulations of the Maine State Board of Nursing. Home health aides employed by a home health agency must also have satisfactorily completed an agency orientation as defined by the Regulations governing the Licensing and Functioning of Home Health Care Services and be listed on the Maine Registry of Certified Nursing Assistants and Direct Care Workers. The HHA must meet all applicable state laws and regulations as are currently in effect.
A CNA employed by, or acting under a contractual relationship with, a licensed home health agency must have satisfactorily completed training for certified nurse assistants consistent with, and receive supervision consistent with, the Rules and Regulations of the Maine State Board of Nursing and be listed on the Maine Registry of Certified Nursing Assistants and Direct Care Workers registry. The CNA must meet all applicable state laws and regulations as are currently in effect.
A CNA who meets the requirements in Section 96.06-4(E) above and has satisfactorily completed a Department-approved medication course for Certified Nursing Assistants, consistent with the Rules and Regulations of the Maine State Board of Nursing and be listed on the Maine Registry of Certified Nursing Assistants and Direct Care Workers.
A PSS must be employed by, or acting under a contractual relationship with a licensed home health agency, registered personal care agency, or licensed assisted living agency, as defined in § 96.01-28, under contract with Office of Aging and Disability Services. The following requirements must be met:
For purposes of this subsection, the Fiscal Intermediary acts as an entity of the employer in accordance with Federal Internal Revenue Service Codes and procedures in matters related to the employment of support workers and purchases of other support services or goods. The Fiscal Intermediary Entity has an established contract with the Department, but is not a billable service under this Section. The use of a FI is required under the family provider service option.
96.07-7 Member's Records
There shall be a specific record for each Member which shall include the following:
For all Members age 21 and over, excluding those eligible for medication services or venipuncture services, and for those Members under age 21 receiving care under the family provider service option, the Assessing Services Agency has the authority to determine and authorize the plan of care.
The licensed home health agency provider or independent contractor shall obtain the signature of the physician at least every 62 days on the nursing plan of care and on the physician's orders for nursing treatments and procedures, medications, medical treatment plan, and the frequency and level of personal care services. (The physician orders and nursing plan of care may be combined into one document.) These shall be made available to the Department or its Authorized Entity upon request. Covered services must be authorized by the Department or the ASA. Content of the nursing treatment plan must include the following information:
96.07-8 Program Integrity
All providers are subject to the Department's Program Integrity activities. Refer to Chapter I, "General Administrative Policies and Procedures", for rules governing these functions.
96.07-9 Member Appeals
A Member or applicant has the right to appeal in writing or verbally any decision made by the Department or its Authorized Entity, to reduce, deny or terminate services provided under this benefit. In order for a Member's services to continue during the appeal process, a request must be received by the Department within 10 days of the notice to reduce or terminate services. Otherwise, an individual has 60 days in which to appeal a decision. Members or applicants shall be informed of their right to request an Administrative Hearing in accordance with this Section and Chapter I of this Manual.
Office of Aging and Disability Services
c/o Hearings
11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0011
MaineCare Services
Department of Health and Human Services
11 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0011
For the purposes of determining when a hearing was requested, the date of the fair hearing request shall be the date on which the Director receives the request for a hearing. The date a verbal request for a fair hearing is made is considered the date of the request for the hearing. MaineCare Services may also request that a verbal request for an administrative hearing be followed up in writing, but may not delay or deny a request on the basis that a written follow-up has not been received.